Chapter 1

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I played with the rings on my fingers as I waited for the therapist to start the group. Mom made me come here after I had been hospitalized multiple times for trying to end everything. She wanted me to learn skills but honestly I haven't learned much here. Half the stuff we talk about, I've already learned while being inpatient.

The therapist Marcy finally walks in. She's wearing her usual cardigan and mom jeans. Her short blond hair perfectly curled and that bold red lip stick she always has on.

Marcy is like every therapist. Talks about how we all need to be positive and how life has meaning. A bunch of bs if you ask me.

She sits down in her chair, crossing her legs. Her binder in her lap with different topics we could possibly talk about.

"How is everyone doing today?" She asks.

Everyone mumbles an "okay".

I continue to play with the rings on my fingers, trying to pretend that I'm listening.

"Well how about we go around and talk about our highs and lows for the day." Marcy says.

I mentally groan, wanting this group to end now.

Everyone goes around and says there highs and lows. I half listen, wishing this was over. Finally it gets to me.

"Taylor, wanna tell us yours?" Marcy asks.

I sigh before saying "my high is that I'm back in school. My low is that I'm here."

I say that low almost every group.

Marcy nods before moving to the next person. I hear the doors to the room open and a new person walks in.

I look up to see a teen boy. Red haired, pale, skinny and wearing ripped skinny jeans and a black tank top. He sits down in the only chair that is open which happens to be next to me. I take a glance at him to see he has an eyebrow piercing and a couple tattoos.

Marcy turns her attention to him.

"Welcome to the group. Can you introduce yourself to us?"

He looks up at her shrugging. "I guess."

She nods before he continues.

"I'm Michael. " He keeps his head down, staring at his lap.

"Welcome Michael. We're all happy you're here." Marcy says.

Michael shrugs, still keeping his gaze down. He soon starts to play with the bracelets on his wrist.

The group continues before we're all dismissed and told that our "homework" is to work on finding a positive thing to say about ourselves.

I grab my bag and start to leave the room before bumping into someone.

"Sorry." I say, looking up.

Its Michael.

He kind of gives me a look. "Whatever." He says, before heading out the door.

I roll my eyes, walking out as well.

I text my mom to let her know I'm done before sitting down on the bench to wait.

She soon pulls up and I climb in the passenger seat.

"How was it today?" She asks.

"It was fine I guess." I tell her.

She nods, driving us home
"Luke thats disgusting." Ashton says.

Luke dips his fries in mayo, sticking his tongue out at him.

"Its amazing." He says.

I laugh at there banter, continuing to eat.

"Hey, where's Calum?" I ask.

"He's "sick"." Ash says, putting sick in quotation marks.

I laugh knowing that it meant he was staying home to play video games all day. Typical Cal.

We make small talk as we eat.

"Hey, you know there's a new kid." Luke says, motioning the new person sitting at a table with some others.

I look over seeing him.


I'm excited to be starting this book. Hope you check out my other books. Have an amazing day/night❤

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