83| Jealousy, Jealousy

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A/N: A sprinkle of Fred Weasley



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"Happy Birthday to you!"

January 6th. The afternoon of Ana's 36th birthday.

Sirius had made sure everything was going to be perfect for her birthday, dragging everyone including the kids out of bed at three in the morning, ordering us to dress our best and make sure that this would be, as Sirius quote, "Ana's perfect day".

"Now, make a wish." Sirius said giddily with a bright grin, as she paused for a few moments and blew her candles. He wrapped his hand around her neck and the other still holding the cake with ease as they shared a passionate kiss.

The room broke into unenthusiastic applauses, and I could even hear Ron yawning and stretching his arms in exhaustion.

"Well, what's the matter with everyone? Let's eat!" he stated, seeing everyone's tired and gloomy faces.

"What's the matter?" I groaned, and crossed my arms. "You woke almost everyone up at three, and my sleeping problems are starting to kick in again." Remus had again gone for an Order mission with a few others at London and would be back at four o'clock.

"Whatever, anyways, let the afternoon feast begin." Sirius smirked, clapping his hands. The kitchen was filled with laughter and excited chatter, the trio sitting with the birthday celebrant as they talked and Sirius chatting with some of the other Order members.

As I sat with Tonks by the table, my eye caught Fred cautiously leaving the kitchen, his footsteps' sounds reducing as he ventured into the hallway and climbed upstairs.

"That's a weird sight." I mumbled, sipping a mug of Butterbeer. 

"What weird sight?" Tonks asked, grabbing a treacle tart.

"Fred rarely leaves a room without George. They're always together, you rarely see them apart." I replied.

"Haven't they received separate detentions?" she grinned.

I chuckled. "I don't think so. I'll go check on him, I guess something's wrong."

I went out of the kitchen, and nobody seemed to notice, once I had arrived upstairs, I already knew where he was just by seeing the ajar door of his bedroom and him sitting on his bed as he constantly rubbed his hands with a small smirk tugging his lips.

"Hey, is everything alright?" I sat next to him, the brown eyes locking with mine as he heard my voice.

"Yeah, and you?"

"Everything's fine, Fred," I smiled at him. "You know, I find it quite weird seeing you without – George. You're always together, I've never seen the two of you apart."

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