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    You woke up, got dressed, and went to work with Liv and Erin. On the way in, you made a stop at a bodega to get breakfast which made you late to the station.
    Liv had you reorganizing files for the first few hours. You had just finished organizing when your phone vibrated. You pulled it out then opened the message app.
Joseph: I heard
you survived. Now
the cops are looking
for me because of you.
We are going to be
having a talk soon!
If you tell anyone
about this, I will kill
the ones you love!
    You were angry. Your heart was racing as you walked out of Liv's office.
   “Hey.” Gabby said. “We brought lunch.”
   “Ok.” You said. “I'll go get the others.” You walked down the hall and into the conference room. “Matt and Gabby brought food.” You were looking down so you wouldn't see anything. You stepped back into the hall. Everyone left the room. “Hank. May I talk to you for a moment?”
   “What's up kid?” He asked.
   “I need to keep this between us, please.” You said.
   “Ok.” He said. You showed him the text that Joseph sent you. “If he text you again, let me know. I'll keep this between us for now.”
    You ate lunch, then went home and packed. Once you boarded the plane, you took your meds. The first half of the plane ride was pleasant. The second half not so much. There was a terrible storm which caused the plane to be knocked around. You were glad when the plane landed and you were able to get off.
    Jay picked everyone up. He dropped you and a few of the others off at the house. You took a nap until dinner.
    Saturday morning it was storming pretty bad. You spent a few hours with Gabby and Silvy. They had to stop by Med for something.
   “Hey BAF,” Gabby said. “I'm going to ask Nat to look you over.”
   “Ok.” You said. A few minutes later you were laying on a bed and Gabby was holding your hand.
   “There's going to be a little bit of discomfort.” Nat said. She parted your legs and started examining your area. It was uncomfortable. When she started feeling around inside of you, you couldn't handle it.
   “Stop, please!” You said.
   “I'm almost done.” Nat said.
   “NO! STOP!” You said. “I can't do this!”
   “Look at me!” Gabby said. “You can do this. Nat isn't going to hurt you.”
   “I CAN’T!” Your heart was racing.
   “How about we take a break and finish this in a bit?” Nat said after Gabby's phone dinged. You nodded. She covered your legs then walked up to you. “Love, I'm not going to hurt you. I can't imagine how uncomfortable this is, or how you're feeling. I'll be back in a little bit.”  
    Twenty-five minutes later, Liv walked into the room with Nat. “Nat called me.” Liv said. “I'm going to sit with you while Nat examines you.”
   “I don't want to do this!” You said as tears filled your eyes.
   “I know.” Liv said. “But it will make us feel better if Nat examines you instead of someone that none of us know. Will you try to let her finish the exam?”
   “Fine!” You said harshly. Liv felt horrible putting you through this.
    Nat reached back inside you. Flashes of Joseph on you, the feeling of him in you, kept blinding you. You were shaking.
   “We are all here for you.” Liv said. “No one is going to hurt you!”
   “I'm almost done.” Nat said. You were starting to freak out when she said she was done. “Those sutures are excellent. Everything looks good.” They helped you get dressed. “I'm so sorry. But I'm also proud of you. May I hug you?” You nodded. She wrapped her arms around you.
   “I'm sorry.” You said softly. “I trust you. This is all hard for me.”
   “No worries.” Nat whispered in reply. “We'll get through this together.” She stepped back. “Ava is on her way down. She should be in in a few minutes. I want another hug after you see her.” You nodded. She left.
    You were staring at a wall as Liv slipped her hand into yours. You resisted for a moment.
   “I'm sorry.” Liv said.
   “No, I'm sorry.” You said. “This isn't me.” Liv wanted to say something to convince you otherwise. Instead, she stood there holding your hand until Ava walked in.
   “Hey rock star!” Ava said. “I'm sorry it took me a few to get down here. I was waiting for your files from N.Y..”
   “No worries.” You said.
   “I want to check your heart while you're standing.” Ava said. She took ten minutes to check you over. “How are the docs in N.Y. treating you?”
   “Good.” You said. “But they're not as good as you all here. They're not family.”
   “That does make a difference.” Ava said. “Everything looks good. Everything sounds good.”
   “That's excellent news.” Gabby said. “Thanks for taking the time to do this for us.”
   “You're welcome.” Ava said. “I always have time for this kid.” She hugged you. All of you walked out of the room. “I will see you all later.”
   “There's a few people in the waiting area anxious to see you.” Nat said.
   “I know.” You hugged Nat, then walked into the waiting area.
   “BAF!” Bethany ran up to you. She stopped. You nodded then she hugged you. “Mindy and Carry told us what happened.”
   “I figured they would.” You said. “Hey.”
    Tyler and Amy walked up to you. They hugged you. “It's horrible what your dad did to you.” Amy said.
   “He's not my dad!” You said.
   “I'm sorry.” Amy said. “I didn't mean to upset you.”
   “You should get a cooler looking sling.” Tyler said.
   “Flames would be cool.” You said. “Set fire to it all!”
   “That would be cool.” Gabby said.
   “Welcome back to Chicago.” Bethany said as she hugged Liv.
   “I'm going to go hang with them for a few hours.” You said.
   “I think that sounds like an excellent idea.” Liv said.
   “Pay attention to the weather.” Gabby said. “Be safe.”
   “They just issued a tornado watch for our area.” Brett said.
   “Let's go.” You said. “I love you all.”
   “Liv, Gabby.” Nat said as she approached them. “This was in the exam room.” She handed them a phone.
   “It's Bry's.” Liv said.
    The next hour the four of you spent going to a few thrift shops. “What do we want for lunch?” Tyler asked as you left a store.
   “BAF?” Bethany looked at you.
   “Pizza.” You said.
   “I know an amazing pizza place.” Amy said.
   “BAF doesn’t have any of her meds.” Gabby had called Liv. “Do you have any of her friends numbers?
   “No.” Liv said. “But I have her phone. I'll call one of them.” They ended their call. She unlocked your phone and your message app was open. She saw the message from Joseph. “Oh my gosh!”
   “Everything okay?” Hank asked.
   “No.” Liv said. “I opened Bry's phone to find her friend’s number and there's a message from Joseph on here threatening us. He sent it yesterday.”
   “Why wouldn't she tell us about it?” Erin asked after she saw the message.
   “She told me.” Hank said. “She asked me not to say anything to either of you. I agreed. She wanted to tell you herself when she felt ready.”
   “I think I left my phone at Med.” You said.
   “Here.” Tyler handed you his phone. “Call it, see if someone answers.” You did.
   “Hey Tyler, it's Liv.
   “It's me.” You said. “I thought I left my phone at Med.”
   “You did. Nat brought it out to me right after you left.” Liv said. “Do you have your meds with you?
   “No.” You looked at your watch. “We're going to head to the house here in about ten so I can take them.”
   “We are headed there now.” Liv said. “We'll see you there.”
    You paid the tab before heading out. It was pouring and hailing outside so you all hurried out to the car. You were opening the door when someone slammed you into the car.
   “WHAT THE HELL?!” Amy exclaimed.
    You recognized the voice, it was Dwight. You felt the round nuzzle of a gun against your neck. “Amy.” You said. “Get in the car.” She did.
   “Now you get in the car as well.” Dwight said. You opened the door and kicked his knee. He bent over and you tried to get in the car. He hit you with the gun then kicked your knee out. He shoved you into the middle seat. The others started to freak out until he held up the gun to your head. He got into the car. “Where's your sisters at?”
   “At home.” You said.
   “Then that's where we're going.” Dwight said. “Give me your phones.” They handed him their phones. “Drive Brynn and I to her home. And in case you decide to try any funny business.” He pulled something out of his coat and stabbed you in the chest. You yelled out. “I just shot her up with adrenaline. If you don't get her home, she will die.”
   “Did you get a hold of one of her friends?” Gabby asked when Liv walked in the door. Hank, Erin, and Antonio walked in with her. Matt and Gabby were sitting in the living room.
   “Bry called her phone from Tyler's phone looking for her phone.” Liv said. “Right before she called, I found this text sent from Joseph.” She showed them the text. “She doesn't know that we know. I don't know if she is trying to protect us, or if she is waiting to see if he sends another, but we've got to talk about it.”
   “Maybe she needed to process it.” Gabby said. “There's been so much stress with everything that's happened, maybe she's trying to make sure she's ready to physically tell us.”
   “That's why we should approach it calmly and casually.” Matt said. “Interrogating her might bring on another heart attack.”
   “We should calmly ask her about it.” Brett said. “Instead of dancing around it.”
   “I agree.” Antonio said. “She prefers it when people are straight forward about things.”
   “We are here.” Tyler said.
   “I have eyes you fucking idiot!” Dwight said. “We are going to get out of the car. You all are going to then get out and walk ahead of us into the house. If any of you say anything or tries to drive off, I will kill her. Come on!” He grabbed you, pulling you out of the car, then yelled at them to get out of the car. He had made Tyler put on your watch before the car left The Pizza Shoppe. You were sweating and shaking but knew that Tyler's pulse wouldn't send out an alert to the others.
    They got out of the car then walked in front of you into the house.
   “BAF, you’ve got five minutes to spare.” Gabby said when she heard the door open.
   “Bethany, what's wrong?” Erin asked when she saw Bethany in tears. She started to walk towards her.
   “Don't! Please! I'll come to you.” Bethany said.
   “H-h-h-h-he’s go-go-going t-t-to ki-kill her.” Amy cried.
   “What are you talking about?” Liv asked.
   “She's talking about me.” Dwight pushed you into the living room ahead of him. “If you try anything, she will die.”
   “He shot her with adrenaline.” Tyler said.
   “I just took my meds.” You said. “The shot will kill me in fifteen minutes if not treated.”
   “Smart girl.” Dwight said. “I did my research. A few of her meds, if mixed with caffeine or adrenaline, will kill her if taken around the same time. Both were taken within ten minutes of one another. If you don't do what I say, she will definitely die. Eh, she may die either way.”
   Your eyes caught Liv's. You looked down at your hand. She looked down. ‘When the moment comes, take the shot.’
   “Ok.” Liv said. “Ok, what do you want?”
   “Revenge.” Dwight said. “THIS BITCH RUINED MY LIFE!” He grabbed your throat and started squeezing. Just when you were ready to pass out he let go. You were very lite headed. “You don't get that luxury of not seeing or feeling your death coming. You feel that?” He stood behind you. He started caressing you. He rubbed your breasts then decided to stick his hand under your shirt. He pinched your nipples then pulled on them. He moved his hand down your pants. “I've missed you.” He licked your neck. “Did someone hurt you? Was someone too big for you? You should let that hole be bigger. Here, let me help.” You felt him tearing the stitches as tears filled your eyes. “My fingers fit better now.” He pulled his hand out. He licked the blood off of them. “You taste even better than before.”
    You looked at Liv. ‘Ready?’ She spelt yes. You caught Erin and Antonio's eyes. They both spelt out yes.
   “I want you to watch her die.” Dwight said. “It'll either be slow and painful or quick and painful.”
   “No.” You said.
   “No what?” Dwight demanded.
   “I didn't feel anything.” You said. “Your fingers are bigger and thicker than that green bean you call a penis.”
   “You begged me for more every time I was in you.” Dwight said.
   “Your fingers being in me is the only time I ever remember feeling you in me.” You said. “No wonder you're so angry, you're probably the only one who ever fucks you good enough to get off.”
   “YOU BITCH! YOU CUNT!” He yelled. “I'll remind you right now how nice my cock feels!” Dwight let his guard down. The gun went from your head to your chest. You grabbed it and turned. There were gunshots. You both fell to the floor. There was no movement. Everyone moved cautiously over to you.
   “He's still alive.” Antonio said. Hank helped him pull Dwight off of you.
    Brett went to help care for Dwight while Gabby ran over to you. “Brynn.” She had the others help roll you over. “She's not shot but she's barely breathing.”
    Dwight was laughing. “You're too late! That bitch got what she deserved. I only regret that I didn't get to ravage her again! That pussy knew who I was. It was so wet, I wouldn't have had any trouble at all.”
   “SHUT UP!” Hank said. “You say one more word and I’LL BREAK YOUR DAMN JAW!”
   “You guys are just upset that neither of you got to fuck her, aren't you?! Isn’t that every dad’s dream; to fuck their little girl?!” Dwight said.
   “What did you say?!” Matt started to storm over to Dwight. Antonio stopped him.
   “MATT!” Gabby said. “We've got to get her to Med!”
    Matt carried you out to the car. Gabby and Liv got in back with you. Erin drove your friends. You came to in the car.
   “Hey babe.” Gabby said. “We're on the way to Med. You're gunna be ok.”
   “Rob?” You were still coming around.
   “He's alive and on his way to Med as well.” Gabby said.
   “Eve-everyone else?” You asked.
   “Everyone else is fine.” Gabby said. “They're in the car behind us.”
    You were now more perceptive. “At least I didn't take a bullet this time.”
   “That's true.” Gabby said as she laughed.
   “I'm sorry that this happened.” You said.
   “Love.” Liv said. “None of this is your fault. You handled the situation very wisely.”
   “If I would have done that I woul - ” You were finally feeling the pain you were in. “AHHHhhh!”
   “Relax.” Gabby said.
   “We're almost there.” Matt said.
   “You made the right choices.” Liv said. “Things could have been a lot worse.”
   “That adrenaline sucks.” Your heart was racing. “Good thing I hadn't taken my meds.”
   “We're pulling up.” Gabby said. “I'll go get a chair.”
   “I'll walk.” You said. “I need to stay awake.”
   “Ok.” Gabby said. “There is a blanket behind you Liv.” Liv grabbed the blanket. Matt helped you out of the car, then they threw the blanket over you.
   “BAF!” Bethany and Tyler ran up to you. Bethany hugged you. Everyone walked with you, helping you because you could barely walk or stay awake.
    Maggie came out with Nat and Jay.
   “Hank called and said that Antonio and him were headed here with Dwight.” Jay said. “He then told me that you all were headed here with BAF.”
   “Ethan and Will are going to take care of Dwight.” Maggie said.
   “Ava and I are going to take care of - ” You passed out. “Bry.” Nat said. “BRYNN!”
    April came out with Ava. “Here!” April handed a syringe to Nat.
   “It's Metoprolol.” Ava said. “It will counteract the adrenaline.” Nat gave you the medicine. Within fifteen seconds you came around. “Bry, I need you to do your best to stay awake.”
   “Ok.” You said though you felt it was almost impossible.
   “One of you need to pick her up and get her in that room now.” Ava said. Matt picked you up, carried you to the room, then laid you on the bed. “I'm going to give you your meds. You will take them an hour late tonight. Your meds are going to regulate your body and force the adrenaline out.”
   “Ok.” You said.
    Hank walked by your room. Dwight was being carted by your room when he saw you. “I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU! I'M GOING TO RIP YOU APART PIECE BY PIECE!” He was going crazy.
    Erin closed the curtain as Ava gave you your meds. “Fellas.” Nat said. “I'm going to ask you to leave the room. If any of you aren't comfortable, you should leave as well.” Tyler, Amy, and Matt left. Gabby, Erin, Liv, and Bethany stayed. “This is going to suck.”
   “Erin and I are right here.” Liv said.
   “So am I.” Bethany said.
   “Are you sure?” You looked at Bethany. “It's okay if you want to skip this part.”
   “I want to be here for you BAF.” Bethany said.
   “You are.” You said. “Whether you are in here or out there. You are here for me. I won't be mad or offended if you choose to go wait with the others. Amy seemed pretty upset, she could probably use a female friend right now.”
   “I was thinking the same thing.” Bethany said. “Promise me you'll be alright.”
   “I promise.” You said. She left the room.
   “Let's get started.” Nat said.
   “Focus on us.” Liv said.
    Nat and Gabby took your pants off. Nat cleaned up the area then examined everything. She re-stitched the tear. You tried your best to downplay the pain but there were moments where you couldn't.
   “We need to monitor you for the next hour or two to make sure the meds do their job.” Nat said. “For now relax and keep movement to a minimum.”
   “Would you wait a few minutes to let the others back in?” Erin asked.
   “Of course.” Nat said as she left.
   “Hold on.” Erin said. “I'll be right back.”
   “How's the pain?” Gabby asked.
   “What pain?” You replied.
    Erin walked into the room. Daniel, Antonio, Matt, and Hank followed her in. “Hun. We need to talk to you, and I wish this could wait, but with what just happened, it can't.”
   “I always knew this day would come.” You said. “It always does. And I get it.”
   “Kid.” Hank said. “Most people in this room know about the text from Joseph.”
   “When I get discharged I'll grab some clothes and disappear!” You said.
   “No!” Liv said. “We don't want that at all!”
   “We are never going to abandon you!” Erin said.
   “I opened up your phone to call Tyler to let him know that I had your phone.” Liv said. “When I unlocked your phone, your message app was open, and I saw the text.”
   “I was going to tell you.” You said.
   “We know.” Erin said. “But we have no idea what Joseph's next move is going to be.”
   “Which means that we have to have a game plan ourselves.” Antonio said.
   “I thought we should try to lure him out.” You said. “But admittedly, I'm not ready to put myself in that position yet. So I think we should be patient. See if he contacts me again.”
   “We don't want you to put yourself - ” Erin started.
   “WHERE I’LL GET HURT?!” You interrupted. “You're fifteen and a half years late! Look at what happened today, what happened last weekend! I've been getting hurt my whole life but it's always been worth it!”
   “We want to do what we can to keep you safe.” Hank said.
   “I have a ring that tracks me, a watch with network access, family that are cops, medics, firefighters!” You were aggravated. Your BP was spiking and your heart was racing. “None of that stopped Rob from taking four kids hostage in the middle of a busy street!”
   “We know.” Matt said.
   “NOT AT ALL!” Liv placed her hand on your face. “We want you to rest and relax!”
   “For now it would probably be best to have someone with you at all times.” Hank said. “Go to work with Liv or Erin. Someone can accompany you when you go out. It sucks bu - ”
   “That's fine!” You said. “But don't expect me to play helpless! If it comes do - ” You were having trouble ignoring the pain. “Down to you or me, I won't hesitate! It will be me every time!”
   “We know.” Hank said.
   “Asking you to play helpless is like asking a dog to be a cat.” Antonio said. “We know it ain't going to happen.”
   “We'll be back in a bit.” Hank said. Antonio followed him out the door.
    There was a tap on the door. Tyler, Amy, and Bethany walked in.
   “How are you all doing with everything?” You asked them. “And no bull shit please.”
   “We're better.” Tyler said. “I feel so horrible for not doing something. I could've crashed the car, honked the horn, warned them when we got to Gabby's.”
   “Stop!” You said. “If you crashed the car, it could have killed one of us or majorly hurt us all. He would have shot you for honking the horn. The outcome still would’ve been the same if not worse if you would've warned them. The only other option would've been to drive off. You all handled yourselves the way you should have. Amy, are you feeling better?”
   “Yes.” Amy said. “One of the nurses gave me a relaxer. I felt so helpless! It's horrible what he did to you!”
   “I'm sorry that you were dragged into this.” You said. “Dr. Charles or Dr. Reece wouldn't mind sitting down and talking with you if you need to. I'll also understand if I don't see you or Tyler again while I'm in town.”
   “I'm alright.” Bethany said. “It was scary but it could have been a lot worse.”
   “How are you doing BAF?” Daniel asked.
   “I'm stressed.” You said. “I'm angry! I want this all to be over.”
    Bethany walked over to the bed and set next to you. She put her arm around you. Tyler followed getting on the other side of you.
   “Tyler.” Liv started.
   “He's fine!” You said as you laid your head on his arm.
   “Come on Amy.” Bethany said. She scooted over so that Amy could fit on the bed.
   “You're always there when we need you BAF.” Tyler said. “We're not going to leave you the one time that we get to be there for you.”
   “I can't take anymore today!” You said.
   “We got you.” Tyler said.
   “We've all got you.” Erin said.
   “You rest love.” Liv said. “We're going to go see how things are going with Dwight.” Everyone left except for your friends.
   “If it's alright with the three of you, I'd like to just lay here.” You said.
   “What do you think Dr. Charles, is Bry going to be okay?” Liv asked.
   “Yes eventually. She's blaming herself.” Daniel said. “I don't think it's just for what happened today. I think it's also for what happened with Joseph. She's overwhelmed. She seems to be trying to process everything, but having a peaceful moment to do so, hasn't happened.”
   “None of this is her fault.” Gabby said. “Why would she blame herself?”
   “She blames herself for not being able to protect the ones she cares about.” Daniel said. “She put everyone in danger today. There was nothing she could do to prevent it from getting to the point it did. Dwight was in her home, threatening her family and friends. She is blaming herself for letting it happen. I also believe she is awaiting the fallout from all this.”
   “Fallout?” Nat asked.
   “What kind of fall out?” Matt asked.
   “I'm suspecting she's expecting her family to tell her they've had enough and abandon her.” Daniel said. “That's evident when she said that she knew this day would come, that it always does.”
   “We wouldn't do that.” Erin said.
   “We know that.” Daniel said. “She wants to fully believe that, but in her mind, there's going to come a point where all of this will be too much and we’ll abandon her. We can't blame her for thinking that way.”
   “Because people have always abandoned her at one point or another.” Erin said.
   “I don't think this Dwight incident has much to do with the way BAF is responding to things.” Daniel said.
   “What do you mean?” Gabby asked.
   “As bad as this sounds, BAF is used to being assaulted in all aspects.” Daniel said. “But when Joseph hurt her, it was a whole new experience. Her father abandoned her, he left her for dead. He died, then came back from the dead. He made sure to tell her himself, that he never wanted her, that he wanted her dead. Even though she's never had a relationship with him, his actions and words still hold some value. A really small part of her was relieved that he wasn't dead. It hurt her that he abandoned her, that he died, because every child wants to know their parents. She knew that he would hurt her. But she didn't think it would be the way that he did. Now she's struggling with the fact that her dad assaulted her and left her to die again, abandoning her again. All of her life it's been strangers assaulting her, but this was different, because it was her father, her blood.”
   “Joseph hurt her then abandoned her.” Hank said. “So in her mind, it's only a matter of time before we abandon her.”
   “Yes.” Daniel said. “Her family, her blood, always abandons her.”
   “So what can we do?” Liv asked. “What can I do?”
   “Right now she's hurting.” Daniel said. “She's hurting in all aspects. She's tired, overwhelmed, scared, and a bit depressed. I'm not going to prescribe any meds because I think she needs and wants to feel everything. The best thing is to give her space and time. She may try to push us away and if she does, we will need to back off some but not completely. Her friends are in there laying on the bed with her. Love and support. If she starts to yell, let her yell. Don't dismiss any of her emotions or actions. She loves us and wants to protect us, but she's having a hard time trying to love herself right now. We need to be positive and encouraging. In time she'll snap out of it.”
   “DR. CHARLES.” Maggie yelled. “We could use your help in here.”

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