The JATP Tales

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Book 1 - Ghostly Lies **3 Parter**

Part 1

After their final performance at The Orpheum, Julie and The Phantoms continued to do their music, and now that Julie is a sophomore in high school she begins to be busier than ever. So the Phantoms look for a new singer but it is harder than it seems since they can't hold auditions due to being ghost. Though she wasn't the only one who can see The Phantoms, a new boy with a special gift in singing joins Julie's music program in the school. Yet the only thing suspicious about him, is his a ghost that can see all and hear all. Though the new kid has a secret of many other secrets of his own, he was just like Willie and got trapped under Caleb trick. Will he say anything to Julie or will he end up being a spy for Caleb for the rest of his afterlife.

Part 2

"Two years after you left..", "So for nearly 3 years now, Caleb and The Red Hearts Of Hollywood have been out!?" Yelled Luke, "Yes but we can't see them, all we know is their symbol after taking someone..", "and that symbol maybe what?" Asked Alex as everyone looked at him, "A Red Heart in a doves mouth.." the voice was cold as everyone turned and saw Willie just before Alex collapsed on the floor. "Alex!" What happened to Alex? Who are the Red Hearts Of Hollywood? Where in Hollywood is Caleb? Will Carrie find out?

Part 3

Meanwhile after Carrie makes a bet on her soul and all the band mates abilities to perform, Alex thinks he died again due to Caleb placing a death bolt shock curse on him for whenever he speaks. He briefly thought to himself and wished he would have done things differently and not eat the hotdog as his final words were wishing the band did not eat it. What if it came true? What if they never ate the hotdogs? But there was a downside. That being they will be stuck at the age they had died and never age again. Will Alex change the course of time? Or will something happen down the road..or is this all a dream?

Book 2 - Carrie & The Rejects **2 Parter**

Part 1

After leaving Hollywood due to Carries' father arrest by being in R.H.O.H, her mom made her move with her across the states to Brooklyn, New York, what she thought was fun turned out to be bad. There was no music program in the school and no boys except for Jayden on occasions when he appeared in her view. Her mom had placed her in a private school with just girls, and after a while of getting used to the move, she got picked on by Dirty Candy 2.0. So becoming popular at Eastwood School for Girls was gonna be a challenge along with trying to figure out a new hobby maybe but her mind is stuck on singing and performing. Though she still talked with Flynn and Julie but due to time zones she only heard from them on Saturdays at noon.

She also met a few girls but after sitting at their table they said they were like her and placed in The Rejects section of the cafeteria. Carrie knew this school had to change, and by changing it was to form a band with Reject girl's. That was until a ghost named Eden Hallows haunted her mom's house and wanted to change the school policy and take down Dirty Candy 2.0 or what she calls them Destiny's Children which was famous in the 90's. As of now for the rejects call them The Peachy Queens. Yet one was both a Reject and a peachy queen, and she was like a spy for the rejects and her. Look out Peachy Queens & Rejects get ready to compete and learn to always know that a secrets are meant to be secrets.

Part 2

After Carrie sang with her group, she started to realize she had feelings for the Burris Twins cousin Samuel also known as the Tenor in their group. She also realized that Caleb was with her mom and her mom filed a divorce with her father. Everything was beginning to be a little more crazy than normal, what could she expect when the ghosts or ghost came into her life. She had also started to see Caleb to be in her life more than what she expected, acting more of a father figure than a villian.

So was he truly a villain? If not, then who could it be? But also did Joanne know that Caleb is a ghost? Is she still under his commands after what he sang to her. Though Carrie had also worried about Jayden and kept thinking about him, could he still be around due to her and his mom? Will he ever see his mom? Why is Luke checking on Carrie so much? Could this be a love square? Lots of questions to be answered yet none revealed. Stay tuned for Part 2..


Book 3 - Two Witches Stuck In Manhattan **1 Parter**

Part 3 and the final piece in the JATP Tales, from Ghostly Lies to Carrie & The Rejects and now Two Witches Stuck In Manhattan. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I loved creating it.

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