Survivor's Guilt

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    Tuesday when the Fredda's arrived home, you helped them carry their luggage in, then they told you all about their trip. Their trip got prolonged a few extra days due to a storm, but they were so glad to be home and to be with you.
    The next day, Liv took you out of school to get the stitches removed. Melinda removed them then gave you the all clear. You had your first meeting with the counselor shortly after the stitches were removed. It was a meet and greet type session just like you thought it would be.
    The rest of the week went by pretty fast. Saturday you spent time with everyone in the afternoon, then the evening studying. No one saw you on Sunday.

    During finals week you were basically a ghost. You spent most days before and after school studying. The last day of school was Friday and you were happy to be done. Saturday you were gone all day. Sunday you went to church in the morning then had an early family dinner. After dinner you went to jam with some friends. When you got back to the house, there were three kids running around. Lisa talked to you about the situation. You had no problem with it. You weren't sharing your room, didn't have to babysit, and they weren't going to be there for more than a few days.
    You were exhausted and decided to go to bed early. You went up to your room to find the new girl messing with your stuff. She was using your iPod, drawing over your sketches, and throwing stuff on the floor. You pulled the ear buds out of her ears. "You need to ask before you touch other people's things. I would've had no problem letting you borrow something. Now get out of my room."
   "You leave me the hell alone!" She hit you in the side. You hadn't healed completely so it really hurt. "You're the one who got my uncle thrown in prison, so fuck you!" The girl walked over to your pictures, picked them up, then threw them on the floor. You were leaning against the wall trying to not pass out. She picked up the photos and started ripping them. You tried to stop her, but she hit you in your side again causing you to pass out, then ran out of the room. "Mrs. Fredda!" The girl yelled as she went down stairs.
    Lisa called you down. You slowly made it down to the bottom of the steps. "Bonny said you were mean to her. What happened between you two?"
   "I need to leave for a few hours and get some air." You were fighting the pain and were having a hard time standing. "Would it be alright if we talk after I return?"
   "Hun, you don't look too good. Are you alright?" She noticed the sweat rolling down your face and how you were a bit bent over and limping.
   "I will be. I just need to get some air." You said.
   "Alright." Lisa could see the pain in your eyes. "We'll talk when you get back."
    It was after 10:30 pm when Mrs. Fredda called Liv. Liv had been home for about an hour. "I haven't seen her, but I'll let you know if I do."
    At 1 am, Amanda got off the elevator, then walked towards her apartment. She heard a man yelling. As she rounded the corner, she found you and another man in the hallway. The man was yelling at you. He grabbed you and tried to drag you down the hall. You pulled away from him, so he hit you, then pinned you to the wall. "Hey! Get your hands off of her unless you want to be arrested for child abuse!" Amanda said.
   "I'm tired of these kids coming into my building, dealing and doing drugs!" The man said.
   "I can assure you sir," Amanda started. "That my niece isn't dealing nor is she doing drugs. And you're lucky that she didn't hand your ass to you on a platter." The man grumbled as he walked back to his apartment. "Are you alright?" She looked at your face. "You have a pretty nasty gash. Let's go inside and get you cleaned up; then I'll take you back to the Fredda's." She opened up the door and helped you in.
   "Actually, I was hoping I could stay the night here." You said. "I'll go back tomorrow, but I don't want to be there tonight."
   "Do the Fredda's know you're going to be gone for the night?" She had grabbed the first aid kit from the bathroom and was opening up an alcohol pad.
   "If you're asking have I talked to them since I left, then no." You said. "If you're asking do they have a suspicion that I'm not going to be back tonight, then my answer is probably."
   "Alright." She took the pad to your head. The alcohol burned but you kept it cool. "You can stay, but, I'm letting them know that you're here." You nodded. "You can either sleep in my room with me, or you can sleep on the couch. My second bedroom is full of stuff from my storage unit." She applied the antibiotic, then put a bandage over the area. She returned the kit to the bathroom, then text Lisa to let her know you were with her. Lisa text back saying thank you and that that was fine. You slept in Amanda's room with her by accident. You had been watching a movie with her when you fell asleep.
    There was a knock on the door as Amanda was getting ready for work. She answered it to find Liv on the other side. "I'm just about ready. Would you like some coffee?"
   "No, but thank you." Liv said. The bedroom door opened, then the bathroom door shut. "I'm so sorry Amanda, I didn't know you had company."
   "It's not a problem." Amanda said. "I'm just about ready to go."
   "You're going to leave them in your apartment?" Liv asked.
   "I don't see why not." Amanda said. "They have my full trust."
   "Wow!" Liv said surprised. "So this isn't a one night thing. Is it pretty serious?"
   "Has been for a few years now." Amanda was having fun with this.
   "A few years? Wow!" Liv was really surprised. She got a shocked look on her face. "You and Sonny?"
   "Ew, that's gross." Liv looked to see you coming down the hallway. You stopped. "Then again, I'd ship it. They are kind of cute together, and they make a great team."
   "Liv was surprised that I had company that stayed the whole night." Amanda said. "She asked - "
   "I heard the whole thing." You said. "First, aunt Amanda may be fire, but I know neither of us play for the same team. Second, ew. Third, do you have an apple or a banana? I thought I'd eat it on the way back to the Fredda's."
   "No, I don't." She said. "I'm sorry."
   "It's alright." You said. "I'll grab something from a cart. Thanks for letting me crash here last night. I'm off. I'll see you both later."
   "Aren't you forgetting something?" Amanda asked.
   "Oh yeah. May I borrow your taser?" You asked. "If that - never mind." You walked into the kitchen and hugged Amanda, then Liv.
   "Why don't you let us give you a ride?" Liv asked.
    You looked at your phone. "Because you all are going to be late as it is. No need for me to make you any later."
   "We're giving you a ride." Amanda said.
   "Okay." You weren't going to argue with that tone of voice.
    They dropped you off at the Fredda's. The kids were gone for a few hours which gave the Fredda's the time to talk with you. They apologized for what the kids had done and offered to replace what they could but you weren't going to let them. When the kids got back, they each had to apologize to you. You accepted their apologies, ate dinner, then went to bed.

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