Chapter 2

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I clicked my pen open, starting to write my notes as our teacher talked. I was trying to pay attention but having a hard time due to hearing paper being crumbled up behind me.

I felt something hit my head and I turned around, glaring at Luke.

He motioned to open it, before going back to pretending he was listening to the teacher. I shook my head a little before uncrumbling it.

The note said Meet me at my locker at the end of the day

The rest of the day was a bit boring and went a little slow, but finally it was over. I made my way over to Luke's locker where he was getting his stuff out.

"Why'd you want me to meet you?" I asked him.

He closed his locker, turning his attention to me.

"Cal, Ash, the new kid Michael and I are hanging out and we want you to come with us."

I gave him a look. "I don't know Luke. "

"Oh come on. It'll be fun."

I wanted to tell Luke that I had met Michael at my therapy group and he seemed like an asshole but I didn't want to expose him since we were supposed to keep people's identities there a secret.

I sighed but nodded. "All right. Fine."

I texted my mom, letting her know that I was going be hanging out with Luke.

Luke and I had been friends since we were in diapers. We grew up together. My mom and his mom were good friends and she trusted us hanging out together.

I followed Luke to Ashton car where I climbed in the back.

"Cal's gonna meet us there." Ashton said.

I nodded, now realizing that Michael was in the back with me. I mentally groaned but pretended to be fine with it.

The guys started to talk about their favorite bands as I stared out the window. I didn't really want to join in on the conversation.

We soon pulled up to the skate park. The guys liked to skateboard even though they all pretty much sucked at it.

I hopped out of the car and waited for the others before helping get a couple of skateboards out of Ashton's car.

After putting on a helmet and safety pads, I grabbed a skateboard and headed over to start. I laughed as Luke attempted and failed, falling on his ass.

"Fuck, ow." He said.

"Watch your language." Ashton said, but he laughed a little.

Luke flipped him off before continuing.

I sat down and watched as Michael stayed on his board. Doing a couple jump moves.

"Damn he's good." Cal said, sitting down next to me.

I shrugged, nodding. "He's alright."

Cal laughed a bit. "Someone has a crush."

I hit cal's arm. "Do not."

He held his arms up in defense. "No judgment."

I shook my head. "He seems a bit like an asshole."

Cal shrugged. "But aren't all guys."

We talked a little before he went to skate.

I watched as Luke came over and plopped down next to me. Acting like a child.

"My ass hurts." He said.

I laughed a little. "Probably bc you suck."

He groaned at me, hitting me playfully. I laughed again.

The guys all soon got tired of skating and we made our way back to the car. We all decided on heading to the pizzeria to eat since we were all hungry.

I found a booth and sat down with Luke and Michael while Cal and Ash went to order.

"How'd you get good at skateboarding?" Luke asked Michael.

He shrugged. "I've been skateboarding since I was young. I'm not that good at it."

"You're better than me." Luke said.

"Everyone's better than you Luke." I said, laughing a little.

Luke pouted. Michael chuckled a little. "I'm better at playing guitar."

Luke and him started to talk while I zoned out a little

"Pizzaaaaaaa." Cal said, setting down the two pizza's on the table.

We all dug in. The guys ate most of the pizza which was typical of them.

After we were all finished eating, Ash drove us all home. I said goodbye to the guys before heading inside.

There was a note on the table from my mom saying she was working late tonight. I set my keys down before heading upstairs.

I took a shower and changed before turning on Netflix and falling asleep.

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