I'm adopting Monokuma

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And today we have more ✨angst✨ because a lot of you like it but it's more of a shitpost-

Kokichi's POV.

I was about to walk around a corner in the hall when I heard yelling, "I'm done doing this to kids! They've done nothing!" A voice exclaimed, it sounded like Monokuma. There was a female voice, "I don't care it's our job to destroy the world and cause despair! That's the only reason your useless as was created! " It sounded like Tsumugi. I said in place until I heard footsteps leave.

I turned the corner and saw a sad Monokuma. At least he regrets what he does. I sat down beside him and hugged him, "Kid, what are you doing?" He asked, "You just look like you need a hug. I heard everything" I said. Monokuma let go from the hug, "Shit, Tsumugi's gonna be pissed..." He mumbled.

I sighed and picked him up, " H-hey put me down! " He exclaimed making me laugh, I looked at him for a moment, "Uh kid?" I said. I snapped out of it and smiled, "Fuck it I'm adopting you, Miu already thinks your cool anyways because you helped me when I had that hanahaki motive." I said, the bears face lit up, "really?" He asked. I nodded and carried him into Miu's lab.

"Bitchlet we're adopting him!" I exclaimed, Miu turned around from what she was working on and smiled, "Yes!" She shouted, throwing her arms in the air as she danced.

"I have a son!" She exclaimed, I looked down at Monokuma who looked really confused yet happy.

"Listen, when we get out of here you're coming with us" I said, Monokuma nodded and we continued to watch my girlfriend dance for about twenty more minutes.

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