Full Circle

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    Jason sat down in the living room after putting Aaron to sleep. You were asleep in your room. It had been almost a month since you had him. “Have you all noticed anything off with Bry?”
   “What do you mean by off?” Erin asked.
   “She hasn’t seemed to bounce back all the way from having Ben.” Jason said. Aaron was being called Ben to help not mix up kids names more than they already were.
   “She’s a new mom.” Hank said. “After the first three months, she’ll be normal again.”
   “She wasn’t this way with Eli.” Jason said. “I think she’s having more trouble with her heart than she’s letting on. She’s still weak and tired. She gets short of breath quickly.”
   “Have you brought it up to her?” Matt asked.
   “No.” Jason said. “I think she is putting on a front for all of us and I don’t want to upset her.”
   “Bring it up at the one month appointment.” Gabby said. “I’ll be a bit more observant and gauge how she’s doing.”
    A few days later you were playing with the kids, chasing them around, when you fell down the stairs. Antonio rushed over to you. “Mija. We have to take you to Med.” He loaded up the vans then put you in the front seat of one of them. Jessica, his girl friend, drove the second van. Jason, Erin, Amanda, Hank, and Liv were there. They helped wrangle the kids.
    You stepped out of the van, took one step, then fell. You hit your head on the van then slammed into the concrete. After your seizure Antonio carried you inside.
   “She has an infection.” Ava said. “Since she didn’t give birth here, it’s something we could have missed due to the lack of tests and monitoring. This infection is affecting her heart. No more breast feeding til it’s gone. She needs a clean environment where she can rest. I’m putting her on bed rest for a week. Plenty of fluids and sleep. If she doesn’t get better then I will put her in a clean room in the CICU.”
   “Jay, Jessica, and Antonio are at home with the kids.” Jason said. “They got pizza.” You fell asleep as he was talking to you. “I hate that she’s sick. I wish I would have made her come in sooner.”
   “We’ve been with her through many sicknesses.” Amanda said. “When it comes to taking care of her family and her kids, she puts us before herself every time.”
   “She’s going to bed when we get home.” Jason said.
   “I think it would be a good idea for her to sleep upstairs with us.” Hank said. “The kids don’t come up that often and it’ll be less noisy as she won’t have the trampling on the floor disturbing her.”
   “We can help take care of her and Ben so there’s not as much stress on you.” Liv said. “We can partition off a section to keep it as clean as possible for her.”
   “We will keep everyone out of it which makes it her clean space.” Erin said. “We know we can’t keep her from the kids…”
   “I got Adyn sick when I was sick.” Tears fell from your face. “I can stay at Amanda’s for the week. I won’t like it but if it keeps them safe and it means I get better faster, then that’s what we should do.”
   “I would love having you over for a week.” Amanda said. “I haven’t changed your room. It would be nice and quiet, clean, and…”
   “Less of a hassle for everyone.” You said.
   “Bry and I will be the only ones in the apartment which decreases the chance of making her worse.” Amanda said.
   “I hate it.” Jason said.
   “I know. But we both know it makes sense.” He nodded in agreement.
    Discharge papers were signed then they walked with you to Amanda’s car. Jason kissed you, everyone hugged, then you left. Amanda stopped and got food. After you showered, you ate. Jason dropped off a bag of stuff for you. You slept hard that night. Except to take your meds and eat, you slept for 3 days.
   “Amanda!” Your voice carried to her room. “Amanda!”
   “I’m here. What ca - ” She placed her hands on the bed next to you. “I’m going to get the thermometer.” She took your temp then called Ava. “I’m going to help you to the shower.” She helped you dress then took your temp again. “Come sleep in my bed with me. I’ll take care of your bed later.” Your temp had come down from 103.1 to 102.3. Your temp would drop them spike.
    Gabby took a shower in the morning then stayed with you as Amanda went to work. “I’ve got you baby!” and “Momma’s here.” Are things she said often as she tried to sooth you through some of the worst of it.
    Gabby stayed with you throughout the day as Amanda worked. When Gabby was working they set up the iPad to help keep an eye on you. By the fifth day you were feeling better. Everyone was happy to have you home. Ava cleared you but wanted a check up every day.
   “Both check ups went well.” Jason said. “Ben is healthy and happy and Bry is as good as she can be.”
   “Good.” Liv responded. “You are going to sit in here with me and help with paperwork.” She snickered when she saw you roll your eyes. “I knew you’d love it!”
    It was a few days before Adyn’s eleventh birthday. You were excited. He was into Power Rangers and that was his theme. You went out shopping with your rents for his party. “Dad.” You weakly grabbed him as the room went sideways. He held you.
   “Hey babe.” Gabby gently held your face with one hand. “Dad wants to take you back out to the car and let me finish shopping.”
   “No.” You said weakly. “We do this together. I need another minute.”
   “Don’t let your mother threaten you like that.” Matt said. “I said we could finish this later. I’ve got you, so take as much time as you need.” Gabby gave you some propel which helped. The rest of the shopping took a bit longer but it was done.
    The night before his birthday everyone helped set everything up. You wanted to keep him home for the day but he was your kid and wanted to go to school. In the morning he was greeted with a new Power Rangers outfit and shoes. He had pancakes shaped like different characters.
    That evening dinner was had then dessert. Everyone gave him their presents then you went last. “Adyn James, my sweet wonderful boy. You are my first born and my first love. I still remember holding you after you were born and never wanting to let you go. Here you are hitting double digits and I stand in awe of my amazing young man. I’m so thankful for everyone who has helped shape who you are. Jake would be so proud of you. You are so much like him. Everyone else got you all the cool stuff and I’m giving you a lame book. In that book are the memories that bring a smile to my face and warms my heart. Don’t stop being amazing but also don’t forget to be a kid. You are going to do amazing things my son and I’m so excited to see them. I love you forever and always!” You hugged him then kissed the top of his head. He held onto the box without opening it.
   “Hey Mom?” Adyn entered the living room a bit after the kids went to bed. “Would you all tell me about some of these photos?” It was nice to reminisce and tell Adyn about his past. Jason enjoyed it too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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