chapter eighteen

327 21 1

18 x Houston, we have touchdown



"It's not an exact timer," Tony said, "but we're about half an hour away from an interdimensional hole appearing somewhere in San Diego."

"And we're twenty minutes away from the city," Steve said. "Which means we don't have much prep time once we're on the ground. So, to recap: Tony and I are leading a northern team, Sam and Bucky are leading a southern team. Peter and Evangeline, you're with me and Tony."

Peter asked, "Just the four of us?"

"Yeah," Tony answered. "See, Wanda's an absolute boss when it comes to battling the bizarre, and Vision is ... Vision, so they're going to be closer to the actual tear. First and second lines, respectively."

"What about Meg and Pietro?" Evangeline asked.

"Same thing," Tony shrugged, which was amusing with the suit on, "different reasons. Meg's basically a star in human form, so she's on the front ... and even I'm not willing to try and get Pietro to go somewhere without her."

"A wise call," Pietro said.

I was leaned on his shoulder and watching everything quietly. I wasn't tired, but I was contemplative.

"So," Tony continued, "yes, it's the four of us," he indicated the appropriate people, "on a team. JARVIS will fly this jet and the other as long as he possibly can."

Peter held up a hand hesitantly.

"Yes, Parker?"

"As in ... as in until the dead people destroy the jets, or ...?"

"Yes," Wanda sighed, "that is what he meant."

Evangeline crossed her arms over her chest and slid down in her seat. "That's morbid."

"So is fighting dead people," Tony said exasperatedly. "Come on, people, let's try to stay focused."

Vision turned to Evangeline, "As Tony mentioned, I will be part of the 'second line.' In all likelihood I'll be nearer to your respective teams than I will to Wanda and the others. The situation is not so miserable as it may seem. We are a team, after all." He straightened back up as he looked around the quinjet. "This is what we do."

Peter nudged Evangeline. "See? We'll be totally fine. It's just another fight. I mean, we took on those Hydra guys, remember?"

Evangeline groaned. "Peter, you got abducted during that mission."

Peter scratched his head. "Yeah ... that's ... true ... Maybe not my best comparison. But it's the only time we've fought a big group of people at once! And we did do well."

"You did," Steve assured them. "You're great fighters. You've got talent, and you've been trained, and you have experience." He turned to Evangeline with a gentle smile. "And you're not doing this alone. Like Vision said, we're a team."

Evangeline nodded slowly. "Okay," she said quietly. "I trust all of you." She nudged Peter back. "And you especially," she whispered.

Peter's cheeks and ears turned pink. He ducked his head with a bashful smile.

"With all of us there," Pietro said, "we will have each other's backs." He squeezed my hand. "We will all be fine. Just as before."

Wanda smiled. "Yes, just as before."

"All right, people," Tony said. "We're over the drop point for Meg and Vision. You two ready?"

I glanced at Vision. He nodded at me and got to his feet.

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