Chapter 3

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Bakugou POV

I glumly trudge back to class. I know I'll be yelled at and hit again, but if I don't go, my mother would come to pick me up.

I knew what would happen if she picked me up.

I see people glare at me while I pass them, and I'm confused for a second. Did that bitch Round Face gossip to everyone about how I bullied Deku? Maybe... but no, she isn't a monster, I am

I enter the classroom and everyone is chatting happily. "Were they this cheerful without me?" I thought as I carefully slide to my seat. The memory girl's gone, so I guessed we're done for the day. 

"Look everyone, it's Bakubitch!" Round Face jeers and points to me sitting at my desk. The conversation stops abruptly. Invisigirl starts to laugh, and soon, everyone starts to cackle and say-


"Great name Uraraka!"

"Perfectly fit for a monster!"

"And a villain, I don't understand how he got here!"

"UA should really check people's backgrounds before letting people in."

I sigh and keep my head down. It was all I can do to not start crying. They kept taunting me until everything bubbled down into murmurs. Huh? Wait, aren't they still screaming? I hear a soft tap. I look up, and I see Round Face slammed her hand on the desk right next to my head. She yells something, but I only hear:

"... Look ... are ... villain!" 

Aizawa Sensei walks in the door and silences everyone. He says something, but I don't catch it. "Am I really going deaf?" I think worriedly as everyone nods excitedly. I try to look at Dunce Face for help, but he pointedly ignores me. I feel a stabbing pain in my lip, and touch it with my hand. When I pull it away, I see red. I guess I bit it? Everyone's sniggering at me now. The blood starts to drip onto the desk. Should I clean it? I watch the ruby liquid flow down my hand and feel somewhat entranced. I hear footsteps but I don't care. The blood looks nice. It offsets my skin well. Should I do more? Should I-

"Bakugou!" Aizawa Sensei snaps. I jolt out of my trance and look sheepishly into his stony gaze. "The ... the class already left for hero trai... What's wrong with you ...?" he hisses. I look down, and feel his eyes on me.  What's wrong with me? I can think of a list 100 miles long. But, if the class already left, I should get a move on. I have to keep my mask up.

"S-sorry Sensei," I stammer, and mentally slap myself. "Come on, I can't be seen as weak!"  I work my face into an angry expression and say, "Jeez, no need to get so mad. I think your fucking head's gonna blow up from the amount of shit you're doing right now, Tomato Head. Hell, even if it doesn't, I can speed up the process for you." I smile and start to walk out the door. 

Aizawa Sensei swells like a bullfrog. "Baku-"

"Bye now," I snicker and run outside the door. I did it. I don't think he suspects anything. Thank god. I slowly walk to the locker room to change into my hero costume. As I go, I don't hear anyone whisper about me. I guess that's good? When I reach the locker room, I do a quick scan to see if anyone's there. The coast is clear! Finally, a piece of good luck. 

Third Person POV

Bakugou quickly changes into his hero costume, and starts to walk out until a hand jutted out. Uraraka slides into the room and smiles.

"Heyy Bakubitch!" Slap.

"I just have to tell you, if you ever lay a finger on Deku-kun again..."

Her eyes almost glow with anger, and she has a large smile on her face.

"Say bye-bye to everything!"

Then, she walks out as if nothing had happened. Bakugou, trembling slightly, jogs after her to the rest of the class. When he stands in his spot, the rest of the class noticeably moves away, except for Kirishima.

"Hey, you okay?" he whispers as All Might briefs everyone on their to-do list. 

"I'm fine Shitty Hair. Now get the hell away from me." Bakugou tries to hiss. Kirishima sees right through it, but he doesn't comment. "We're doing 1 on 1 battles today," Kirishima supplies, trying to tell Bakugou the lesson plan. "I don't think he's listening..." the redhead thinks sadly as he turns away. Indeed, Bakugou was staring off into space with a glazed expression on his face. 

All Might says: "Pair up!" and everyone eagerly wants Bakugou to partner with them. "Why?" Bakugou thinks as he chooses Kirishima instead. Kirishima's eyes shine and he smiles brightly. Everyone looks ticked and starts to whisper.

"Ugh, why didn't he pick us?"

"Yeah, it's not fair."

"Damn it, I wanted to fight the villain!"

"And beat the shit out of him? Me too!"

"It'd be good practice for when we're real heroes... y'know?"

Bakugou tries to ignore them and walks to the mat with Kirishima. He gets into a fighting stance and waits for Kirishima to do the same. The ash-blonde is worried but pushes it down. He wants to win this.

"Young Bakugou and Kirishima. START!" All Might booms. 

Immediately, Kirishima hardens himself and goes for weak points. Bakugou dodges and makes a smokescreen with an explosion. As Kirishima flails around, Bakugou tries to punch Kirishima, but his Hardening makes it insignificant. As Kirishima repeatedly tries to hit Bakugou, he starts to thrust himself into the air. Kirishima had planned for this and jumped, aiming for his arms to make him fall. "Oh, no. I can't let him get to the arms!"  Bakugou thinks and tries to move. It was too late though. Kirishima punches him with his hardened fists, right on the cuts from that morning. Bakugou gasps in pain and falls to the ground. "No... I can't let them see!"  he thinks as he clutches his injured arm. Thick, red blood starts to cascade down his arm, which feels like a hot poker had been dragged across it. He starts to lose his senses, and everything is turning gray.

"Good job Kirishima!" Uraraka screams with a thumbs-up and everyone except Deku cheers. They start to yell "Kirishima!" over and over again. Kirishima yells "Shut up!" and tries to help Bakugou up.

"G-get away," Bakugou yells, and trembling, walks slowly out of the gym.

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