"𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 𝐥𝗼𝗼𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝗼 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆, 𝐈 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 - 𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒘."
Selene Black is the younger and only sister of Sirius Black, born the year Sirius ran away from home. After her other brother and her parents die, and Sirius is impri...
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"Where the hell have you been last night?" Luke asked me at the Gryffindor table as we ate breakfast. I had just woken up and came down for breakfast in the Great Hall. Once I was awake, Monica immediately asked about my whereabouts last night. To which I replied and lied that I was summoned at the Headmaster's office.
"Dumbledore's office," I yawned, taking a sip of coffee. "And don't ask why I was called there." I said in a serious tone, glaring at Luke.
"Well, sorry there." Luke chuckled, which made Ollie laugh.
"You almost gave us a heart attack last night," said Monica sternly. "And please, don't you dare go wandering around the castle late at night, unprotected with your brother on the loose."
I just moaned absent-mindedly, my attention was now focused on Remus, who was sipping a cup of coffee at the Head table and he seemed to be having a lovely chat with Professor Sprout.
That morning we had Charms and Potions with the Slytherins. Thankfully Snape hadn't taken away house points away from us. After that we had History of Magic, which was probably the most boring subject. Then I had Ancient Runes along with Monica.
It was Friday now, and Monica and I planned an all-girls night with our other female friends who were also Gryffindors for tonight at our dormitory. I only had a two hours left for the party, and I had only one subject which was Defence Against the Dark Arts.
Once Remus had entered, his glance immediately met my eyes as he smiled. I knew that he was trying to act casual and keeping his professional manner after we had bumped into each other last night, or should I say hours ago.
"Alright, good afternoon class," he spoke gently. "Would you all mind to pack your bags to the back of the class? You'll all be just be needing your wands. And er, please stand."
We all followed his requests, and we all stood at the left side of the room, and with a flick of his wand, all the tables slid into the back of the room, leaving a huge space in the classroom.
"And er, stand in the middle everyone." he hollered, as we all packed the space in the middle of the room, Remus told us to move a bit further.
"Now," he stated, standing in front of us. "As a quick recap from our previous meeting, we discussed about the Patronus Charm, the incantaion and how to produce one. Today, you'll all be conjuring one. You have five minutes to practice outside, then I'll be calling you one by one."
All of us exchanged looks of excitement as we left the classroom to practice. The afternoon sun brushed against my hand once we were all outside, it was so hot. Monica was breathing heavily beside me, wiping her sweat with a handkerchief as I saw Luke shielding his eyes from the scorching sun.
I quickly thought of every positive memory I had, my family complete, happy and laughing together, my friends and myself at Hogsmeade, when I first got my acceptance letter, and when Andy and Ted gladly took me away from Grimmauld Place.
"Expecto Patronum." I half-whispered.
A glimmering, white-shield like object appeared from my wand. That meant I was close, but not right. I kept on practicing, but still there was no corporeal patronus form appearing. I was a bit frustrated, but insisted that I needed happy memories to conjure one.
Two minutes had passed, and we were all instructed to return back to the classroom.
"Form a line everyone, no pushing!" Remus said.
We all formed a long line, but a few Slytherins were pushing and shoving us forward. "No pushing, please." Remus said again, serious yet gentle.
A few Hufflepuffs were called first, followed by a Ravenclaw. Most of them had not conjured a corporeal patronus, but a few did. Nevertheless, Remus was very encouraging to the students and smiled at them.
"Next!" Remus exclaimed, as Luke walked in front. "Expecto Patronum!" I heard him say, in a clear and loud voice. Just then, a huge, silver panda emerged from the tip of his wand. It slowly walked across the room, drawing amusement from us. I heard Monica gasping and laughing in delight as well as Ollie. The creature was nibbling Luke's cheek, which caused Luke to chuckle slightly.
"Excellent!" Remus laughed as Luke proceeded to the back of the line. Ollie then came up, but no animal came out of his wand, just a shimmering and silver light.
"Nice try, Mr. Wood." Remus smiled.
"You did nice, Ollie." Monica whispered behind Olliems ear, which made him smile radiantly.
After two or more students, Monica's name was called. "Expecto Patronum!" she exclaimed, and at the tip of her wand, a silver elephant emerged. It ran across the room, much like Luke's patronus, but it was faster and blew its trunk, loudly. Monica's eyes were widened with surprise and she was smiling broadly.
"Thank you Ms. Dowson!" Remus laughed, as Monica sheepishly said 'thank you' to him and proceeded to the back. "Next, Ms. Black!"
My eyes widened in shock, and I felt the corners of my lips rising, but I resisted immediately. I stepped forward, with a sense of confidence. I took my wand from my pocket, Remus was looking at me encouragingly. I closed my eyes briefly, letting all the happiest memories I've ever had flood through me as possible.
"Expecto Patronum!" I said loudly.
Then, a huge black female dog came from my wand. It ran around the classroom rambunctiously. I smiled and laughed slightly, a dog was my favorite animal ever since I was small, but with the color black, it made me love them even more. I saw Remus who was looking at the patronus in awe as he smiled, before the dog returned to me.
"Good thing your patronus is a dog." said Luke as I walked at the back of the line.
"Well, I'm your neighborhood dog lover." I smirked, which caused Ollie and Monica to laugh.
More students were called to produce their patronuses. Then, the bell rang, which meant that it was our free period.
"Well, that was fun. That's enough for today, I'd like you all to collect your things, and that's the end of the lesson. Thank you, everyone!" Remus said cheerfully, as we all packed our bags and left the classroom.
I looked around, Remus was packing his books on his desk before our eyes met. He smiled once more. "Outstanding." he mouthed, which caused me to blush before I left the classroom.