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The tv was on a low hum as the Mario cart music continued to play the winning screen. Reki had his face buried into his boyfriend's chest, taking in his nice minty scent. Langa had his face buried in the red locks of his lover, smiling.

Langa couldn't get over the way his heart fluttered when he was with Reki. He loved him so much, no words or touch can express it.


Langa was met with the shiny amber eyes of his beloved. He tilted his head to the side a little, brushing a few strands of rekis hair behind his ear. "Yes baby?" He tried out a new pet name, he cringed at himself a little bit but Reki seemed to like it.

Reki ignored the furious burning creeping up his neck and spilling to his cheeks and kissed his boyfriends nose. "I have something for you!" He smiled and he shifted his body away from Langas embrace.

Langa sat up and watched as the red head grabbed something out of his bag. It was a small blue box along with it was a small receipt but Reki shoved that back into his bag. "Here." He handed the box over to the curious Langa sitting in front of him.

Langa hesitantly took the box while staring at Reki nervously. "Should I be worried?"

Reki laughed a little and pushed him to open it. "Just open it!!" He bounced excitedly, watching his boyfriend slowly open the box.

"Is this- Reki we are to young to get married!"

The red heads face turned as red as his hair as he mentally slapped himself. "Idiot! They are promise rings! You're so clueless sometimes I swear.." he took one of the rings and grabbed Langas hand, sliding it onto his finger. "See? These are to promise that we will be together and happy infinitely!" Reki kissed his hand.

Langa nodded as he looked at the shiny gold ring on his finger. He took out the other ring and took Rekis hand in his, doing the same and putting the ring on his finger.

"I promise that I'll always be by your side and love you forever!" Reki hugged Langas neck and kissed his nose. Langa wrapped his arms around the boys waist, sliding him into his lap again. "And I promise that I'll never leave you and give you all my love." Langa gave reki and short kiss before hearing his mom come upstairs and knock on his door.

Reki quickly jumped off of Langas lap and sat next to him. "Come in" Langa called as his mother slowly opened the door. "I'm not interrupting anything?"

"No mom you're fine" Langa gave her a small smile.

"Good, Dinner is ready if you're hungry. No rush! Also I was talking to your mom on the phone earlier, she said you can stay the night if you would like. She's a very nice young lady."

"Okay! Thank you Mrs. Hasegawa!" Reki beamed, clutching his boyfriends arm. "Of course, and please it's Nanako"


After Langas mom left the room Reki gave Langa a kiss on the cheek before running downstairs. "Cmon I'm hungry!" He called back, waiting downstairs for a few seconds before seeing Langa step out of his room.

He rushed to the kitchen and looked at the food Nanako prepared. She always prepared the best food and Reki was excited to eat.

"That looks good." Langa hugged Rekis waist, placing his head on his shoulder. "Doesn't it.." Rekis eyes sparkled at his plate, it was a Canadian dish Hes tried once before, Tourtière.

(Please it's so good- I would eat that for every meal for the rest of my life 😫)

"I wasn't talking about the food" Langa teased, gently kissing his lovers neck.

Rekis face began to burn for the 4958283th time today. He turned to his affectionate blue haired boy and frowned. "You're just trying to make me flustered. It's not working." He huffed, taking a bite out of his food.

"You're face says different." He ran a hand up Rekis shirt, causing him to almost choke on his food. "Langa!"

"Boys?" Nanako peeked into the kitchen, worried someone was dying. Reki was red all over and Langa was still latched onto his lover. "Langa stop trying to murder poor Reki" she couldn't help but let a small giggle slip.

Langa slowly pulled away from Reki and grabbed himself a plate of food. "Yes ma'am" he leaned against the counter with a plate of food, glancing over at the embarrassed Reki, who was trying to enjoy his dinner.

Langas mom went back to the living room and continued her show she was watching and the boys ate in a comfortable silence. Langa couldn't stop staring at the ring on his finger. It felt weird to have something there. He kept staring at it and playing with it.

"What are you doing, snow"

Langa perked up. 'Snow' was his skater name but when Reki said it, it sounded special. He liked it.

"Call me that again" Langas eyes began to shine, shifting his attention to Reki.

"Call you what? snow?" Reki scratched his head, confused on why it got Langa excited.


Reki laughed a little and wrapped his arms around Langas neck, pecking his lips. "Snow~"

"I like that one"

"You like the nickname snow? That's your skating name though."

"When you say it..it feels different."

"Okay silly"





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