chapter nine

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09 x confirmed: alien


I was hovering horizontally mid-air in a framework that I did not at all understand, with two Asgardian women standing over me. I wasn't sure how I was hovering, nor was I sure of what the intricate light show was that was occurring around my body, though it looked almost holographic in nature.

Only difference was, holographs don't tend to feel like they're moving through you — albeit gentle as a breeze — which was at first off-putting. But I got used to it.

Every once in a while in my peripheral vision I could make out either Pietro pacing or Tony and Bruce trying to see around the healers. Jane and Sif stood farther off, though I could hear Tony and Bruce asking them both mumbled questions every once in a while.

"Your genetic composition is fascinating," one of the healers said eventually. She was fixated on the floating particles, and didn't look at me.

"You are absolutely a hybrid," the other said with a nod.

"Though it is strange ... how chaotic your physiological composition is—"

"That's because her powers are in some sort of state of flux," Tony volunteered. It was the loudest he had spoken since we'd entered the healing chamber. The healers both paused and glanced over at him, and that was all he needed to continue. "Our working theory is that her body's struggling with her being half human and half ... not."

"Our?" One of the healer's arched a brow.

Tony nodded at Bruce. "Doctor Banner is an expert in biochemistry."

Bruce gave a slight wave with a bashful smile that suggested he did not want to join the conversation.

The healers exchanged a look above me that I couldn't interpret. And then they simultaneously looked down at me before the one to my right spoke. "Your genetics suggest that you are half-human, half-Kochavim."

"Kochavim?" was echoed by Tony, Bruce, and Pietro, simultaneously.

"Yes," the same woman nodded curtly. "Kochavim. A ... rare species, one which I happen to have dedicated some time to studying in the past. Not," she hurried to say, "that I know planet history, or anything that you likely seek; I can tell you that Kochavim are relatively similar in physiology to Midgardians and Asgardians, making them compatible with humanity for procreation — obviously — and that your, ah, current body temperature is not uncommon for that species." She frowned. "Though yours is higher than my studies suggest that the resting temperature for a Kochavim ought to be."

"I do not know of Kochavim," the other healer said, "but I can tell you that your body is attempting to stabilize." She looked over me in the direction of Tony and Bruce then. "Could I have a word with the both of you?"

Tony said "Yes" before the rest of us could even process the question. Bruce had his mouth half open and his brow furrowed but he snapped it shut once he realized Tony had answered and gave his own nod.

"I believe," Sif said, "that we have enough information that we can venture to the hall of records now. Lady Megan, are you all right with doing that?"

The healers helped me to my feet and I stood on wobbly legs for a moment before Pietro was there and had wrapped an arm around my waist. I leaned into him without consciously deciding to, and took in a deep, shaky breath. "Yeah. Yeah, that's fine."

"Good." Sif nodded at Jane, and they headed toward the door, evidently making the assumption that Pietro and I would follow.

We did follow. Pietro did a great deal more of the action so far as following went, but we followed nonetheless. I cast a glance over my shoulder at where Bruce and Tony were convening with the healers.

Bruce flashed me a reassuring smile before Pietro swept me out the door.


We made it into the hall of records — which was large and grand and phenomenal — but we only made it so far into the space before my legs just ... gave out on me. The only reason I didn't collapse onto the floor was because Pietro had already had a hold on me, and when my body gave out, he was ready.

"Love," Pietro whispered into my hair. His voice was shaky, and he had his arms securely around me.

I didn't have the strength to respond. I just let my head drop against his shoulder. I could feel my eyes burning, even behind my eyelids, but somehow I had managed to keep the rest of my body temperature from sky-rocketing.

"Is she—" I heard Jane start to ask.

"I think," Pietro spoke slowly; I guessed he was trying to make sure his accent didn't get so thick that he couldn't be understood, "that she is focusing most of her energy on ... on keeping together."

"Keeping ... herself together?" Jane asked cautiously.

"Something like this," I felt when Pietro nodded.

"Okay," Jane said. "Okay, okay ... okay. Uh, Sif?"

"I will find what I can on Kochavim," Sif said. There was a beat of a pause. "I have been told that you are remarkably fast," I guessed this was directed toward Pietro; "Take her to the Bifröst. Heimdall will watch her. Then come back and gather your other companions; I will meet you on the Bifröst."

"Is that ... is that safe?" Jane asked.

"There is less for her to damage at the gate," Sif said confidently. "And if need to be, Heimdall can take her somewhere safe, if she loses control."

Then the voices swirled together, a mass of sound and indistinct noises. And then the world went dark.

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