* Brothers *

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.... Best friends by choice,
Related by blood,
Brothers by heart......”

Third Person's POV

" N-now tell me what do you all want me to do.... I beg you all... please.. don't take me to there again.. I can't face my Jimin... I can't... even after everything.. I don't want him to see me like this.. I don't want him to face everything.. I can't watch him hating himself... I just can't...",
Chun-hei said looking at Taehyung who was sobbing his hearts out as tears were staining his entire face.

" I-I'm so-sorry! Sorry...",
Namjoon uttered as he couldn't hold it anymore and clutched Jin's hand who was looking dead.

Hoseok was biting his lips as his eyes unintentionally scanned over those pages around the floor. He tears were automatically flowing.

" Sorry ...? Don't be boy. You all are just like my Jimin to me. I know somehow all of your past is related into one death circle. We all are different characters of the destiny game.....my bad that I thought I could save my Jimin...",
Chun-hei smiled in pain.

Taehyung suddenly got off from the floor and marched towards Chun-hei only to fall on his knees infront of Chun-hei, holding both of her hand.

" Auntie.....",
Taehyung sobbed out.

Chun-hei cried clutching her eyes shut.

" Auntie please... forgive me.... I'm... I'm sorry for everything.. I'm sorry for... for...",
Taehyung couldn't utter those next words.

" For hurting my Jimin...? ",
Chun-hei asked crying as well.

" Auntie... auntie I-.... I promise... I'll make everything right again.... I... I'll",
Taehyung cried as his heart was paining.

" Is there anything anymore to make right Tae...? ",
Chun-hei sobbed holding Taehyung's hands as well now.

" There is.... I'm I'm so so sorry.... I...we just... please...",
Taehyung couldn't say anything properly as he cried miserably.

Chun-hei sat infront of Taehyung and touched his chin.

" Stop crying Tae. I don't know what will happen now nor I have the strength to fight more.... but I... I trusted you... when Jimin told me about you...",
Chun-hei said.

" I ... I love him as my own brother auntie... I really do... I should have trusted him more than those papers.. I broke my promise.. the trust between us...anger... revenge.. they took over me... I.. I'm... I'm sorry...I..",
Taehyung sobbed.

" Your trust and love over him were this easy to break ? ",
Chun-hei asked with a sad chuckle.

" I'm... I... I'm sorry... I'm..just like my parents... I know.. I'm a monster..",
Taehyung's sobbed clutching his hair.

" No you are not. If you were....you wouldn't have been crying here infront of me. Regretting your deeds. But you know time never stops for our realisations...we better understand fast... either...time will take away the meaning of our realisations with it.....",
Chun-hei said crying and holding Taehyung's shoulders.

" I won't let it happen... I won't let anything to happen to my Jimin...he... he's my brother...my little brother... I'll make everything right again.... I Will....",
Taehyung sobbed.

" If he ever gets to know about his real identity....you can never save him..yes I'm his mother and I'm saying it..you just can't stop him from doing something when he's determined...the hatred for himself I saw in his eyes years ago... was...was... I just can't let him know anything...",
Chun-hei cried more.

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