8• Forever

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Chapter 8 - Forever

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Chapter 8 - Forever

The atmosphere was tainted with happiness and whenever I craned my neck up I saw a smile was rested on everyone's face. The fact that my family is proud of me has made the grieving process easier to handle; it's made me realise that I don't have to be sad about their passing but instead happy that I knew them.

Me and Aelia were currently exploring the woodland area just like we did before shit hit the fan. My heart glowed as unforgettable memories swam around in my brain and my grin never faltered from my lips.

'So Andrew's, how's it going with Newt?' I could sense the smirk on her sun kissed face even without looking at her.

'Fine, why?'

'Oh nothing.' The girl sang but I knew she knew what happened. Of course she did.

'We are not having this conversation.' I shook my head with slight amusement.

'Aww cmon.' Aelia groaned when she stopped dead in her tracks to look directly into my hazel eyes.

'Nope.' I popped the 'p' before gripping her wrist and guiding us back to where the others were located.

The hypnotising sun had begun to sink into the ocean by the time we had appeared from the emerald forest. The faint chattering echoed throughout the air creating warm aura while a refreshing breeze hugged our bodies.

My wide eyes scanned the scene before they were met with my group of friends socialising around orange flames. Me and Aelia gave each other one last look before we dragged our feet along the sand to be able to greet our friends. Actually no they aren't our friends, they are our family. Yes we may not be blood related but that doesn't mean shit. I love them and that's all that matters.

When our presence was noticed, their conversation stopped and I felt a familiar hand wrap around my wrist before I was pulled onto the ground while my back was leaning against a toned chest.

'How are you Lu?' His soft voice on my neck created a trail of goosebumps to prickle my skin.

'I'm good, what about you blondie?' My neck craned around so my eyes could stare into his deep mesmerising ones. I don't think I'll ever get over how gorgeous he is.

'Better now.' I felt my heart warm at Newt's gentle words.

We ate our tomato soup with non stop talking. It was nights like this where I wish I could stop time in order to never leave. It's night like this where I forget about all my worries and haunting thoughts. It's night like this where I'm happy; genuinely happy.

'I remember when Ben tripped up on his untied laces and face planted which got himself a shucking bloody nose.' Minho laughed along with the rest of us.

'No when Alby forgot his clothes in the shower was so much funnier.' Newt argued and we all held onto our stomachs to control our loud giggles.

'I think I have a better story.' Aelia's face contorted into a smug expression and I winced at what words might fall from her mouth.

'Try me.' The Asian teased and I saw as her cheeks burned. Note to self; be the best wing woman to your best friends!

'Oh really?' I feel like I'm interrupting something.

'Anyway, when Luna was around eleven she was dead good ice skater.' Aelia started and I knew exactly what story she was telling. For fuck sake.

'She was practicing and I watched in the stalls. Andrew's was doing a toe jump and completely missed it meaning she fell right on her arse but unfortunately for her a group of teenage boys walked in at the same time. They all toppled over each other and Luna had five boys piled up on her. You couldn't even see her underneath them.' The brunette giggled and my face turned a cherry red.

'No cause that wasn't even funny, I swear they broke my fucking rib!' I complained which earned me a collection on light hearted laughs. It sounded like music.

The evening carried on like that and I don't think I've ever smiled that much; my cheeks ached and so did my stomach. Everyone had vanished back into their assigned rooms leaving me and my blonde boy to sit in a comforting silence.

My back was on his chest once again and I eased when I felt it rise and fall and in a calming manner. His hot breath tickled my neck while his strong arms were wrapped around my stomach.

Thoughts whirled around in my cloudy mind and I realised just how lucky I am. I have a family, I have a boy who I love, I have safety and I finally have freedom.

'Lu?' Newt's voice was a fragile whisper to which I hummed in response.

'I was just seeing if you're awake.'

'I'm awake.' I stated before turned my body so our eyes were gazing into each other's.

I lifted my hand placing it on his shirtless chest while my fingers drew patterns along his skin. It brought back memories of when we were in the scorch and I would do this every night to relieve my nerves and calm my anxiety.

'Promise me something blondie.' My voice came out as a mumble and I had to look up at him to see if he even heard it.

'Promise me that you'll never leave me.' I watched as the corner of his full lips turned up into a beautiful smile. The smile which never fails to erupts euphoric butterflies in every inch of my body.

'I promise Lu.' New insisted before placing a tender kiss on my chapped lips.

'Now it's your turn to promise me something.' The blonde Brit informed to which I just nodded my head.

'Promise me that this will be forever.' My heart stopped at his astonishing words. Forever.

'I promise Newt.' I announced before it was my turn to give him a kiss.

'I love you Luna.'

'I love you blondie.'


This is it! This was the last chapter of 'To Be Survivors' and I really hoped you enjoy it.

I apologise if it's bad it's just school has been really stressful and I've been trying to catch up on work.

Please comment your thoughts on the 'To Be' series because I would love to hear them:)

I might re write the last few chapters in the future but for now I want to say I am so fucking thankful to whoever has read these books! It makes my day seeing your comments and votes.

I plan on writing LOADS more maze runner fan fictions and I should be publishing one me and my bestmate have written sometime this month!! I have stared a Minho one and one where they meet at WICKED as well.

Remember to take time for yourselves and drink water<3

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𝕋𝕠 𝔹𝕖 𝕊𝕦𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕧𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤 | Newt3, The Death CureWhere stories live. Discover now