Chapter 5

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(Sapnap's POV)
Friday 9:00 am

I woke up and checked the time, it's pretty early. I don't think Dream is up yet and I can clearly see that Y/N isn't awake either. She looks so peaceful sleeping, she's cuddled on my chest and I can hear her faint breaths as she breathes in and out. I decided to just pass the time but going and checking my socials, I didn't want to wake her up because last night she seemed to be a little stressed. I didn't want to force her to talk so I just held her until she fell asleep in my arms. She looked so comfortable now.

An hour passes by and she's starting to wake up, it's now 10:00 am so it makes sense. I feel her start to move a around a little bit and I just greet her and say good morning beautiful. She just looks up at me and smiles, she still looks pretty tired not gonna lie. I want to ask her about last night but I don't know if I should bring it up or not. I don't want to pressure her or make her feel uncomfortable. I decided not to, she will come to me when she is ready to talk.

I'm getting pretty hungry so I asked her if we should go out to eat breakfast and that we should wake Dream up. She quickly nodded and agreed before running out the door, I'm guessing to wake Dream up.


Sapnap asked if we should go out to eat breakfast and I agreed, I quickly ran out of my room and ran into Dream's room to wake him up. I ran in and jumped on his bed telling him to wake up, I don't think he liked that too much but oh well. I told him we were going out to eat so he should get ready. He didn't seem to happy with the idea of having to wake up. I told him to be ready in 30 minutes because if not we were leaving without him.

With him still waking him up I decided to get ready myself, I didn't feel like dressing up so I just threw on a long sleeve tee and some black biker shorts. I didn't want to do my hair so I just put it up in a messy bun and called it a day at that. I brushed my teeth and washed my face and and put some shoes on, I was ready. I walked back into my room to see that Sapnap wasn't there, weird. I walked to the living room and saw him sitting on the couch all ready. A couple minutes later Dream walked out his room still looking tired but ready to go.

We all got into the car and Sapnap said he was going to drive, I wasn't complaining because I didn't want to drive and from looking at Dream he didn't look like he wanted to drive either.

We arrived at (your fav breakfast spot) and to be honest this is my favorite place so I'm happy that Sapnap chose this place. We got seated at a booth and we started looking over the menus, I already knew what I want but the guys wanted to look over all the options. When the waitress came by we all gave her our order. For three people we ordered a lot of food. I ordered (whatever you like to eat for breakfast), Sapnap ordered a stack of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and hash browns. Along with an orange juice. Dream ordered a Belgium waffle, also with eggs, bacon, and hash browns. He ordered a water and so did I.

We all got our food and we ate like we were starving. The guys finished way before me, they were literally shoveling that food into their mouths. I don't think they even tasted the food. I didn't finish all mine though, I got full. We got the check, we payed and we tipped and we were on our way out.

Word count: 687 words

AN: sorry this is such a short chapter. The next chapter will for sure be longer. I have been really trying to catch up on school, today was a long day and I got a lot of work so that's why I didn't make this chapter as long. Again thanks for all the reads! See ya next chapter! <3

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