Chapter 7(Good)

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Third Person POV

Bakugou feels a sensation of falling, but he also feels something else. Something... freeing. He hears screams but he doesn't care. The sky looks beautiful. Gray, and cloudy, but also calming. Even the UA walls look nice -  shiny, and glassy. 

"I'm glad this is going to be my last sight..."  the boy thinks solemnly and closes his eyes.

"Bakugou!" a voice belonging to a certain redhead [(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞] shouts. The blonde's eyes fly open to see a hardened Kirishima falling above him with sticky tape around his waist. Kirishima tries to swim through the air, but it doesn't work. He's still above Bakugou.

"Come on! I need to get below him!" Kirishima thinks and attempts to harden himself more so he can go faster. It works, and he's almost below Bakugou now.

"Shitty Hair, don't you fucking dare!" Bakugou says and sets off an explosion in Kirishima's face to distract him. 

Kirishima tries to grab Bakugou's hand, but he draws it away. The ground is getting closer, and Kirishima could make out everyone's faces individually. Uraraka, Deku, Asui, Iida... With his last seconds of Hardening, he hardens himself even more and grabs Bakugou's hand. He feels a sense of triumph before he realizes the tape that Sero made had broken. 

"SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTT!" he screams as both of them pinwheel in the air, Bakugou looking very happy, as he had been the one to rip it. Kirishima starts to feel his Hardening go away, but he keeps Hardening and Hardening. He will not let Bakugou die. 

They land on the pavement with a crunch, and everyone freaks out. Blood starts to leak out from the middle of the huddle, and everyone starts to cry. Is it too late? 

"Fuck you Shitty Hair, you broke my damn nose," Bakugou mutters and Kirishima opens his eyes.

"Are you fucking serious right now! I literally saved you from suicide and now you're getting all on me for giving you a fucking broken nose?" Kirishima says pettily and huffs. Everyone laughs. The rest of the Bakusquad rush out and see the two of them on the ground.

"Bakugou, you bitch, don't ever do that again!" Mina says angrily and helps him up. Sero assists Kirishima while Denki and Jirou walk over to Uraraka.


"What was that for?" Uraraka cries and cradles her cheek. The Dekusquad jumps to her protection.

"For making Bakugou's life a living hell and causing him to almost commit suicide, which he would've if it weren't for Kiri and Sero," Denki says cheerfully.

"Yup! Also for harassing him repeatedly and threatening to kill him, we saw what happened in the locker room," Jirou adds and they high-five.

Uraraka turns red, both from anger and embarrassment, as Jirou and Denki walk over to the others. Aizawa Sensei comes running out and turns on Bakugou.

"Don't ever do that again," he hisses, and a relieved look comes over his face. "Are you alright?"

Bakugou looks over at everyone and smiles. An honest to God, genuine smile.

"I... I think so," he says sincerely.

*One week later*

Bakugou POV

I'm lounging on Mina's bed while everyone is watching Heroes Rising and eating chips. Aizawa Sensei had gotten UA to build dorms after learning what some people went through at home. Now, I never had to see the old hag again. People actually liked me. I know that now, and it feels so good.

"Bakubabe, you watching?" Mina asks while stealing some buttercorn from Sero. We call it buttercorn because Denki always puts waaayyy too much butter in the popcorn, so we can't taste anything else. I nod and put my arm around Kiri. Jirou looks at me and smirks, but she doesn't say anything. I send a quick text to her.

"Don't you fucking dare Earphone Jack-ass."

"What the hell are you talking about, Bakubitch?"

"*Gasp* that's it, c'mere!"

"Oh god no!"

"Hey, Denki? I ask calmly with a neutral expression.


"Could you pause the movie? Jirou and I have to go do something..." I say sweetly and nod towards Jirou.

"Fuck no, I'm out," Jirou says with maniacal laughter and sprints out of the room.

"Bitch, come here!" I yell and run out after her. We end up getting into a fight right in front of the Dekusquad, who laugh at our antics. 

"Seriously, what is up with you two," Round Face laughs and continues talking to Kermit. She's been kinder to me ever since Jirou slapped her (Yesss queen), and so has Four Eyes.

"I'm glad my almost death has made them kinder."  I think drily and pin Jirou to the wall. 

"Fuck you," Jirou whispers and cackles. We go back to watch the movie, to have fun.

And that's it, I guess. This is my life now. And it's a pretty good one too. So... bye I guess? Also, why the fuck are you even reading this? Go do whatever damn extras do, and don't stalk me. Weirdos.


So I'm probably gonna make a bad ending as well but this is my good ending. Yeah.

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