Chapter 10

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This chapter is going to be a bit longer than usual  so be ready for that


(with the bat boys, early in the morning of Saturday) 

Its early in the morning like a good 4am early. Bruce was asleep surprisingly in his room, Jason, Tim, and Damian all meet up in the kitchen. They are planing on heading to jump as soon as they can

"Ok do we have everything we need" Tim asked 

"I think so. Lets see, guns, outfits, food, communicators, phones, box of cookies. Yeah I would say we have everything we need" Jason said 

"Why are you bringing your guns" Tim asked annoyed 

"You never know when someone needs to be shot in the head" Jason said shrugging

Damian and Tim both just shook their heads but didnt say anything more about it

"Ok so we have everything so lets get going" Damian said 

"I feel like we are forgetting something here" Tim said 

"Could it be the fact that it is 4 in the morning and master Bruce will be up in an hour master Timothy" 

Once again all of the boys jumped. They all turned with dead faces to see Alfred standing in the door way 

"DO YOU EVER SLEEP" Tim whispered yelled 

"Do you ever sleep Master Timothy" 

"Hes got you there Timmy" Jason said 

"Ok what ever, now like he said dad will be up in an hour, so its either we leave now or we leave when he is at work" Tim said 

"When he is at work, if we leave now then he will know something is up and look for us before we even have the chance to speak to Dick. We leave while he is at work and we have at least 5 hours till he knows we are gone giving us plenty of time to find and talk to Dick" Damian said 

"Kid makes a point, also in Jump its like a 2 am so nothing is happening anyways" Jason said 

"Ok so we leave when he goes to work and we know for sure he wont be coming back. Now Alfred......and hes gone never mind" Tim said 

"Is there a way to put like a tracker on him or a bell. Just something so we know he is there" Jason asked 

"Ive tried the tracker thing, he found it. Then when I tried the drinkable one he didnt drink it instead he drank a different drink" Tim said 

"We need something for him" Damian said

--timeskip because im lazy like that----

It is now a good 10 am we ate our food and then Bruce got ready for work. All of the boys waited for him to leave but it seemed like it was taking alot longer than usual, or at least thats what it seemed like to them since they want to leave so badly

"Ok im off to work, I will be coming home later than usual I have a few meetings before I can leave. You guys know the rules, and Jason this time try not to kill Damian" Bruce said and then walked out of the house

The boys waited about 20 minuets after they heard the car pull away, once they were sure he was gone they all ran down to the batcave and got ready

"Ok lets go over this one more time" Tim said 

"We got everything Tim, lets just get going ok" Jason said 

They were all in regular clothing with their suits on underneath. Jason helmet was in the book bag with everything else they were bringing. Jason also already eating the cookies Alfred gave them for when they get there

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