Chapter 11

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Meredith's POV

I have collected my self and was ready to face my half sister or whatever she is. I don't even know what I'm going to say to her, I just hope that even though I was thrown this bomb the other day that she will be ok.

I no longer have a cardio focus and I know that Cristina would be the person operating on her. I was feeling brave so I walk into her room and say "hi, I know I walked out of here pretty fast the other day, but if you wanna talk..." I began to trail off.

She looks up from her book about her procedure and says "Look, Meredith I didn't expect to get a sister, you asked a question and I simply gave an answer."

I'm shocked, I knew I was conflicted in the beginning, but I wanted to get to know her. She didn't have a family she was all alone in the world and was an addict. I just wanted to help.

I say, "Well what if I'm offering a sister and someone to vent to because right now I kinda need one too." She looks pleasantly surprised to my response and says, "Yeah that would be nice."

We sit there and chat as if we knew each other for our entire lives. We talked about our parents, some funny stories, vacations, you name it we talked about it.

I told her about Alex and how he was a jerk and she sided with me, then she asked about some guy who came into her room complimenting her joke and brought her into the hospital and asked if I knew his name.

I asked her to describe him and I immediately knew who she was talking about. I say "You are talking about McSteamy" Cristina and I came up with the name during lunch. She looks confused and asks "McSteamy?"

I start to laugh and say "His name is Mark Sloan and he's the head of plastics in New York, but I think he's moving here. He's having a baby right now." She looks defeated and I say the whole story with Mark and Addison and how they are only friends.

We started to make jokes until my pager went off for a patient and it said 911. I got up and said that I would be back but that I had to leave and went running down the hall.

I get there run the code and make sure that my patient is ok. I went to the nurses station to get the chart and see what I can do for them and I hear the nurses gossiping about something with videos of it.

One of my friends who was a nurse asked me if I knew what happened. I was confused to say the least and say "uhh, no. Should I?" She then shows me the video of Alex and Derek and they were fighting I knew it was about me, but I didn't know what they thought so I asked.

They were throwing some guesses and mostly far fetched rumors. Saying that Derek took Alex off of a surgery. One said that they heard that Derek had slept with Alex's sister which is so far off because one duh, and two Alex's sister is in college on the east coast.

I asked my friend to airdrop me the video, she said "of course". Once I get it, I had to find Derek and ask him what the hell happened and what caused this altercation cause it was ridiculous how much Alex was losing. This is saying a lot cause Alex was a wrestler in high school.

Once I find Derek he has his signature smirk and says "Dr. Grey just the person I was looking for, I need to ask you a question." I'm still mad and wanted answers so I drag him by his white coat and put him in the supply closet.

I show him the video and asked him, "What happened?!" He looks stunned as if this hospital isn't anything but a rumor mill and will bend the truth till it breaks.

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