3 | Coffee and Small Talk

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"You sipped coffee, hours passed"

The whole morning I check my phone for new messages but I know that there aren't any. I would've heard because I have my notifications on. Holly seems to have noticed.

"He will write back, Mika. Just relax," she assures me and I smile uncomfortably.

"It just makes me nervous," I admit as I suddenly hear my phone make a noise.

My eyes light up and I grab it immediately. Holly looks over my shoulder as my eyes run over the message on my lock screen.

'There's a little cafe I would like to take you to. I'll send you the address. Meet me there at 4?'

My heart begins to race in my chest and I turn my head to look at Holly in disbelief. My phone let's out another noise and his first message is followed by an address.

"He wants to meet me... today?!" I swallow thickly and stare at the message again.

"Text him that you'll be there," Holly smiles excitedly and points to the phone.

"Isn't today a little early? What do I wear? What do I even say to him? What do we talk about? Bloody hell, I just can't do this," I start to panic and throw away my phone.

"Don't be so dramatic," Holly sighs and picks it up.

She unlocks the phone, types for a second and throws it over to me. I catch it and look at her words.

'All right. I'll be there' it says next to my profile picture.

I look at the time and it's already two in the afternoon.

"Well, we need you to look stunning! Go get showered and I'll get Evie to pick something for you to wear," she hushes me into the bathroom.

I strip down and slowly step into the shower. The warm water darkens my hair and prickles down my body comfortably. As I stand there and spread soap all over me body I begin to sing a tune. It makes me less nervous and distracts my thoughts from the fact that I'm about to have a date with Tom Felton. When I'm done I turn off the shower and immediately wrap my towel around my body. I dry my hair as best as I can and walk into my room to see Evie and Holly already waiting for me.

"This is so exciting!" Evie blurts out and hands me a hanger with one of my dresses. "Here."

"You need to wear that one," Holly says while pointing to the dress that is now in my possession.

"Uhm... okay," I smile slightly and they both leave my room so I can change.

I let the towel fall to the ground and put on some underwear along with the dress. It's a dark green color with small white flowers and it ties at the front of the waist. It is hold up by small straps over my shoulders and ends about mid-thigh. My curves are flattered perfectly.
I go to the bathroom to brush my hair and apply some light Make-up. When I'm done I walk out to Evie and Holly both looking me up and down.

"You look amazing!" Holly says grinning.

"I hope you chose a good pair of underwear," Evie winks and we all have to laugh about her comment.

They wish me luck and I slip on my shoes, grab a jacket and my purse and head out. I make my way to the address Tom sent me earlier taking a cab. The closer we get to the destination, the more nervous I get. When we're there I pay the driver and get out of the car.

I take another few turns and it leads me to a sweet cafe in a small alleyway. When I'm about to go inside someone behind me opens the door. I turn around surprised and look into a pair of eyes, a sea of sapphires and diamonds sparkling by the shining of the warm summer sun. It feels like I'm drowning in them.

"Mika?" the man asks smiling creating dimples on either side of his lips.

His dark blonde hair is messily combed to the side and there is a light moustache on his upper lip and stubbles framing the lower part of his face.

"That'd be me," I say awkwardly returning his warm smile.

"Tom. Nice meeting you," he gives me a half hug. "Shall we?"

Just then I realize that we're still standing in the middle of the doorway.

"Yes, sure."

We go inside and sit down at a table in a far corner.

"You look beautiful," he compliments me and I feel my cheeks getting hot.

"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself," I reply and watch as his lips move into a grin.

He's wearing a blue button-down shirt with thin white stripes and black flowers.

"I've never done anything like this... It's a little weird, isn't it?" he let's out a sweet small laugh and rubs his hands on his pants nervously.

"It kind of is," I admit laughing along.

The waiter comes and takes our orders. I order a medium sized Cappuccino and Tom orders a regular coffee.

"So... I saw you study Music and Drama?" Tom looks at me in interest his eyes fixing mine.

"Yes, it's my second year," I feel my cheeks heating up again noticing that he's still looking at me and I look down at my hands.

"That sounds fun," he smirks lightly as I look back up at him.

"Well, you're basically living my dream," I let out a chuckle and put a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Oh, I hope you don't see me just as that," his smile slowly fades away and is replaced by a thoughtful frown.

"Oh, no I could never! I just think it's pretty amazing... but I'm not just meeting you for your fame, really," I say trying to end this awkward situation.

Fortunately the waiter comes in that moment and brings us our coffees.

"Cheers!" I cringe at my own words and slap myself in my thoughts.
You don't say cheers when you drink coffee. I'm making this more awkward than it already is.

"Uhm... cheers," Tom is slightly confused but a smile is dancing on his lips.

We both take a sip of our coffees.

"So- uhm-," I'm trying to think of something to talk about. "You have a dog?"

I remember the dog in his pictures. It's perfect, a conversation about a dog can't go wrong.

"Yes, her name is Willow. I just got her, she's just a little puppy right now," his eyes light up while he talks about her with a grin on his face. "She's such a sweetheart. You should see her some time... Do you like dogs?"

"Oh, I love dogs! Unfortunately, I've never had one... But I'd love to meet Willow," I smile and for a moment we're just staring into each other's eyes.

We keep talking and laughing for what seems like forever, our coffees gone empty a while ago. And I just cannot get over his pretty eyes that remind me so much of the ocean and all its mysteries or his warm smile that seems to embrace me without the slightest touch from him.

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