5• The Tree

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Chapter 5 - The Tree

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Chapter 5 - The Tree


'Lu, Vince wants you to get checked out.' I softly said as I stared into her bloodshot eyes.

'Okay.' Luna replied back in a whisper tone before I lifted her up by her arm pits and guided her into the room where the man was.

Once I gently placed her on the bed, Vince nodded his head to signal that he's got it from here. So with that I left the room and closed the door behind me.

I let my mind wonder to what had happened in the last few hours. Luna saved me when I was about to die. We rescued Aelia and Minho along with other children. We watched as Lu's god father died and we stared in disbelief as a bloody girl tried to kill the red head. That whole situation angered me but I had to stay back since the horrid girl had a gun.

I was staring to gain more of my strength as the minutes passed. That whole fight I had with Tommy I was thinking that I was definitely dead and that there was no hope left for me but then came the red head who saved my life. I swear this girl had saved me more then once and I owe her everything because of it.


Jorge has been driving the Berg for around three hours before we arrived at our base camp. We all decided that we need one nights rest before we took off on the boat to the safe haven.

I walked into Luna's room and saw her peacefully sleeping so I felt guilty about waking her up but once I did she could go back to sleep in her own bed.

'Lu, Lu wake up. We're here.' I gently shook her until I saw her hazel eyes rapidly open up.

'Shit blondie.' The red head laughed before stretching her arms whilst sitting up.

'Come on, let's go.' And like that I held her hand and led her off the Berg before making our way into the room we shared.

Once we closed the door I undressed so I was just in some sweatpants and Luna was just in some shorts and one off my tops.

'I have an idea.' The girl smirked at me before she continued.

'Bring your bed next to mine, then we can cuddle.' I didn't have to think twice before I followed her order.

Soon enough I was the big spoon with my arms wrapped around her waist. I felt her heart rise and fall in an even pattern but I could tell she was anxious because she was fiddling with the fabric on my wrist.

'Lu everything's going to get better now. Tomorrow we sail off towards the safe haven and we can live the rest off our lives in freedom.' I whispered as I pulled her closer to me so her back was on my chest.

'I know but I wanted him there with me.' She quietly admitted and I didn't hesitate to grab her waist and spin her around so she was facing me.

'Hey, Riley will be watching down on you just like your family. They are so proud of you Lu, I can promise you that.' I voiced whilst tucking some of her red hair behind her ear. After I did that I kept my hand on her cheek just tracing small patterns on her soft skin.

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