Chapter 2

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Bakugou POV

I didn't know what I was doing or why I was doing it, my feet just took me to the bathroom. Panting, I slide down onto the bathroom floor and sigh.

Why, why does this ALWAYS fucking happen? Everywhere I go, I'm a monster, a villain, a dumb piece of shit no one ever wants. I start to cry and I can't stop. The tears fall like all of the insults I've seen and taken to heart.






I jump up and look at myself in the mirror. I look horrible. My skin is pale, almost white. My eyebags are huge and very visible. I punch the mirror in my frustration. This isn't good. Why hadn't I noticed this until now? I can't see the scars from this morning, which is good, but the cut is still bleeding a little from when Round Fa- Uraraka slapped me. My hand is bleeding now too from the shattered glass. Surprisingly, I don't feel that much pain. I feel... empty, somehow. It's a good feeling, and I'm a bit relieved that I feel this way. 

"I wonder... I didn't bring my knife..." I mutter as I scan the bathroom. There's nothing there. I'm seriously considering banging my head on the sink to do some damage when I realize.

My Quirk.

Kirishima POV

Everyone is comforting Midobro as he cried silently in his chair. I don't think anyone cared that Bakugou ran outside. 

"Deku-kun, it's ok, we won't let that monster hurt you again," Uraraka says consolingly as she helps Midobro out of the chair. 

Midobro smiled but says, "It's fine Uraraka-san, it wasn't Kacchan's fault." I could almost see Uraraka's face darken when he said "Kacchan". Before I knew it I pipe up:

"Midobro is right. It wasn't Bakugou's fault. It happened years ago! I know Bakubro feels bad about it now..." I trailed off when Uraraka silenced me with an icy glare. 

"How is it not his fault? He just didn't want Deku-kun to get into UA? How selfish is that? Bakugou literally told him to commit suicide for Christ's sake!" Uraraka yells at me, waving her hands in a way that is a pale match to Iida's. 

I fall silent. I know that that was harsh, but I also knew he felt horrible about it. I shake my head and walk outside of the room. Where should I go? Where would he be? I think for a minute before realizing, the bathroom. I quickly navigate my way there, weaving around the crowd of students. I accidentally bump into one, but I help her up and say "Sorry!" before sprinting to the bathroom. When I get there, I listen for noises, like footsteps. This bathroom usually isn't used, but it's the closest one near our room. I stay for about 2 minutes listening until I realize, there's probably no one there. I sigh, dejected, and start to trudge back into the classroom. 

Then, I hear a large "Boom."

Third Person POV

The redhead immediately rushes into the bathroom to see an unconscious ash-blonde laying before him. Kirishima gasps and carefully picks his way through the broken glass to pick Bakugou up. 

"Bakugou..." he mutters. "What happened to you?" Kirishima gently picks up Bakugou and starts to carry him to Recovery Girl. He wonders what that boom was until he sees a large burn mark on the back of Bakugou's neck. The redhead was so surprised that he forgot to inhale. It was a deep red, almost black on the outside with scratches and bleeding. "B-bakugou...." he whispers, shedding a tear before picking up his pace. 

"Why would you do this...." Kirishima thinks as he skirts around the public passages, opting for a more deserted route. He walks carefully but swiftly. As he reaches Recovery Girl's office, he sets Bakugou on a free bed and sits down. Recovery Girl bustles in and gasps.

"Oh my, what happened to him?" she says as she gives him a kiss. 

"I don't know," Kirishima replies tiredly as he watches Bakugou sleeping. "He looks nice asleep. Calm, not angry like he usually is." the redhead thinks with a smile.

Bakugou POV

I hear... voices. Who are they? Where am I? Ugh, what the fuck even happened? My head hurts. Did I hit it? I try to open my eyes, but it's hard. 

"Look, he's waking up!" a voice says. I hear footsteps and something cool is placed on my head. I open my eyes fully. Recovery Girl is standing over me, with a basin of water on the floor.

"Why am I here?" I ask, avoiding her questioning eyes. I see Kirishima on one of the chairs and give a weak nod.

"Bakugou!" Kirishima jumps up and runs to my side. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, dumbass," I spit out with a hopefully menacing tone. I struggle to get out of the bed and Kirishima helps me. "Get away," I hiss and wobble my way out of the door. I think they are talking about me because I hear talking as I leave, but I ignore it and go back to class. 

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