7• That Night

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Chapter 7 - That Night

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Chapter 7 - That Night


'How you holding up Lulu?'

'Doing as best as I can princess.' I was thankful he came over because I always felt safe with him and he was always a good laugh.

'You know I've never met anyone stronger then you.' He admitted and I felt my heart warm at his confession.

'I am pretty muscly.' A lighthearted chuckle escaped both of our lips before we were engulfed in a comfortable and relaxing silence.

As the quietness lingered above us my thoughts were smothered with nothing but the blonde boy. He was my everything and I haven't told him that. He made me whole and I haven't told him that. He saved me and I haven't told him that. A sudden adrenaline rush swam through my veins as I jumped up from my sitting position and raced towards the boy that I love.

Everyone was already situated in their sleeping arrangements so it wasn't hard to find Newt considering we share a room. My hazel eyes scanned over the area until they found a shirtless sandy haired boy brushing his teeth. My whole body eased at being near him and my knees buckled at the sight.

As soon as he noticed my presence he finished off cleaning his teeth and wrapped his long arms around my torso and I felt his warmth radiate off him in a refreshing way.

A small smirk planted itself on my face before I let my lips trail kisses on the crook of his neck before they finally met his soft lips. I felt him smile into the kiss before he patted my thighs silently telling me to wrap them around his body and I did. The show of affection grew more passionate and I felt millions of those tingly butterflies create a euphoric sensation in the pit of my stomach.

His swollen lips traveled down my jaw before he left subtle marks on my neck. A soft moan escaped my lips and that's when my mind became clear. He's my everything for the rest of my life.

'Newt . . I want this.' I whispered which made him tilt his sun kissed face up and stare at me with his deep mesmerising eyes. The eyes that made me fall in love with him. The eyes which will never change.

'Lu are you sure because we don't have to, you know that.' A light smile took over my swollen lips at how he acted, he was being so careful and I couldn't help but melt under his words.

'Blondie I want you, you're my everything and I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you Newt.' My words created a slight blush on his face which caused a giggle out of me.

We stared into each others eyes before he walked us over to our bed and gently placed me down so his body was hovering over mine. All of my dreadful memories and haunting past disappeared in this moment because I knew I would remember this forever.

Our lips met again as my hands tugged at the bottom of his sandy hair making his quiet moan fill the air. That was hot. His hands traveled to the bottom of my shirt and he looked at me one more time silently asking if I was still up for it.

'If you don't take it off I sure will.' And once the words left my mouth an unmissable smirk rested on his lips before he lifted my top off my body leaving me in just a black lace bra.

I watched as his chocolate eyes took in my appearance and I couldn't stop the heat that rose to my freckled cheeks. He licked his soft lips become he connected them with my collar bone before he made his way down to my chest and lower stomach.

I new feeling overtook my whole body and I knew this was right; he was right. Newt was everything I wanted and more and that's why I loved him with all I had. That's why it felt so right giving myself to him that night. The night that made me feel free.


A million thoughts swam through my mind as we laid on the bed in a warm silence. A silence that made me feel whole with knowing that my girl was next to me. A silence I have come to love.

I heard her soft snores echo through the room and they sounded like a beautiful lullaby. Luna is everything I wanted, she's everything I needed. She saved me from my deepest thoughts and she watered them down so they couldn't control me. Her smile and dimples light up everyone's mood and she never fails to make everyone laugh. Even after what she's been through her hazel eyes still glisten with happiness and I'm so proud of her. I will always admire how strong she is.

Sleep soon caught up with my body and I let the feeling of unconsciousness reach out to me. That night I slept with the biggest smile on my swollen lips as I replayed the past events. I bloody love that girl.


The gleaming sun caused the red head next to me to stir meanwhile I was staring at the peaceful girl as my hands played with her soft hair.

Her hazel eyes slowly opened and a smile reached her lips as her hands cupped my face and placed a small kiss on my lips. It was times like this where I wished I could stay in this position forever but we were safe now and could do whatever we please.

A groan escaped my mouth when the girl came to a standing position but I soon regained my senses when I saw her signature smirk on her scarlet lips.

'I'm going for a shower.' Amusement laced her tone as she stripped from her clothes leaving her in her black laced underwear and bra.

My brown eyes scanned over her gorgeous body and I instantly got up and followed her into our shower room which was situated behind our wooden room.

The water was cold but my attention wasn't on that,  no it was on the incredible girl who stood before me. Her red hair grew two shades darker before she poured some body wash on her hands and rubbed it onto my bare chest.

We laughed and joked all throughout our shower and I knew this memory would stay in my mind for a long time. I will always remember the way her smile reached her eyes and I will always remember the way her giggle sounds.

We made our way towards the food tent and Frypan smirked at us before he passed us his famous bacon. I ignored that interaction until we reached the others who all stopped their conversation when me and Luna arrived.

'Well if it isn't the two lovebirds.' Minho joked and that's when the pieces were put together in my mind. They knew.

'Keep your bloody mouths shut.' I snarled but I couldn't hide the blush that overtook my cheeks.

'Hmm okay, we'll talk later shank.' The asain whispered the last phrase so I just heard it but it didn't stop me from slapping the back of his head.

'Shut up slinthead.'

And for the rest of the morning we all reminisced about the past and retold our favourite stories, it felt right. It felt as if this is what I've always waited for. I've spent three years trapped in a maze with my demons eating away at my hope but then a red head appeared and saved me. I spent a week walking in the scorch before some of my closest friends got taken away by WICKED. I spent six months trying to save them and I spent a few weeks thinking I would have to end my life because of an incurable disease. But Luna was there like she always is, Luna has saved me more times then I can count on my fingers and I will forever be grateful for the girl that I love.


Sorry for the small and shit chapter I just wanted to publish something.

I promise you that this weekend I will finish this story and upload the last few chapters :)

I might rewrite this chapter in the future but please give me thoughts on it. Have a great day <3

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