chapter six

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06 x tony has stipulations


[ Megan's POV ]

Everyone responded to Thor's 'beginning of a plan' about as badly as I thought they would.

Pietro only didn't jump out of his chair because the moment I registered what Thor had said I tightened my grip on his hand, effectively keeping him from going anywhere, unless he wanted to drag me along with him. As it was, he immediately barked something in Sokovian, which to my surprise, Thor seemed to actually understand.

Wanda began shaking her head immediately, and though she did reprimand Pietro — or at least, I'm assuming that's what happened, since that was also in Sokovian — she did turn to Thor and demand, "You cannot actually be considering such a thing."

Sam's response was something along the lines of, "She just about raised the sea level across the world, and you want to send her into another dimension? Full of dead people?"

Natasha and Bucky both were giving Thor glares that would've sent most grown men running.

"Not to be offensive to Megan, but you want to put the weight of saving the world on her? With how she is right now?" Rhodey asked incredulously.

Steve was saying something about how dangerous it was, especially given how volatile I was, and had stubbornly crossed his arms over his chest.

"She just lost half of her abilities," Bruce said, "and her body is — put simply — extremely compromised. It doesn't even know how to adapt to the changes it's going through. Her control isn't the problem, the problem is we literally don't know what could happen to her physiology next—"

And that all happened at the same time.

And then a voice spoke with enough volume and authority that everyone else went quiet. It was to my great surprise that that voice belonged to Tony. "All right, kids, that's enough."

If the looks on their faces were any indicator, everybody else was surprised, too. Tony kept talking before anyone else could say a word. "Not to be too old school, but I think we're all putting the metaphorical cart before the glowing horse." He looked to me then; "Some sort of rip in space is a disaster to be sure, but the Avengers were formed to deal with exactly that. So we are going to handle Hela and her zombie army, period, end of sentence. That isn't reliant upon you," he pointed at me before arching his brows, "got it?"

I nodded once, mutely.

"Good," Tony said. He turned to Thor. "Your plan isn't absolutely awful, Point Break, but I have stipulations if you actually want to carry it out."

"You have stipulations?" Steve asked incredulously.

"I care about shortstop just as much as everybody else in the room," Tony retorted. "Excluding a certain hotheaded speedster. So yes, I have stipulations. And I promise they're better than anything the rest of you are thinking right now."

"That's a pretty drastic statement, Tony," Rhodey said.

Tony's response was to turn to face Thor. "Megan isn't human."

"I agree," Thor said, watching him warily.

"Or at least not entirely," Tony amended, glancing at me. "We need to know what she is."

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