Chapter 7(Bad)

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Sort of trigger warning? Hopefully but not so descriptive thing of a dead body on the ground so..

Third Person POV 

Bakugou looks up at the gray sky and feels droplets patter on his face. He feels a falling sensation, but he also feels something else. Something... freeing. He hears screams all around him, both from the people, and the birds. He smiles. There are no people here, just... sky. Everything looks coated with liquid glass, and he's happy that this will be his last sight.

"Bakugou!!!" he hears people scream, but he doesn't care. He tunes out their voices and turns around. He wants his last sight to be the trees. Tape comes rushing down and almost sticks to Bakugou, but he rips it in half. Bakugou fingers the pine needles of his favorite tree, the one that reminded him of Deku. He remembers all of the good times they had together and wishes that things had gone better for him. Alas, all monsters have to die someday. And Bakugou Katsuki decided that it was his time.

Bakugou sees Kiri start to fall from the building, possibly using his Hardening to save him, but it doesn't matter. He'll land soon anyway. He hopes that Kirishima won't die, and wipes his face with his arm. Blood comes flying out into the wind, and Bakugou remembers how he cut himself before jumping. Oh wait, I still have to do something... Bakugou thinks and starts to shout.

"Hey Izuku!" he yells happily. "I'm sorry for doing all that shit to you and I hope you're happy now!" he shouts. He sees everyone else looking up in horror, but he doesn't care. Why should he care? They didn't care before then, why should they care now? He closes his eyes and wait for the impact. He hears a whistle and sets off an explosion before pinning his arms to his side and awaiting his death. As the Beast of 1A hits the pavement with a sickening sound, people can't even move. They don't believe what they have just witnessed. Deku is too shaken to say anything, and Kirishima hits the ground a few moments later.

Deku POV

I come out of the building to see what is going on, when I see a small silhouette falling from the building. Oh no! I need to save them! I think hurriedly and run to a group of people. The person gets closer, and I see it's Kacchan.

"K-K-KACCHAN!" I scream and start to activate One For All: Full Cowling.

"Hey, Izuku!" he screams happily, waving his arms. "I'm sorry for doing all that shit to you and I hope you're happy now!"

H-he called me Izuku. He thinks I'm going to be happy if he gets hurt? It hits me that this is serious and that he is going to die if I don't save him. I jump up in order to catch it but he hits me with an explosion and I fall down. I reach out for him but it's too late. He hits the pavement.

Third Person POV

A red liquid leaks out slowly from Bakugou Katsuki's twisted body. Bones can be seen through the skin, which is torn and bruised into oblivion. A metallic odor reaches people's noses, and some people trip on the flowing blood. The most horrifying thing though, is his face. Empty eyes, and a bright smile, as if it was just a normal day. 

Everything is silent. Then, one horrified scream pierces through it. Kirishima drops down and looks at the dead body before he cries. 

"B-b-bakugou... how could you leave me..." he whispers before laying himself protectively on his best friend's body. Jirou and the others run out to see their efforts didn't work.

"FUCK!" Mina screams and breaks down in tears, hugging Jirou. Jirou closes her eyes and cries silently, while Denki sits down and rocks himself. Sero just looks speechless. They all take one look at the body and turn away. They can't bear to see it. Denki snaps from his trance and gets up. He walks slowly towards Uraraka.


Uraraka cries out in pain and clutches her cheek. "Why did you do that?"

"Fuck you. Fuck you all! You guys are the reason someone died today!" Denki spits out. "You guys are the reason we'll never see Bakugou again, and you guys are the reason why he did this to himself!" he cries before stalking away. Aizawa Sensei rushes out of UA and sees the lifeless body on the ground. Tears form in his eyes as he calls 911, who come almost immediately. UA becomes a swarm of law enforcement and emergency officers, and as soon as it is over, leaves Class 1A with a student gone, forever.

*Three Months Later*

Class 1A is very different without Bakugou. For one, everything is quieter. Not a good quiet, but an uneasy quiet. Nobody really talks with anyone, but does their classwork in silence. Uraraka gets yelled at sometimes by the former Bakusquad, but everything seems empty. Dorms have been installed for fear of more children getting abused, but everyone just ignores each other. People also get into pointless fights and act out more often, in hopes of sparking a spirit in the class. Their gloominess even affects Class 1B.

Who knew the "villain" of 1A could have gotten into the hearts of so many people? 


This is the last chapter of this thing and it absolutely sucks. Like, literally fucking sucks. I'm sorry you had to go through this but if by the rare chance you liked it, I might be creating another depressed bakugou story (bakugou angst is my life) so stay tuned!


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