Chapter 2

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Wednesday 8:00 pm

I woke up from my nap, I got out of bed and made my way over to my desk and computer. I went to go and log on to the SMP when I remembered what happened before I took my nap. I got up and went to the bathroom to check on the scars. The bleeding has stopped so I just threw away the bandage and went back to my computer. I logged on and saw no one was on, I just stayed at the XP farm to get more levels and went on my phone for the time being. I heard a knock at my door, I wasn't expecting anyone to come over because it was getting kind of late. I walked over to the front door and opened it, I saw Dream standing outside, I was very surprised because he hadn't told me that he was coming over. I welcomed him in and saw he had an over night bag, I asked him why he had it and he said we hadn't had a sleepover in a while so he thought we should have one. I couldn't be happier.

(Dream's POV)

I decided to go over to Y/N's place so we can have a sleepover, we haven't had one in a long time and I miss hanging out. I invited Sapnap too because we are a little group, he said he would come buy later. Once I arrived to Y/N's house I knocked on the door and she opened it. She looked surprised but welcomed me in, I guess she must have noticed my over night bag because she asked why I had it, I told her that I missed hanging out and that we should have a sleepover. She agreed quickly. I told her also I had invited Sapnap, she smiled so I was guess omg it was okay. Y/N told me she only has one guess room now since she made one into an office for her set up. This mean someone was sleeping on the couch, and I know it wasn't me since I am here first. Looks like Sapnap will be sleeping on the couch, Y/N agreed with me. I went to the bathroom to go and get changed into something more comfortable.


Dream had told me he invited Sapnap as well and that he was coming later. I smiled, deep down was very happy, i haven't hung out with everyone for such a long time I missed this. Dream said he was going to go change into something more comfortable so he went to the bathroom. I took this opportunity to speed run cleaning the living room. It wasn't dirty but since Sapnap was sleeping on the couch I didn't want it to be dirty. Dream came out of the bathroom and asked me why there was a bloody bandage in the trash can. I froze right there and didn't know what to say. I came up with a lie and said I cut my self while shaving my legs, he seemed to believe me so I was in the clear. It's not that I don't trust Dream, it's that I don't want to hurt him, I don't need him hurting as much as I am right now. I soon heard a knock and I'm guessing it was Sapnap. I opened the door and it was in fact Sapnap. I hugged him and told him to come in. I think the hug caught him off guard because he kind of just stood there for a second, but he returned the hug. Dream and I both broke the news to Sapnap that he was the one sleeping on the couch since there was one one guess room. He looked at me with puppy eyes begging that Dream be the one to sleep on the couch. I was not arguing with Dream a 6'3 giant about where he was sleeping so I let Dream keep the guess room. I would have offered my room but you know how a depression room is, messy. If I would have known this sleepover was happening I would have at least tried to make it look decent.

A little into the night around 10:00 pm we decided to start watching a movie. I chose the movie because Sapnap and Dream couldn't stop fighting over what movie to watch. I chose Would You Rather. I got popcorn, candy, and some drinks and set them on the table for them to grab whenever. I sat down in between them both Dream was leaning on the right end of the couch and Sapnap was more in the middle of the couch which made me end up sitting closer to Sapnap. I didn't mind it, I hope he didn't mind. The movie was going alright other than the gory bits which made me squirm a little bit. Sapnap must have noticed because he pulled me closer to him. I was caught off guard by his actions but just let it happen. I looked over to see Dream looking at me, he did that little eyebrow raise and mouthed "ouuu" I just looked at him with a straight face and mouthed "stop" he seemed to listen and continue watching the movie. Every time a gory bit would come on I would just dig my face into Sapnaps chest trying not to hear or see the bit. He rubbed circles into my back and told me whenever the bit was over. I decided to get up and go to the bathroom because I need to think. I told Dream and Sapnap I would be back, that I was just going to the bathroom. They both nodded. I walked in to the bathroom and just stood in front of the mirror, thinking. Why is he acting like this, he doesn't like me, he's just being friendly to me. I like him, I can't though. I like him.

I walked out after a minute and sat back down next to Sapnap. Dream said he was going to head to bed so he got up and said goodnight. Both me and Sapnap both said goodnight. I looked at the time and saw that I was getting pretty late. It was almost midnight. I told Sapnap, he seemed to be getting tired. I told him that I felt bad he had to sleep on the couch, that I would offer my room but it was messy. He said he didn't care if it was messy so I just said if it's not weird we can just share the bed. He said he didn't care so we both made our way to my room. He got in bed and I went over to the bathroom to put my hair up, I walked back in and saw he had the covers opened indicating for me to get in. I slide into bed and I rolled on my side not facing Sapnap. I soon fell asleep.

Word count: 1182

AN: Hi guys! If you see any mistakes please let me know, I hope you like this chapter, I'm still getting into the flow of writing, this is very new to me I am trying my best!
Thank you!
See ya!

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