chapter seventeen

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17 x the calm before the storm



[ Third Person POV ]

"And nobody's heard from Nat?" Bucky looked around at the other men.

Steve shook his head. "Not a word."

"And she hates being tracked," Tony added, "so we're flat outta luck until she decides to reach out."

"I'm certain Lady Natasha is doing what she can to help our endeavor," Thor said. He was eating a bowl of cereal — and made a rather interesting picture, given he was dressed up in his armor, cape and all. Mjolnir was on the counter by his bowl. Thor spoke around a mouthful of cereal, "I doubt we need to worry ourselves over her."

"Thor's got a point." Sam nodded. "Nat doesn't play by the book, but she also isn't a Lone Ranger." His not anymore remained unspoken, yet understood by all five of them.

"Anyway." Tony was slathering Nutella on toast. "We need to talk game plan."

"How to know the world is in danger: Tony Stark wants to participate in planning." Bucky smirked.

"Ha ha." Tony waved his butter knife. "Very funny." He pointed the knife at Thor. "I think you're gonna need to head out before the rest of us."

"Oh?" Thor arched a brow.

Tony nodded. "You've got a direct line to ... Heimdall, right?"

"Yes," Thor agreed.

"And he controls the Bifröst, and sees all," Tony waved the knife around before he finally licked the Nutella off it. "So ... probably good to have you go ahead of us and get an insider update before we all go marching in."

Steve finished off the waffles he'd been eating. "Actually, I agree with Tony."

Sam elbowed Bucky. "World. Ending."

Bucky nodded. "Told ya."

"Why are they here?" Tony asked with an annoyed glance.

"'Cause they're strategists and soldiers and have experience in actual war, Tony." Steve sighed. He turned to Sam and Bucky. "Could you dial down the antagonism, please?"

Bucky made a face. "Maybe."

Sam sighed dramatically. "Fine."

Steve turned back to Thor. "Just make sure you have a comm in so we can be in touch with you, and then you can provide Strange with advance support and keep us in the know about what's happening with the tear."

"He means interdimensionally," Tony added. "Strange and SHIELD could tell us what's happening visually. But they don't have Heimdall."

Thor nodded. "A fair point. And I think a good idea." He finished his cereal.

"And the rest of us?" Bucky asked as he looked between Tony and Steve. "Got any big ideas there?"

"Yes, actually," Steve said with a half-smile at his friend. "And you might actually like at least part of them."

Bucky's brows arched. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." Steve leaned back in his seat. "With Thor and the others gone, Nat radio silent, and Megan likely to join Thor and Strange on the frontline—"

"Probably with Pietro in tow," Tony interrupted. "I don't think he's gonna let her out of his sight for a while."

"—we were thinking of splitting into two teams," Steve continued. "Tony and I would take one, you guys would take the other."

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