4 | The Aftermath

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"I kept staring, my heart beat fast"

Suddenly, I feel my phone vibrating in my purse pulling my thoughts away from his face. I take it out and see Holly's name appear on the screen.

"Sorry, I have to get this," I say with an apologetic look on my face and answer the call.

"Mika! Are you okay?" Holly asks with worry in her voice.

"Yes, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I ask confused.

"It's been three hours without any sign that you're alive... We were just worried," she explains less panicky now.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Well, I'm fine. Thanks for checking in."

"Good. Enjoy the rest of your date," she says and I could hear the grin on her face.

I hang up and look at the time. It really is seven o clock already. I put the phone away and apologize to Tom again.

"It's totally fine. I didn't mind," he assures me and smiles. "I think we should head out though... It's getting late and they're probably annoyed of us," he nods to the waiters and I agree.

Tom winks one of them over to pay. As I'm about to grab the money from my purse he gestures for me to leave it.

"It's fine. I'm paying. It was my idea after all," he smirks and hands the waiter a ten pound note.

"Thank you," I smile and we both get up from the table.

Tom opens the door for me and holds it open so I can slip through before him.

"Thanks," I say slightly blushing again as we stand in front of the cafe.

"How are you getting home?" he raises his eyebrows searching my eyes.

"Oh, I'll just take a cab."

"I can drive you home," he smiles warmly and now my eyes find his. "Only if you want to, of course."

"Sure. That'd be lovely," I return his smile and we start walking side by side to his car, our hands almost touching.

Tom chose an area that's pretty deserted for our date, so it's actually very unlikely that someone will spot us. It's not like he gets recognized every day anyway, but sometimes it can get quite annoying, so he told me.
We turn around a few corners and find ourselves in front of a Lamborghini. I've never seen such car and my mouth falls open at its sight. Tom seems to recognize.

"I don't want to- like- brag or anything... It's just that I really love cars," he admits letting out an innocent laugh.

"This is amazing!" I say still astonished, my eyes fixing the car.

He opens the door on the passenger's side and I get in carefully trying not to touch anything. Then, he closes the door and gets in on the opposite side. When he starts the car music starts automatically blasting through the speakers.

We put on our seatbelts and I watch him as he grips the wheel with his hands and begins to back out turning his head once and letting his right hand glide over the wheel.

"Tell me where to go," he smiles over for a split second before turning his head back on the road.

We drive for a few minutes and I navigate him watching him with only his left hand on the wheel and his right elbow on the window. His fingers are large and slim, his nails short, veins running along the back of his hand. He's concentrating on his driving and I lean my head against the window.

Suddenly, one of my favorite songs starts playing and I can't hold myself back. I begin to sing along quietly hoping Tom wouldn't notice. Whenever a good song is on I just have to start singing. It's like an addiction. I keep murmuring the lyrics and humming the tunes.

"You can sing out loud, you know," Tom shoots me a quick grin and I stop immediately, "I don't mind hearing your beautiful voice."

My cheeks heat up and I'm probably red as a tomato now. I have no idea what to say.

"Oh, please keep singing," he begs me and then starts to sing along himself.

I have to laugh a little when he tries to hit the high notes but then I join in.
We both sing along to the song and laugh at each other until we reach my apartment.

"Here we are," I say as Tom brings the car to a stop.

We look at each other for a moment too long and for a split second I think our lips are about to meet until I back away quickly, my hands struggling to find the door handle.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Tom," I say quickly avoiding his eyes and he clears his throat.

"Yea, you too, Mika. We should do this again," he smiles slightly embarrassed. "Do you mind giving me your phone number?"

"Oh yes, sure," I give him my number and he leans over to hug me goodbye.

"Take care," he says as I get out of the car.

He waits until I get to the door of the building and then takes off.

I go inside and as soon as I'm sure he can't see me anymore I shriek and triple on the floor with my feet, letting out all my energy. I don't care that I'm still in the hall probably disturbing the neighbors. I don't care that I look like a stupid child making way too much noise. I don't care. Right in this moment I'm just happy. And that's all that counts. I make my way upstairs through the hallway to our apartment door and storm into it. My shoes fly over the ground as I kick them off and together with my jacket and purse they create a trace to the couch I let myself fall onto. Evie and Holly look at me in astonishment.

"Well, how was it??" Holly asks with wide eyes as a grin appears on my face.

"Tell us everything!" Evie demands and I begin to retell the whole evening.

"[...] Well, and then we almost kissed," I end the story.

"What do you mean almost?" Evie asks and I feel my cheeks warming up.

"I backed away," I admit, regret filling my body.

"You did what?!" Evie and Holly both look at me in shock.

"Why though?" Holly frowns.

"I don't know. I was scared," I bit my bottom lip and look down at my hands.

"You're so stupid."

"Don't be so mean, Evie," Holly defends me, running her hand over my back.

"No, she's right. I'm bloody stupid," I agree. "I'm quite tired. I'm going to bed."

We say good night and I disappear into my room.
When I lay in bed I can't find myself to fall asleep. The blue of his eyes and the warmth of his smile seem to take over my mind. I can't seriously be falling in love already. I cringe at the thought as my phone vibrates next to my head. The digits of a random number stare back at me.

'Hey, this is Tom'

My stomach flutters at his words and I answer him immediately.

'Hey Felton, thanks for the afternoon! I had fun'

Then I create a contact for his number.

'Me too. How about you come over to my place tomorrow. I could make us dinner or we cook together?'

A feel my lips forming into a smile at the thought of us together in his kitchen.

'Cooking together sounds lovely' I reply and he starts to type immediately after I sent the message.

'I'll pick you up at 2. Is that all right?'


'Good night, Mika'

'Good night, Tom'

And with that my eyes close and I fall asleep peacefully.

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