16 | Teacher's Pet

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"I'd give anything to make you stay"

Tom's POV:

Mika's chocolate brown eyes intently stare at me and I can see that she's hurting. I wish I could take the pain away. I wish I could take it all away and make it mine. She visibly gulps before she speaks to answer me.

"No, I-I have to go," she purposely looks away from me before she continues, "Sorry Mr. Felton."

At her last words my stomach drops. Two little words and it feels like my whole heart shredded to pieces. She immediately turns away and leaves while I still stand there, eyes fixed on the spot she stood mere seconds ago. The seconds turn to minutes. I don't move. I just stand there trying to process the name she called me. So formal. So far away.

I don't know if she meant it that way but for me it seemed like a way to end whatever it is that we had. She can't just leave me like that. After everything.

She said she'd wait.

My chest physically hurts and I realize that I'm still standing in the middle of the room when the first students of my next class trail in. I move out of my shock stare over to my desk and shoot them all fake smiles with a 'Good morning' every once in a while. Within a few minutes all of them have settled in and I start the lesson, pushing my thoughts to the back of my mind.

When the school day is over, I drive home. I haven't seen Mika again all day. Not at lunch, not in the halls, not anywhere. Normally, I always pass her when she's on her way to her fourth class and I'm on my way to the staff room. She's clearly avoiding me. Something is going on. She couldn't just have changed her mind about us within a day. It doesn't make sense.

At home, Willow comes running towards me when she sees me and I let my hand run through her fur. She's always excited to see me when I return from work. After I feed her, I plump on the couch and watch as Willow curls up at my feet. I sigh and take the guitar next to me, immediately beginning to strum some chords. I strum, pluck, hum, sing, just let out my feelings and all of my worries seem to wash away.

Somehow, I must've fallen asleep because I wake up in the middle of the night. It's dark outside and Willow is peacefully sleeping next to me on the couch. Naturally, she isn't allowed on the couch, but I let her sleep as I make my way to the bedroom and change out of my clothes from the day. As I reach for my sweatpants, I realize that there aren't any. Mika still has two of my pairs and the third one I have is in the laundry.

I sigh at the thought of her in my clothes. If I could, I would quit the job at an instant, but I signed a contract for the whole semester and I'm bound to it.

I slip in my bed with just my boxers and try to fall asleep, but I can't stop thinking about Mika. I can't stop thinking about how her lips were effortlessly in sync with mine or how her hand fit perfectly in mine. How our lips touched and our bodies touched and our lips touched our bodies. All these thoughts are terrorizing my mind until I finally fall sleep. The last time I remember looking at the clock that night, it showed 3:54.

The next morning, I'm early at school again. I always get there early. Already planning out my lesson, I move all the tables to the sides for practicing. The first student to come in, almost twenty minutes early, is Amber. I hate that girl. I know, I'm not supposed to hate any of my students, but she had no right to invade my privacy like that.

"Good morning Mr. Felton," she sets down her bag and swings back her blonde, perfectly curled hair.

"Morning Amber," I send her a fake smile and go back to moving the tables.

"Do you need help with that?" she asks sweetly while playing with her curls.

"It's fine. I'm almost done. Thanks," I try to ignore her again but she just doesn't stop speaking.

"Well, if you need anything else, I'm happy to help," Amber smiles at me showing her perfect white teeth and it makes me sick.

I don't answer her, so she just keeps talking.

"Thank you for giving me the lead, Mr. Felton," she glares at me through her pale blue eyes and sits down on the table that I was just about to move out of the way. "We both know I deserve it."

The last sentence she almost says in a whisper. I think it's supposed to turn me on, but it just irritates me. Everything about her irritates me. I stand opposite her as she crosses her legs while sitting on the table. She stares at me and my expression grows darker. I'm not sure if I'm imagining it, but it feels like she slowly leans forward until I can almost feel her breath.

"You know, Mr. Felton," she looks down to my shaft making me very uncomfortable before moving her eyes to mine again, "I might be able to help you with something."

She looks down at my pants again and back up, biting her bottom lip.

"I can make you feel good," her innocent gaze makes me want to throw up. "In return for a better grade, of course."

She jumps from the table and quickly throws her hair up into a ponytail before dropping to her knees in front of me. Her hands find my belt and I jerk them away.

"What do you think you're doing?!" my voice sounds way harsher than I expected it to.

I'm mad. I'm irritated and mad and confused of what her intention is.

"Whatever Mika is doing to get your whole attention!" there's anger dripping from her voice and a trace of embarrassment. "I thought that's what you want!"

She seems desperate and quickly gets back up at her feet. I grab my belt to readjust it and turn away from her before my eyes stop in the doorway. Mika looks at me in shock. Her eyes are glistening with tears that want get out and her lip is trembling. By the way she looks at me, I assume that she hasn't been standing there for long. I quickly realize what it must've looked like. She just shakes her head unbelievingly, turns around and leaves. I start to go after her, but her friends Holly and Evelyn just shake their heads indicating for me to leave her alone.

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