Ranger Swap

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When Kendall and the remaining dino charge rangers go to Zandar for 5 months, Kendall goes with Sir Ivan to his castle to meet up with the Princess of Zonlai named Taylor and she lives in the kingdom next to Zandar. But little did each know is that Kendall  looks identical to Taylor but opposite personalities.

Taylor - gentle, sweet, freaks out easily, makes too many mistakes, and can see very little (forgets to put contacts in)

Kendall - leader, strong, confident, willing, genius, and has excellent vision.

"Will Sir Ivan come to Zolani?" Said Taylor to her soon to be husband named Colin. He held her hand and said "Well I need to go to Amber Beach to give him the invitation to our wedding first..", "Right.." Taylor sighed a little, "Don't worry I'll be back in the dawn of morning." He kissed her lips as she felt zero sparks, she waved him goodbye as he rode off in a limo. Back in Amber beach after the defeat of Heximas and the rangers returning to normal lives there Ivan stood back from returning to Zandar. And decided to keep working at the museum teaching about his life as the knight that protected Prince Colin. Currently Prince Colin was all grown up and learned about where his fellow friend Ivan was, he had been on a plane to Amber beach. He wanted to inform him about his engagement to Princess Taylor of Zonlai. As for Kendall had been hiring new workers since she lost Koda, and Chase since they went home, she hired two new servers and waitress named Faye & Kylie, twins to the famous fashion critic in Reefside named Regan Wallas. Colin had walked in the museum and went to the cafe and took a seat, Kendall was only 5 seats away organizing photos and bills. Ivan came in the cafe and got an apron on as Tyler taught Kylie how to do the register and Riley helped Faye on the floors. "Hey Ivan can you go sever Table #10," says Tyler handing him and pen and pad. Ivan nodded and went to the table, and flipped the pad to the paper side. "Can I take your order?" As Ivan wrote down the table number and other stuff, Colin looks at him and said "I would like is for you to be my best man.." Ivan looked down still, "I'm sorry what?", "You heard me Ivan..and bring your other six of your friends to come for 5 months to stay in Zandar. Did I not mention I proposed and now engage. You know you want to come to my wedding along with my corantation." Ivan looks up and said "SIr just give me your order.." until he recognized the face, "Oh my knights!" He dropped the pad and pen and hugged Colin. "It's good to see you again...so what do you say?", "I say I'll do it..let me just ask my boss and I'll call you over to meet the others." They shake hands as he left the room as Kendall was in the middle of counting. "250...300...", "Ms. Morgan! Fabulous news.." she looked over at him and said "Does it have anything about sales?" He laughed softly "No..but my prince who I guarded at a young age has been engaged..and well he wants me to be the best man and for us to go to Zander for 5 months.." she looked at him and congratulations him on it and went back to counting. "It's a free trip half cross the world and I can contact Koda if you contact Chase..",  she rolled her eyes and told him she wants to meet the groom before deciding. Ivan called in Prince Colin as he sat down beside her, Ivan left to go contact Chase. Kendall filed the billings and looked up from her note book, "Hi I am Colin..", "Kendall.." they shook hands in speechless, Colin than laughed removing his hand and talked about the engagement. "Well it would be my first royal wedding..",

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