* There's always more *

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"..... Even if they thought
that they knew everything
there was a lot more...."

Third Person's POV

" We have to make it fast to Busan, I want to come back by today . It's already 4:00 . ",
Taehyung said with a stern emotionless voice as they climbed down the stairs.

" It'll be long drive. The address in his profile says that his home is not in the city area. It's in the outskirts. ",
Namjoon said with a low voice. However the unconscious boy they has left upstairs was making him want to cry.

" It's really in the outskirts? ",
Taehyung asked raising his eyebrows.

" The file shows it and I think it's his real adress since his identity is real here. ",
Yoongi said with an uninterested tone. He wasn't feeling actually good about the situation.

" How ironic. He has told me about his home in Busan outskirts for atleast million times. ",
Taehyung scoffed.

" And there flowershop in local market....",
Hoseok mumbled unknowingly still staring at upstairs.

" Let's go. ",
Taehyung didn't want to think more as he knew the more he thinks,the more he'll feel powerless. He did not want to break down before everything.

He knew everyone was thinking that he's monster, he knew he was one. But it really hurts to hurt someone close to you, a someone whom he called brother from his heart , whom he loved whole heartedly. He didn't know what will happen next...he really didn't know..he just knew after he sees Jimin die...he will kill himself too... May be Jimin betrayed him, may be the later never called him brother from his heart but he did...he did everytime..he loved Jimin for real and what do a brother do if he has to see his little brother die? The brother dies as well... Taehyung will be relieved..he will complete his duty, keep his promise and then end himself for killing a person who was his soulmate.

The drive was silent as those two sports car crossed the boundaries of Seoul.

In the first white Lamborghini there was Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi.

Taehyung and Hoseok following them behind with the purple Lamborghini.

Both cars were running out of speed limits but they didn't care. Everything was broken and all of them were too messed up to talk.

Hoseok was looking down at his lap while tears weren't leaving his eyes, he never cried this much after his parents died. He never felt this much hurt in his life...he knew those tears weren't for the betrayal...it was for seeing that angelic boy cry in pain, laying on the floor unconscious. It was the deadly destiny that always fucked their life up.

Taehyung had a poker face, like he had no expressions at all. His face looked colour less as his eyes were straight on the road. But inside that poker face his entire self was silently breaking down.

The devilish demeanor was getting hit with guilty and the truths that the destiny revealed...

" Tae....",
Hoseok softly called touching Taehyung's knee.

" Yes hyung...? ",
Taehyung asked without even looking at the older cause he knew he'll break down if he sees the older's tears.

" Stop the car. Please. ",
Hoseok said and Taehyung finally looked at him.

" What-why? ",

" I said just stop the car. Stop hurting yourself silently! I know you're hurting inside. Please stop. ",
Hoseok said and Taehyung suddenly kicked the break.

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