Ballad 10: All's Fair In Love & Stand Battles

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RWBY is property of RoosterTeeth and Monty Oum. JJBA is property of Hiroki Araki and David Productions. Please support their official releases

A/N: Hello everyone. I had a blast writing this chapter. I did my best to capture the dramatic/over the top effect that are JJBA battles...Prepare for those mid battle monologues and random "gotcha bitch!" moments.

Fair Warning: I'm not the greatest at writing fight scenes but I did my best...sorry in advance.


[LOCATION: Beacon Academy (Courtyard)]
[TIME: 1:35pm]

Risotto had received a message from the headmaster to await at the courtyard for their 'esteemed guests'. These guests were surprisingly, a headmaster from another Academy as well as their own version of a secretary. Surprisingly, a third had been added at the last minute. When finalizing the preparations for their arrival, it seemed Ozpin nearly forgot to account for the 'initiate'. Following a meeting between the two headmasters, Risotto would be tasked with testing yet another potential student. In the same breath, Risotto was warned gravely to refer to the 'secretary' as 'specialist' instead of what the person appeared to be.

In the end, Risotto cared little for what he would address someone as. If a person requested to be called 'sheriff' for example, he cared little. Like many fellow mafioso, he only concerned himself with his payment. So long as he would receive his debts due, Risotto would comply with whatever ridiculous name a contractor proffered to be addressed by.

In short, this trio of 'esteemed guests' had been informed over Risotto and Doppio both, to an extent. If Ozpin was to be believed, they had requested a visit to confirm or gauge Risotto's capabilities whilst asserting the future student's own. The assassin of course, paid little attention to the headmaster's explanation. The fact two of shortly arriving peoples were potential contractors had satisfied Risotto enough. As such, he only kept an ear open for the bare minimum of information regarding the two. The third...disinterested him to say the very least.

Apparently, the new 'headmaster', student, and the assistant called the city of Atlas home. If he remembered correctly, Atlas was considered the most militaristic mannered in comparison with the other three kingdoms. With that in mind, Risotto recalled the headmaster of Atlas Academy also adorned the title of "General". Which admittedly, was rather impressive to the assassin. Being a military leader was stressful and taxing enough, the fact the man had been able to organize a entire Academy on top of his other duties was simply astounding.

Unfortunately, Risotto's thoughts were broken by a audible noise. Turning his head to glance over his shoulder, Risotto spotted movement within a bushes hedge. Narrowing his Crimson and black eyes, he concentrated further. Looking at the bush further, he barely made out the shapes of two fully grown men.

Unfortunately for them, they decided to unveil themselves, knowing they had been spotted regardless. Their outfits were not the most promising, Risotto having the most intriguing between the three.

One of the strangers wore a set of black hair, brushed backwards in conjecture with his deep pink colored eyes. He had also sported a faded red overcoat over a grey formal shirt with an elongated tail. Additionally, the intruder adorned black trousers with matching dress shoes. This raven haired man held a strange and intricate sword on his back, his right hand holding the weapon with intent to make use of the bulky and freshly sharpened blade.

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