7 | Unpredictable Turn

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"When I saw you, my world stood still"

"Holly, can you grab my backpack for me please?" Evie asks already standing in the doorframe of our apartment.

We're all stressed and are probably going to be late for class. It's difficult in the morning with one bathroom and three women all having to leave at the same time. Especially on the first day of the new semester.

Holly grabs Evie's backpack and her own and hurries to the door. I pull on my shoes, throw my backpack over my shoulder and grab the keys.

I didn't really have a lot of time to get ready considering I woke up half an hour ago. I probably shouldn't have stayed up so late. I just threw on a hoodie with black pants. Nothing special. I'm just glad I had time for a shower even though I didn't want to wash away the memories of last night.

While we're sitting in the underground on our way to school I tell Holly and Evie everything about my date with Tom. They gasp every time I mention a kiss and by the time we need to get out my cheeks feel hot.

We almost run to the entrance of the university and storm inside but it's pointless. We're already late anyways.

"What's our first class?" Evie asks looking around helplessly.

"Art of Film," I breathe and we run up the stairs to the classroom.

Evie knocks quickly and we all slip inside not turning to the front.

"Sorry we're late Professor. Three girls, one bathroom you know... It's tough," she slips in a seat and Holly and I sit down next to her avoiding an annoyed eye roll from our professor and trying to catch our breaths.

"As I was saying, we have an amazing guest teacher with us this semester," Professor Walcott continues. "Thank you Mr. Felton for..."


I stop listening as my head shoots up from my desk looking to the front for the first time this morning. My eyes are met by his. An ocean of uncertainty and regret staring back at me. Shock ruling his gaze.

He's standing right there in front of me. Neat hair combed to the side, chequered button-down shirt, face frowning. He's standing there. Not as one of my classmates but as my teacher.

He's my teacher.

He whose lips were on mine merely hours ago.
He whose clothes were on my body, whose clothes are in fact still in my possession this very moment.

He whose eyes looked at me like I was the only person he'd ever wanted to look at.
But now they just turn away from mine - pretending the last two days didn't happen - and trail over the other students. His students.

I'm his student.

"Uh yes, thank you, Mr. Walcott. The pleasure is mine," Tom's voice pulls me out of my shock stare. "Good morning everyone. As you already know now, my name is Tom Felton and I'll be an assistant teacher in your 'Art of Film' class this semester. Most of you would probably know me from my role as Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter but you can also see me in various other films and series. Well, this semester I'll give you some insights in the film industry and can send some tips along your way: How to become an actor or actress, important aspects of the acting in films rather than on stage and I'll have a look at your acting skills in general. Is there anything you want to know about me? Any questions for now?"

No, Tom. I already know a lot about you. I know too much about you. More than I should know about my teacher. I know the dimples on your cheeks when you laugh, know the scratching of your neck when you're nervous, know the taste of your lips when you kiss me, the feeling of your hands on my body. I shouldn't know that.

"Yes, you there," he points to Amber, the blonde-haired girl in the second row and she puts down her hand.

"It's Amber," she smiles confidently trying to impress him. "I was just wondering... Do you have a girlfriend?"

Tom let's out a sweet laugh and scratches his neck nervously before catching my eyes for a swift second.

"I don't think that's an appropriate question, Amber," Professor Walcott cuts in and changes the topic. "Anyway, the goal of this class is to prepare you for the film industry and at the end of this term I want you to produce your own film with the help of our professional," he gestures to Tom, "and the students from our film major."

Excited murmurs break out in the classroom and everyone seems to have something to say to their neighbor. Everyone except me. I just stare at the front. My heart drops when Tom meets my eyes and looks away too quickly. As if even looking at me seems wrong now.

Professor Walcott continues talking and I turn to Evie and Holly next to me who have been watching me the whole time, worry on both of their faces.

The rest of the lesson I don't really listen. I don't look at the front either. I just stare down at my hands picking at my nails. As soon as the bell rings everyone shoots up from their seat and walks out of the classroom to their next course. I don't even notice until I feel Holly's hand on my shoulder making me wince.

"Are you okay, Mika?" she asks softly looking at me through her brown eyes.

"I'm fine," I lie. "You can go ahead. I'll catch up with you in a minute."

Holly and Evie nod and walk out leaving just me and Tom in the midst of this classroom. Never have I thought I'd see him again so soon. He walks over to the door and closes it carefully before turning around to look at me.

"This can't be happening," I hear my own voice in almost a whisper as if it doesn't belong to me anymore. Tom sighs.

"This," he gestures to the both of us, "whatever this is... It needs to end... now." He rubs a hand over his forehead and through his hair desperately.

I nod and get up from my seat. I know it has to end. But not so soon. I'm not even sure it ever started. My vision becomes blurrier with every step that leads me closer to the door and I feel my hand grab the cold doorknob that had his hand on it only seconds ago.

"I'm so sorry... If I had known I would've never asked you out in the first place...," his words make me turn around to face him.

"I don't know if I can do it, Tom- I mean Mr. Felton... I don't know if I can just pretend like nothing ever happened between us... because a few hours ago I was almost certain this thing," I gesture at the space between us just like he did, "was meant to be. But I guess I was wrong."

He swallows thickly and frowns. "I guess you were."

I don't know what I expected. Maybe for him to tell me otherwise. But I know he couldn't. His words hit me like a bullet straight to my heart and I can almost feel the sensation of physical pain. He searches for my eyes but I turn around quickly and leave. My cheeks are wet from tears I haven't even noticed leaving my eyes and my glasses are clouded. I feel people's stares on me, but I soon find the bathroom and disappear. For at least the whole second period.

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