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I added some things
Jade's POV
I'm working part-time as a maid in Tress spades hotel. My name is Jade Korica, I'm 18 years old. I have black hair and midnight blue eyes. And I don't like to take shit from people, but I do know when I should keep my mouth shut. My mother died when I was 5. I never knew how though, all I knew was that she was with her best friends when it happened. Now I take care of myself, I never went to an orphanage. My best friend's parents took me in after my mother died. I kept my last name, but since I'm a good hacker I changed a lot of my personal files when I was old enough to know what I was doing. Now I just go to school and work in a hotel part time. I help with everything, that's probably why my pay is so high.

"Korica, go clean the rooms on the VIP floor" my manager said. He has brown hair and he's only 25 years old. His name is Kento and he's nice to everybody. He doesn't lack in the looks department, most of the other girls are infatuated by him, but I'm to busy to think about any of that. I couldn't believe what he was asking me, only very experienced maids were allowed to go and even then very rarely.

"B-but I don't have a k-key card for the elevator." I was freaking out this was huge, nobody new has ever been allowed to go up there. The youngest maid that's allowed to go up there is 49 years old. "Am I even all-allowed to go u-up there?"

He took something out of his pocket and gave it to me. I took it and saw that it was an elevator key card. 'Oh shit' I thought 'he's serious'. I didn't know what to do, what to feel. I was kinda excited that I was given this responsibility, but I was also worried that I'd mess it up. He gave me a smile and said "Don't worry, your responsible enough to do this. If I didn't think you could do this I wouldn't be asking."

"O-ok." I said meekly. I think he was giving me way to much credit. I'm not that good, but oh well I won't mess up.... I hope.
~~~~time skip to VIP floor~~~~

I get to the VIP floor and see nobody there. 'Maybe their out because they know the maids coming?' Oh well, it's non of my concern, I just need to clean this place up. Once I look at the floor I'm surprised. 'I thought that maids didn't come here because it was a private suite. Is just because the people here are to clean?' The place was so clean that it almost seemed like a maid had already gone through here. I should still tidy up a bit though. If it only looks clean I should look closer to make sure I don't miss anything.

After some closer looks I could find some filth here and there. 'All the trash is hidden, it's like teenagers live here. Well if they hide it does that mean adults come around often?' Probably, but it's non of my business. While cleaning I find some beer cans and some receipts for sake hidden here and there. Hehe, they're probably just underage drinkers hiding these things from their parents. I finish and gather up my cleaning supplies and start to leave. When I'm about to pass by the elevator I see that someone is coming up. Kento told me to try to stay as unseen by these people as possible. 'I felt like telling him that I probably knew more than him, but voted against it. Don't need him knowing more than I want him to.' So I hid when I heard the elevator ding.

I was hidden but I still saw 5 good looking guys leave the elevator. The youngest one looked around my age. 'Damn are all rich guys this hot?' Ugh, bad thoughts stop it, no. Once they had gone into the room to where I felt they won't see me I opened up the elevator. I then heard a male voice say "I think I left it somewhere over there."

Oh crap, well that's just peachy. I guess them noticing me couldn't be helped. I felt someone behind me but just walked into the elevator like I hadn't seen them. Oddly enough they didn't say anything..... well until the elevator door closed. Then through the door I heard "We had a cutie come up here and help with the cleaning, isn't that sweet? She was pretty cute, this place us doing great with hireling staff."

After that I go back to doing my normal duties.

~~~~~helping another maid~~~~~

"Jade, could you go get some of the special cleaner from the storage area?" Milani asks me. She's really sweet and only 6 years older than me. To be fair everybody that works here is older than me. Some people think that because I'm young I can't do much, luckily others like Milani don't think I'm so incompetent.

I smile at her. I look over to see what stain she's trying to get out. 'Damn, what the hell is that anyway? Some people.' I look back at her and say "Sure, I'll be back in a minute."

I run down to the storage area and start looking for the cleaner. 'Where is it- ahh ha there you are.' That took longer to find than I thought it would. I still need to find the other solution though. I finally find the solution and begin to rush out of the room when.


'Huh? What was that?' I look over to where the sound came from and see to large men standing over shattered glass. 'I wonder what happen. Oh well, it's not my problem.' I want to know but at the same time I don't think I should ask. I then hear a voice that says "You idiots! Do you realize what you just did?!?!"

The guy steped out from behind a door and he looked pretty pissed. 'Is this some action thingy?' I heard that the hotel might be doing some things in the black market, seems like it was true. He continued to speak "That think was hard enough to steal! Now what are we going to tell the boss?!?!"

This seems like something shady. 'It's not my place to intervene' and with that though I decide to leave. I'm about to leave when I feel someone looming behind me 'shit, should have walked out and ignored the crash, now what am I going to do?' I hesitated on what to do for a second, but before I knew what happened a hand with a cloth cover my mouth and nose. 'Crap!' Was my last fully conscious thought before My limbs stopped struggling without my consent. I was still able to hear part of what the new person said "Now we......... but he ain't gonna forget about............she should be worth something...........not like we have many other options....."

As everything started to fade to black I knew I was I trouble. All because of a stupid stain. 'Shit, what the hells gonna happen....?'


I woke up in darkness. Then somebody pulled a sheet off of what I was in. 'A bird cage? The fuck? Oh hell no!' I look around me and see that I'm on a stage of sorts. The place is kinda shaped like an opera house. I hear the guy besides me, that looks like I freakily similar to a kid version of the mad hatter say "Now let's start the bid at 5million?"

'Aww crap, I'm in the black market auction.' Of course I knew about this. I'm the best hacker there is, I always look up where I'm going to work. I also know that the owner of the hotel, Eisuke Ichinomiya, is friends; with a mafia boss aka Soryu Oh, a theif Misunari Baba, a criminal artist Ota Kisaki, and a fluke detective Mamoru Shiki. I also know that my mom was friends with their wives. How could I forget........ They all died together. I still wonder how. Well any way I'm curious how this auction thing will turn out. 'Although I don't like to be thought of as a thing. Ugh I'm in deep shit now.'
Ohhhhh!!! Yes that is where I'm leaving it. Now people I wanna know who's story you think I should do first, so vote/comment! Oh and Remember.
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