6• Letters

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Chapter 6 - Letters

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Chapter 6 - Letters


I woke up that morning with a smile on my lips. Everything was right and everything was good. Thank you Jesus.

When I tried to stretch my body I felt a weight weigh me down and that's when I realised that me and the blonde Brit had changed position. His head was now lying just under my chest whilst his hand held my waist. He's looks adorable.

I drew flowers on his sun kissed cheeks before I felt him stir a little just as he lifted his head up to greet me with a grin.

'Morning gorgeous.' Holy hell his voice.

'Someone's in a good mood.' I teased before I placed a quick kiss on his lips.

'Yep.' He popped the 'p' which made a giggle leave my mouth.

'Let's get some breakfast.' I stated before getting myself out of bed and rummaging through my dresser for some new clothes.

I choose a pair black high waisted jeans, a grey tank top and a army green jacket. When I went to brush my hair I noticed how they were in braids and when I looked at Newt a slight blush crept onto his cheeks.

'When did you do these?'

'I re did them last night because they were all frizzy.' Newt exclaimed and I couldn't help but feel a warm sensation tug at my heart. I really do love this boy.

The comfortable silence we created vanished when we heard a knock at our door.

'I'm coming in so if you are doing anything bad please stop.' Minho.

He then barged into the room with the biggest smirk on his lips which only made me roll my hazel eyes.

'Ah I see you were being good shanks. Now you you coming to eat or what?' The asain laughed before he grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of mine and Newt's room over to where my other friends were.

We ate our bacon and eggs whilst we watched the sun beam down on us. I felt memories flood my mind at remembering when me and Aelia would sneak out to watch the sun rise here.

'Weird isn't it?' I heard the brunette say.

'Fucking understatement.' I scoffed.

'But it makes sense you know.' Aelia finished before I saw her stare at the spikey haired boy.

'Talk to him.' I nudged her shoulder.

𝕋𝕠 𝔹𝕖 𝕊𝕦𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕧𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤 | Newt3, The Death CureWhere stories live. Discover now