Movie Night

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Non-despair AU

Miu's POV.

I was working on a new invention when Kokichi barged through my door.

"HEY MIU!" He shouted, he was so loud all of Japan could hear him.

"What?" I say annoyance laced in my voice as I dragged out the 'A'.

"Do you wanna watch a scary movie tonight? I'm watching Jigsaw! " He exclaimed.

This dumbass can't even make it through the beginning of 'IT' how does he think he can handle this? I thought to myself. He seemed awfully happy about it so I didn't ruin his fun. I wanna see his reaction anyway.

(I wouldn't know from experience. Definitely not me)

I stopped working and walking into the living room behind him. He jumped on the couch and un paused the beginning of the movie.

The lights were off and Kokichi was snuggled into my arm, his head resting on my shoulder.

We were half way through the movie when I felt Kokichi's grip around my arm get tighter. I looked down to see him slightly shaking and his eyes wide. A death happened and he jumped. I laughed at his fear, "Pussy" I said, his head whipped around, "What?" he said.

"I said you're a pussy if you can't be chill with watching someone get their ribcage taken out" He huffed, "I can!" he yelled, he continued to watch the movie. I roll my eyes and turn to the TV as well. Finally the movie had ended. I looked at Kokichi again, he still looked horrified.

"Hey, what if Jigsaw comes to get us and we have to risk each others lives?" He said, obviously worried. I laughed, "He's not really silly!  He's not gonna hurt either of us I promise" I reply trying to relax him. I don't think it worked since he still had the same expression on his face. I turn of the TV and start heading to bed since it was 11:00p.m. and I was tired.

"You coming?" I asked Kokichi. He was still sitting on the couch with the blanket wrapped around him. He nodded, "Yeah, in a bit. I'm not tired" he said. I nod and walk into our bedroom. I lay down and close my eyes.

Later I feel him get into the covers, he was still shaking. Wow, did the movie really scare him that bad, "Hey babe, you alright?" I asked him, not bothering to open my eyes, "Y-yeah" he said. He kinda sounded like he was crying or close. I turn around and look at the time on the nightstand next to me. It was nearly two in the morning.

I sigh and turn back around, facing Kokichi. He was farther away than normal, not even touching me which was surprising since he's usually really clingy at night. He also wasn't facing me.

"Kichi, what's wrong? You dn't usually act this way." I say. He shakes his head, "I'm fine". Ha, that was a lie and I could tell. I wrap my arms tightly around his waist and bring him closer to me.

He didn't try and hold on, he didn't try to push away. He just kept staring at the wall. Damn, the movie fucked with his mind didn't it? "hey, Kokchi"

"hm?" he hums

"What so interesting about the wall? Look at me." He shakes his head, "No it's okay, I'm fine like this"

"Why don't you wanna look at your beautiful girlfriend?" I ask in a teasing way. He scoffs, "Because I don't want shit to come up behind me from the closet?"

I sigh," I told you, he's not real. We're fine. " I slightly nodded and turned around to my side. He tightly wrapped around my waist with his arms and legs and didn't let go.

"Heh, silly." I say as I close my eyes and falling asleep.

This totally wasn't based off when I watched Saw at a friend's house and ended up acting like a koala to them the whole night... Definitely-

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