Chapter 7

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3rd person POV

Jade and Rikki sat on opposite sides of the living room. They both head their arms crossed and their backs turned toward the center of the room.

"Really?" Baba asked as his eyebrow rose. He stood in between the two, looking towards one and then the other. The only response they gave was a 'hmph!' at the same time, which they both glared at the wall when they heard the other.

"Children." Mamoru said an exasperated tone as he shook his head. At this moment the sing of the elevator could be heard as the detective's son walked into the room.

"Hmm... It's quiet? Here?" Misuki said curiously as he walked into the room. He looked around and shook his head "Am I deaf? Wait... Who's the chick?"

"Who's the police dude?" Jade asked as she looked at the guy that had walked out of the elevator and was wearing a police uniform. She looked at him and then Mamoru. Her head nodded up in realization as she said "Oohhh, you're Misuki Shiki, never mind."

"How does she know my name?" A confused Misuki asked the room. Jade had gone back into her position of silence and anger.

"The kid's a little bundle of information." Mamoru said as he looked towards the silent girl and then towards his son.

"What kind of information?" Misuki asked with a raising eyebrow.

"Information that a girl like her shouldn't have access to." Baba answered vaguely.

"Okaaayyy..." Misuki trailed off. He stared at the girl for a while, trying to see if he might have seen he face anywhere. Hiraku narrowed his eyes at Misuki when he saw that he was staring at Jade.

"Find out anything new?" Hiraku asked Misuki in an attempt to redirect his attention away from Jade.

"Nope. Well actually, a big guy that we've been keeping an eye on seems to be docile at the moment. It's weird to, he's almost always up to something." Misuki said as he began to go into deep thought. Jade got a hollow feeling in her stomach, she might be annoyed but that doesn't mean she can't over hear a conversation when she wants to, she didn't know why but she was sure she wouldn't like this. Hiraku was also in thought, not having such a pleasant feeling either, he thought he knew which big guy just might have a mind that is preoccupied that they can't think of much else to do.

"Who?" Hiraku asked, not being able to keep all of the suspicion out of his voice.

"Korica, he never stays quiet! And for once I can't figure out what he's thinking!" Misuki said clearly frustrated. 'I knew it! Crap, I don't think that I like being right this time...' Jade thought.

"Hmm" Eisuke nodded his head as he heard the young cop. Non of the older men were able to completely wipe the amusement off their faces from the little scenario of Jade and Rikki, but they did get a bit more serious when hearing what Misuki said.

"Wait." Misuki said instantly, getting everyone out if their thoughts as they turned their attention towards him. He was looking directly at Jade. He spoke up again "Your Gou's girl, right?"

"Took you long enough." Jade said as she turned to face him. As a small smile found it's way to her face and she continued with "How you been Mimi?"

Misuki grimaced at the nickname "How long are you gonna keep that up?"

"How long have I known you?" Jade questioned.

"Five years."

"Then five years ago to infinity." Jade said with a cheeky smile.

"'Gou's girl'?" Hiraku question, slightly irked.

"Gou's an officer and I'm/she's his regular." Jade and Misuki said at the same time. The both laughed.

"You haven't been in in a while, have you finally straightened out?" Misuki said with a mock smile, he already knew that answer to his question would never be yes. Jade crossed her arms in fake annoyance.

"No, of course not. I've been under penthouse lock down." She said as she glared around the room.

"That reminds me, what are you doing here? Not that I'm complaining that I haven't had to go in the files to put another thing on the record of Jade Ko-" Realization dawned on his face before he finished the sentence. Misuki looked at her for a before second before asking with a groan "What shit did you get into this time?"

Well I took long to update. I'm having writers block, and school block, and lazy-ness, and- you get the point-ness/block. This book might be put on hold for a while

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