Piece by Piece (I Am Frankie Fanfiction)

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From Nickelodeon comes the show's season 3 of I Am Frankie, but is gonna be known as Piece by Piece made by me and the shows writers: After Frankie and the crew put on their performance Bae Of Frankenstein put on by the one and only Zane Markosian, they've reached their now final semester of high school, while this goes on Frankie starts to developing more human like symptoms and human interactions while also trying to stay under Tammy way of course. But what comes next is what nobody is in stored for, as you will find out who Simone is working for, if any old students make an appearance, or even a new droid, I mean new guy. Stay tune for Piece by Piece; My Version of I am Frankie Season 3. Which will be split into two parts with the total of 26 episodes. As the first half of the thirteen episodes will come soon.

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