The Forever Life Series

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Symptoms Of Immortality is the first book in its series being called The Forever Life, this series is centered around a girl named Gwen Stuart. In the first book we see she is just about to graduate high school, yet she isn't excited as you would think a normal high school senior would be. There was something unusual about being in Port Angeles, Washington and going to Lincoln High, it was like a death wish waiting to happen. That was due and ever since 2012 there was something in the air that killed nearly everyone in the graduating class, except for one person, along the following two years passing the same thing happened and one survivor left. So the 3 former students that survived the unknown cause had run away and made news history. Nobody heard from them as of 2015 to 2020 nobody survived, not even a survivor like the other years. Now you could see why Gwen doesn't want to graduate and then just die from the unknown cause. Just when everyone in her graduating class was getting sick, it reminded her of her brother before he graduated back in 2012. His class was the first in history for both not having graduating class and a survivor of what was causing deaths. Now nearly only 2 weeks before graduation, she got a letter from the first survivor and he mentioned to her about how he was immortal and knew her brother, but not more shockingly so was the principal of her school, he was immortal. But that wasn't even the biggest shock of her life, and it was finding out she was immortal as well.

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