chapter seven

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07 x new faces, new places


[ Third Person POV ]

Once the Bifröst took Doctor Foster and the four Avengers, Steve and Thor didn't stay outside for long.

They had work to do.

"What should we be expecting to come through that tear?" Steve asked.

Thor frowned in consideration before answering. "At worst — and at the moment, most likely — an army. At best ... a number of confused undead from across the realms, with the potential to still wreck havoc on Midgard."

"We've faced an army before," Steve pointed out.

Thor smiled grimly. "Yes, the Chitauri are, now were, formidable opponents. Still, Hela's army has one advantage the Chitauri did not."

Steve glanced Thor's way as they entered the elevator. "That being?"

Thor proffered a grim smile. "They are already dead."


[ Megan's POV ]

By some strange miracle I did not completely lose the contents of my stomach once the rainbow road spat us out into some sort of royal entryway. It was equally miraculous that I hadn't broken Pietro's hand while we were hurtling through space, but thankfully I hadn't.

Bruce and Tony both looked ... discombobulated, would probably be a good word. Bruce was pale-faced and looked like he might faint — which I knew was better than the alternative — and Tony blinked quickly, surveyed his surroundings, rubbed his eyes, then turned his attention to Bruce.

Doctor Foster had fared the best out of all of us, landing gracefully and moving into a swift walk as soon as her feet touched the floor. She gave a dazzling smile to the huge, dark-skinned, orange-eyed, gold-armored guard with the giant sword— "Heimdall, it's so good to see you again."

His voice was booming but somehow calming simultaneously, "Welcome to Asgard." Heimdall then offered a crescent moon of a smile to Doctor Foster. "Always a pleasure, Jane. Thor informed me of your purpose for this trip." His eyes — I mean, seriously, dude's eyes were practically glowing they were so orange — shifted to me then, and something about being on the receiving end of his gaze made me uncomfortable. "Megan Sinclair," he greeted with a formal nod and a pleasant, closed-mouthed smile. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

I nodded once by means of an awkward response, still holding tightly to Pietro's hand. "Thanks," was the answer I tried to give, but it came out as more of a question, which seemed to at least amuse the gatekeeper.

I watched as Heimdall looked between the three boys — men? Probably should say men — then he turned his focus back to Doctor Foster.

"Uh, by the way," Tony began to say — one of his arms was under one of Bruce's, and he was half-supporting his science buddy.

"Yes, Anthony, I know who you are as well," Heimdall said without so much as turning back toward Tony. "I see all."

"Oh," Tony said. I turned in time to see him give a 'yeah, why not' shrug.

I turned back in time to watch Jane disappear behind Heimdall's statuesque form, his back to the rest of us as they spoke to each other in hushed tones that were too low for me to catch. When I realized I wouldn't be overhearing their conversation any time soon, I looked up at Pietro. He was watching Heimdall's back with his brow furrowed. "I guess all Asgardians are giants," I whispered in an effort to joke.

"It would appear so," Pietro said absentmindedly.

I squeezed his hand. He looked down at me, blue eyes brightening some as we made eye contact. "Thank you for coming with me."

An affectionate smile lit his face. "Of course, love." He turned fully to face me then, and brought up his free hand to gently touch my cheek. His eyes quickly searched my own. "How are you doing?"

I gave a one-shouldered shrug. Leaned into his touch. "I've been better, I've been worse." The truth was, I was still burning a little too hot. I could feel it, rising and broiling in my chest. But it was contained, sort of, which meant that I was temporarily stable. I nodded at our golden surroundings. "Asgard's kinda cool though, huh?"

Pietro gave a slight smile. One that told me he wasn't convinced I was actually okay. Still, he dutifully looked around the room. "It is ... big. And very golden." His eyes darted opposite from where we'd come, toward an opening in the room that led to a literal rainbow bridge. I followed his gaze to what lay beyond; the towering palace in the distance. "About what I expected from what Thor talks about."

I nodded my agreement, but didn't say anything further as Tony and Bruce came up alongside us then.

"Doing all right, Doctor Banner?" Pietro asked, turning his concerned gaze to Bruce.

Bruce no longer looked pale, and he didn't need Tony's support to stay standing. The smile he gave was still strained at best, but that wasn't anything too far out of the norm. "Better. Now that we're ... standing. And not flying through space."

"And now you know what to expect for the trip back," Doctor Foster said cheerfully on her return. "Heimdall spoke to Odin before we arrived, and the Allfather has been gracious enough to give us access to their records room."

"I would escort you," Heimdall said, his focus on me, "but I am needed here."

Tony dared to ask, "Sentinel of the worlds?"

"Realms," Heimdall corrected. "While I am loyal to Asgard first and foremost, your observation is not inaccurate."

Tony grinned and opened his mouth to continue the conversation, but Doctor Foster spoke before he could.

"All right," she said, waving us out of the spherical gold room. All four of us followed after her onto an actual rainbow bridge, with a giant, shining city ahead of us. "We're going to the hall of records, which is in the palace," she explained. "And according to Heimdall, once we arrive at the palace, we will have a guide."

"Will our guide happen to know his way around the records hall?" Tony asked. I noticed when I glanced back that he was maintaining pace with Bruce as we all walked, still within arm's reach, just in case. "Or should we expect to be handed off somewhere, like a relay race."

Pietro gave a derisive snort at that.

"Actually, she," Jane cut Tony a sly look over her shoulder, "is well-learned and familiar with the hall of records." She gave me a reassuring smile. "So we are in great hands."

I smiled in return.

"She?" Tony echoed.

"Yes, Tony," Jane said patiently. I could hear the slight smile in her voice. "The Lady Sif will be our guide — and given she's been named one of the best warriors in the nine realms ... I'd keep the comments to myself, if I were you."

I could see Tony's mouth opening and closing in my periphery while Pietro snickered. He eventually just said, "Noted."

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