Survivors of White Bluff

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Samantha Montgomery has done soccer since she was little and now is the MVP for the Fearless Runners. "Ladies and Gentlemen your Los Angeles soccer team The Fearless Runners. I am your Coach Kathleen for 2016 soccer games. I would want you to give a hand to everyone. Epically our goalie. Samantha Montgomery!" says Coach Kathleen as everyone claps. She was hyped to do another season with her team. They were unbeatable. Well until Samantha moved. "We're moving?!" Says Sam as her father puts a box in the trunk. "Yes Sam, your mother got a job in Helena, Montana. And I can't leave you alone with Grandpa Luke and Grandma Junebug." He says staring at her.

  "Why not, I have a perfect life here, being the goalie for the Fearless Runners, it will never be the same." She says helping him out. She added on "Plus it snows there and that means no soccer." She grabbed her box and puts it in the car as they left the home.

"I know your bummed sweetie but, I bet you'll make tons of friends at the Academy of Montana." Says her mom as Sam groans and leans her head back on the seat. Along the road trip it started to get cold. The family went out to buy warmer clothing and everything. They drove by the academy as they dropped Samantha off at the school and she looks at it. "Well at least I am not snowed in." She says as she walks in and went to the office. "Hi I am new and I need a class schedule." She says as the person says "Name?", "Samantha Montgomery." The person hands over the schedule and a uniform. It was black pants and purple coat with the school mascot on the side. She exited and heads to B-7 it was Science and puts on the coat and her hair up. She went and placed her backpack next to an empty seat. Everyone around her talks. Than two girls came over, it was Valerie and Peggy. They became friends with Sam for one reason.

She is new. Eventually they asked if she knew what snowboarding was. She asked a funny question "is it anything like surfing?" they laugh and Peggy says "Completely different, it's really simple. We're going after lunch. Care to join us?" she asked as Samantha nods as she texted her parents to pick up here White Bluff Mountain Resort. The Parents were curious why there but they would find out soon. RING! Went the school bell and it was lunch.

The girls showed Samantha where they sat. It was near the "COOL" kids table. The cafeteria was divided into 4 sections, section 1: Cool/Populars, 2: Normal people, 3: Geeks and Freaks. 4: Carly's Corner. Samantha noticed an empty table and asked who sits there. The girls look at her, Valerie says "That's where Carly Applebloom sits. She has hearing aids, but isn't full on deaf and plus she is paralyzed from the waist down. Everyone doesn't sit with her or hang with her." Says Valerie. Samantha looks at her and than back at the group. After lunch Peggy's Parents came and picked them up. They asked if she had snowboarding gear. Sam's head shakes no. They gave her there's as they were dropped  off. The friends went on a ski lift and they head up. "I'm so hyped."


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