Chapter 4

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Bakugou POV

As I walk out of the gym, I realize, the class isn't over yet. The old hag is going to get called, and then I'll have to go home early. "It doesn't matter." I think as I turn the corner to Recovery Girl's office. "I have to heal these."

(Another timeskip brought to you by the orange juice Kirishima drank)

After Recovery Girl healed my cuts, I exited the school and started to walk along the path. I need to get out of there. I can feel the tears in my eyes, but I'm determined to not cry. I walk through the streets, trying to ignore the whispers that I hear.

"Look, the boy from the Kamino Incident!"

"Wasn't he also the boy that got attacked by the sludge villain?"

"Wow, he must be weak if he got into two things like those!"

"I am weak." I think as I start to run. The tears start flying behind me as I sprint to nowhere in particular. I run away from the whispers, away from the people, away from myself. 

Aizawa POV

I stare at the retreating figure in my door as Bakugou leaves the classroom. He usually acts like this, but something is off. He stuttered, for one. He also bit his lip, which sometimes happens, but it was different. He looked... entranced.

"Hmm, I need to tell Mic about this," I mumble to myself as I start to walk to the teacher's lounge. People rush past me and keep yelling. One person near me won't stop yapping. I rub my temples in annoyance and try to mute the sound. "All I want to do is sleep..." I think grumpily as I stand in front of the door for the teacher's lounge. 

"Shota!" Mic yells and embraces me in a hug. I give a small hug back and sit on the couch. Mic sits down across from me.

"Mic, I have to tell you something," I say gloomily. He looks confused. 

"Sure, I'm listening," he says and changes his position.

"You know Bakugou?"

"Of course I do. What about him.?"

"Well... he's been acting.. different. His grades have been slipping, he zones out a lot, and when I confronted him a few minutes ago, he stuttered."

Mic looks shocked. A dark feeling settled over the room. "What happened to him...?"

"I don't know, but also, he accidentally bit his lip, but when he looked at the blood, he was entranced." I finish anxiously.

"So what should we do about it?" Mic asks and looks at me stonily. I think for a moment and then sigh.

"There is 1 way..."

Bakugou POV

I gasp for air as I stumble towards a small waterfall. I look at the rocks through the clear water and smile. This park is nice. It's very pretty. I would like this to be my last sight...

 I lay down on a pillow of grass and watch the water flow from the top to the bottom. Top to the bottom. That's pretty much the story of my life right there. I chuckle softly. Makes sense though. I am a monster, I deserve to be here. Right at the bottom... where I belong.

My thoughts flicker to the old hag. I'm 5, and I asked to wear light pink as a theme. I got a good beating for that. I see myself locked in the basement, and I see myself getting stabbed in the arm. I see blood on the floor, and I see the plate from this morning. I start breathing heavily. Why am I so loud? What's happening? I can't breathe! Am I dying? I can't breathe

"Sweetie, you just need to toughen up!"I hear a voice behind me. Mitsuki walks to me and cradles my face.

"M-m-mom.." I choke and look at her. The water runs peacefully in the background, a blatant opposite of how I'm feeling.

"Don't worry, I'll help," she says charmingly and hits my face. I cough out blood and everything goes black.

Kirishima POV

After Bakugou walks out of the gym, I feel confused. What is he doing? Also, why did my hitting him in the arms affect him so much? I think about it for a bit and can't really find an answer. We watch everyone fight and comment on it with constructive criticism. I try to find good points for everyone as I watch. It helped, I think.

After class, we're allowed to go home. "Hey, Midobro!" I shout as I race behind him. Deku looks at me and says something to Uraraka-san, and then walks towards me.

"Hi, Kirishima-kun! You wanted to tell me something?" Midobro asks and smiles.

"Yeah..." I say breathlessly. "You know how Bakugou looked really injured after I hit him in the arms?" I ask and Midobro nods with a neutral expression. "Well, I was wondering... I mean- he never really does that.. so do you know of a reason that could've happened?" I finish and Midobro's face darkens.

"Well..." he starts hesitantly. "The only thing I could think of.. is that one time, I felt so helpless after Kacchan bullied me, that I cut my arms a little." I gasp in horror and tears come to my eyes. Did Bakubro really make him feel like this? I knew he regretted it, but it still hurt hearing this. "My mother accidentally hit me there when she was running out of the kitchen after dinner. It hurt a lot," he says simply.

"Is he...? No... don't tell me..." I think wildly. I'm about to cry, I can't believe him! "T-thank you! Midobro!" I shout and run past him out of the gym. I need to find him. Now.

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