Chapter 5

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Kirishima POV

I race out of UA hoping it's not too late. My mind starts to get ahead of me as I sprint along a path. "He could be dead, bled out, on the roof..." I think worriedly, looking around for a spiky blonde mane. I run across the street and keep searching, but I don't see anyone.

"Bakugou!" I call frantically as I keep my eyes peeled for anyone blonde. I ask people close to me if they saw anyone resembling him, but they said no.  "I guess he went home..?" I think to myself as I skulk along a path near a park. Then, I see him. 

"BAKUGOU!" I yell as I sprint towards him. He's lying on the ground unconscious with blood around his mouth, and he's bleeding heavily from his arms. I can see the huge mark from this morning, as well as the cut where Uraraka slapped him. "I don't even know what made that cut.." I think worriedly as I flip open my phone. Who should I call... Mina! I dial her number and press speaker. 

"Kiri? What's up?" she says cheerfully, probably walking home with Denki and Sero.

"Come quick, park, near UA." I pant, clutching Bakugou as I stand up. "Bakugou's injured!"

"That bully?" she says. "No one cares about him!"

"Mina!" I cry. "He regrets it... I'll explain it to you, but hurry!"

*After explaining*

"I...." Mina trailed off. "I'm coming right away!"

Sure enough, a pink skinned girl ran in front of me and yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO HIM?"

"I don't know!" I said, choking back tears. "We need to take him to the hospital."

"Shouldn't we report this to Aizawa Sensei?"

"I guess so..."

"Well, c'mon then!"

Mina POV☁ (Fancy :O)

I almost jumped out of my skin when Kirishima said Bakugou was injured and explained his dilemma, crying over the phone. I immediately notified Denki and Sero about everything, and told them to call Jirou as well. Then, I grabbed my favorite jacket and ran to the park. Sure enough, Kirishima was mumbling to an unconscious figure in his arms, and I was shook.

"What the fuck happened to him?" I shouted, helping Kirishima carry him.

"I don't know!" Kirishima said, crying. "We need to take him to the hospital."

"Shouldn't we report this to Aizawa Sensei? He's Bakugou's teacher after all..." I thought, and explained this to Kirishima.

"I guess so..."

"Well, c'mon then!" I yelled, and started running, Kirishima behind me.

Now, we're in the hospital with Denki and Sero. Aizawa Sensei called 911 as soon as he saw what happened and demanded us to explain to him. Present Mic slipped in during the middle of our discussion, and brainstormed possibilities as the ambulance came.

Denki is checking his phone, Sero is talking with Jirou about stuff, and Kirishima is pacing the floor waiting for an answer about what happened.

A doctor comes out with a wavering smile. Kirishima and the others immediately pounce on her.

"What happened?"

"Is Bakugou ok?"

"Tell us!!!"

The doctor ignores these questions and sits down carefully on a free chair, smoothing her coat. I start to get mad, but I hold it in. Can you not see we're all worried? Just tell us for fuck's sake!

"You guys are the friends of Katsuki Bakugou, right?" she starts, tracing the side of her chair with her finger.

We all look at each other and nod, wondering what her diagnosis is. "I-is he o-ok?" Jirou asks softly.

"He is alive. But, we think that he had a panic attack shortly before blacking out, due to his increased heart rate even after you brought him in. He also has scars and bleeding cuts on his arms and legs, so we wrapped them up. He also looks extremely thin, so we don't know if he has been eating or not. We left a tray of rations for him to eat when he wakes up, so hopefully, we can get some food into him. The last thing is, he has been going nearly deaf for almost 5 years now. Do any of you know the cause of it?"

The last question shakes us out of our trance. Had Bakugou really felt this much pain? 

"His Quirk i-is called E-explosion.." Denki offers as he wipes his tears away.

"He does use it a lot near his ears as well," Sero adds, hugging Jirou as they cry.

"That must be why then. We've given him some hearing aids to help boost his hearing abilities, but they will break every year or so, so he should come here at that time to get new ones." the doctor finishes sadly.

We all nod somberly, and as the doctor leaves, huddle together.

"How could we not know about this?" Jirou cries.

"All those times I thought he was fine..." Denki says, trailing off with a wipe of his face.

"Ok.. L-let's go see him n-now." I say sadly.

They all nod, and we walk in.

(A timeskip brought to you by the fish Bakugou ate)

Third Person POV

The mental health week had been going on for some time. Everyone had gone except for the reformed Bakusquad, including Bakugou. Everyone was required to show their wrists before sitting in a chair for Akari to broadcast the memories.

"Ok, the first one for today is Bakugou Katsuki!" Akari smiled. 

"No, this can't be happening. The scars haven't even healed yet..." Bakugou thinks with immense worry. He starts to breathe heavily, and tears leak out of his eyes. Kirishima, who had been briefed on Bakugou's panic attacks, whispers:

"Bakugou, just breathe. Listen to my voice, and breathe."

"Kirishima!" Bakugou thinks, and a few minutes later started to breathe normally again.

"Is everything alright?" Akari calls worriedly and glances at Kirishima. He nods in response and starts to guide Bakugou up to the chair.

"Shitty Hair..." Bakugou whispers. "I can't..."

"You have to." Kirishima says firmly. "It's time they know."

Bakugou sighs and lets Kirishima walk with him to the chair.

"Oh come on!" Uraraka says. "He's heartless! How could he have any issues with himself?"

Everyone agrees with her.

"Stop it!" Akari says, her eyes turning red. Everyone quiets down in fear. Her eyes turn to Bakugou. "Are you ready?" she says kindly to him.

Bakugou thinks for a moment. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be.." he realizes. 

"Yes." he utters.

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