Chapter 6

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Third Person POV

Bakugou is guided to the chair and holds Akari's hand. Akari starts to activate her Quirk but is stopped by a whisper.

"If you... could you... not show some memories?" Bakugou begs softly. Akari feels horrible for the boy but denies his request.

"I'm sorry, I don't know how to do that," she says comfortingly and activates her Quirk. Memories are screened onto the blackboard. At first, it is a white square, but then it shows Bakugou as a kid. He pushes Midoriya away and runs off, hearing Midoriya's screams behind him.

"Kacchaaan!" Midoriya screams. 

"Get out of my head! Please stop following me!" Bakugou mumbles to himself, turning the corner to his house. He takes his shoes off and crumples in fear.

"Well well..." Mitsuki snickers and walks out of the kitchen with a pot in her hands. "Look who decided to come home."

Bakugou tries to run around her, but a knock on the shoulder sends him to the floor. Mitsuki laughs and hits him again in the head. Similar memories are there for a while. The memories flash to middle school, where Bakugou is wrapping his arms with bandages, the bandages staining red immediately. He hides something shiny in his jacket and runs outside. He bullies Midoriya at school and when he comes home, gets stabbed in the shoulder with a knife. He screams in pain and the memories flash to the last day of middle school.

"Take a swan dive off a roof!" Bakugou says and almost slaps himself. "Please... what is wrong with me?"  he thinks but walks away anyway. The memories pan to the sludge villain when he is being attacked. "I surrender. Kill me, please..."

After getting saved by All Might, the memories switch to high school.

 Bakugou gets a plate thrown at him, he cuts and gets harassed at school. It all meshes into a routine. Abuse, Self-harm, Harassment. Abuse, Self-harm, Harassment. The last memory was at the park, where he had a panic attack and then everything turned black. 

Akari lets go of Bakugou's hand and looks around the classroom.

"Jeez, what happened here?" she asks surprisedly.

Everyone is shocked into tears, Midoriya is crying into his hands, and Uraraka just looks dumbfounded. Bakugou is lumped down in the chair, watching the scenario play out with a narrow-eyed gaze.

"What the fuck?" he yells. "What are you damn extras crying about! It's not like you would care anyway..." his eyes widen and tears roll down his face. "It's not like...." he gets up and runs outside the classroom. Akari looks puzzled, so she asks Kirishima what they had seen.

"H-he's gotten abused..." Kirishima mutters. "That's where the cut a few days ago came from..."

The only group that doesn't look quite so surprised is the Bakusquad, who decide to follow Bakugou to see what he's up to. 

"Jirou, once you find Bakugou, tell him we still need to check his wrists..." Aizawa calls and twiddles his fingers. 

"Ok Sensei," Jirou says miserably and rushes out the door with the Bakusquad.

Bakugou POV

I look at everyone crying and get angry. It's like it's been bubbling and frothing inside me and now it finally comes out. 

"What the fuck?" I yell in anger. "What are you damn extras crying about? It's not like you would care anyway..." I trail off as I realize how lonely and weak I am. "It's not like..." I get up and run out. I can't take this anymore. They probably just put up this caring and crying mask so I would like them again. Then, they would start to hurt me. Over and over and over.

Liquid flies behind me as I push past people to the stairs. I don't even care anymore. I just want this to end. 

Please... let it end.

I run-up to the roof and open the creaky door. It's so nice out here. Drizzly, and calm. I wish my life was like this. I'm about to walk straight to the edge, but my mind urges me to find something to harm myself with. I look around for a little, and I end up ripping off a piece of sharp metal near the door. I steady my arm, which is trembling like shit, and glide the piece over my arms. Blood flows freely, but I can't stop because it feels so good. It feels like... I've won at something. 

I cut and cut until my arm is almost white, and then I switch to the other arm. I almost hit a vein, which hurts like hell, but I don't even care anymore. I'm going to die soon.

Jirou POV

I assign everyone jobs. We need to find Bakugou. Now.

"Mina, first floor!" 

"Got it!"

"Kiri and Denki, second floor!" 

"Count on us!"

"Sero, bathrooms and third floor!"


I gulp. "And I'll take the roof.."

Everyone looks sad at the thought of it. We split up into our groups and take to the search. I immediately bound up the steps to get to the roof. Not a lot of people go there, so it's pretty deserted. "Please... Bakugou, don't be there..." I think. As I near the door to the roof, I see a red liquid slowly seep out. Oh no. Is he..?

I text everyone and start to hear their footsteps. 

"BAKUGOUU!" I scream, my voice cracking. I try to push open the door but it won't budge. Kirishima and the others finish running up the stairs and try to push the door as well.

"What the hell happened?" Denki asks frantically. 

"Kirishima, harden yourself and open the door!" Mina says - pulling everyone out of the way. 

"Ok!" Kirishima says. He hardens himself and bursts through the door. We all rush out onto the rooftop and almost trip on a large piece of metal. He must have used this to barricade the door. Blood is everywhere, and in the center of it all is a small, sharp piece of metal.

I look up and see, Bakugou. Sitting at the edge of the roof, swinging his legs like he's happily enjoying a day at the park. The rain drips off his hair like liquid glass, and his ruby eyes are shining.

"Bakugou..." I carefully walk toward him. When I get close, I hug the railing for support.

"Oh! Hey Jirou!" Bakugou says and looks up at me. It's evident he's been crying. Still, I'm shocked that he used my actual name instead of the nickname he gives me.

"Thought I might start calling you by your name, you know, since I'm gonna die soon..." he says softly and tears roll down his nose. I'm sobbing and start to climb over the railing to save him.

"Bakugou.... please..." I wail and reach out to him. "Please don't leave us behind..."

Kirishima walks carefully up to me and thrusts his hand out too. "Bakugou... you're my best friend. Don't leave me!!!" he cries and tears fly down his face. Denki and Sero come up too, all trying to persuade Bakugou to come back to them. 

"You... you still have to tease me for everything Bakugou!" Denki says, hugging Sero.

"Yeah! You have to call me Soy Sauce Face!" Sero adds and tries to use his tape to grab Bakugou. It doesn't work. Kirishima tries to climb over the railing next to Bakugou, but he can't.

"I'm sorry guys... I'll miss you," Bakugou says. "Hope you become the best heroes of your life."

He falls backward into the sky.


Hello! I sort of want to make a good and bad ending to this, so you guys can decide if I should do good, bad, or both! Thank you!

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