"𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 𝐥𝗼𝗼𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝗼 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆, 𝐈 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 - 𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒘."
Selene Black is the younger and only sister of Sirius Black, born the year Sirius ran away from home. After her other brother and her parents die, and Sirius is impri...
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"You said that the last time we played, Selene. And we lost." Ollie sighed desperately as he clobbered his fingernails on the hardwood of the table.
Ollie was getting despondent and was beginning to lose his confidence ever since the previous game in which we lost to Hufflepuff.
"Look at me Oliver Wood," I said. "Trust me, we ARE going to win this time. I'm a hundred percent sure, all you gotta do is trust and believe in yourself and everything will be alright!"
He sighed deeply and drank his Pumpkin Juice.
"That's got to help him." Monica muttered to my ear.
We all exited the Great Hall and proceeded to the changing room. And after a very inspiring speech from Ollie, we were standing in the pitch in no time. The number four printed on the back of my Quidditch robe as usual and my fingerless gloves, I clutched tightly unto my broom waiting for Hooch's signal.
"Wood, Davies, shake hands," said Hooch, as Ollie shook hands with the Ravenclaw captain. "Mount your brooms ... on my whistle ... three – two – one –" she glanced at all of us briskly before she threw the quaffle high in the air and we heard the sharp blow of her whistle.
The adrenaline of the game had started almost immediately, the crowd roaring with cheers and applauses, Lee Jordan's ridiculous (in Mcgonagall's perspective) yet quite comical commentary. I was in my element, Angelina who was the closest to the quaffle had zipped forward as the quaffle landed very adequately in her hands as she made her way past the Ravenclaw chaser.
I narrowly missed the first bludger until George had successfully dodged it, sending me an apology that I couldn't hear clearly but I nodded my head. With the quaffle in my hand, I steered my way out of the second Ravenclaw chaser, who was then hit in the shoulder by a bludger making him whine loudly and fall from his broom.
I squint my eyes in sympathy and zoomed towards the hoop and threw the quaffle at the last minute before the Keeper could even try to stop me from doing so. We were up, by a decent bit, but the important thing was that Harry must catch the Snitch soon, and I could hear Ollie yell at Harry from a distance to stop being such a gentlemen to the Ravenclaw seeker – Cho Chang.
As I blinked, I heard the cheers become louder and louder, and by instinct, I knew that Harry and Cho must've seen the Snitch at last. Katie quickly passed the quaffle at me, landing safely in my hands, and I zipped as fast as I could to pass it to Ollie who was waiting at the hoops.
As I scored, I looked down to see four dark figures, I immediately knew that these were Dementors. My heart was pounding fast, I searched the sky hoping that Harry wouldn't fall this time. But I wasn't prepared for the next sight I saw, a silvery light emitting through the air as it drove away the figures and I felt myself smiling proudly.
I saluted at Harry, who smiled thankfully at me. With the roars coming from the Gryffindor stands, and the students looking mental, I knew that we had won. Hooch blew her whistle and the whole team beared down at him, giving him tight embraces.
"That's my boy!" Ollie exclaimed. Angelina and Katie had all kissed Harry. Fred had him in a tight grip. Ollie's grin was so wide that it reached his ears, making him look like the Cheshire Cat and kept spinning me around yelling 'We did it, Selene! We did it!'
The whole Gryffindor house engulfed the field, with Ron on the lead, attacking him with congratulations of delight once we made our way on the ground. "Well done, Harry!" said Percy pompously, "Ten Galleons to me! Must find Penelope, excuse me –"
He gave me a pat of congratulations before disappearing to the sea of the cheering crowd. I nodded to the students who were patting my back and sending me with tons of congratulations. "Bloody brilliant, Harry!" I squealed, giving Harry a tight hug. "Excellent Patronus! It's not everyday you get to see a third-year conjuring such a hard spell!" "Thanks." Harry said sheepishly.
Remus had so happened to appear, leading Harry at the edge of the field, looking so timid yet pleased. I made my way through the crowd, and followed behind the two and to my disgust, it turned out that the 'Dementors' were actually Malfoy and his gang of friends including their team's captain Marcus Flint. The four were looking very petrified as Mcgonagall was mounted over them. And the look on her face was surely not happy.
"An unworthy trick!" she was shouting. "A low and cowardly attempt to sabotage the Gryffindor Seeker! Detention for all of you, and fifty points from Slytherin!"
"Next time Malfoy does this, I'm gonna hex him." I announced boldy, Remus turning around as well as Harry. "Selene." he said calmly, as I grinned proudly.
"Congratulations." Remus smiled, shaking my hand and I started to smile and before I could even thank him I was interrupted by a loud voice.
Monica was running towards us, her hair was messier than ever and her robes were quite untidy. "Good day, Professor," said Monica nodding at Remus. "Great game, and congrats Harry! Come on, to the common room, you too Harry!" She excitedly pulled Harry's arm as we ran back to the crowd.
"See you!" Remus mouthed, as I flashed a smile at him before we were engulfed by the cheering Gryffindors.
The party was absolutely tremendous, scarlet banners were hanging across every surface. The party went on the whole day and well into the night. Fred and George Weasley disappeared and after two hours, they returned with armfuls of bottles of Butterbeer, pumpkin fizz and several bags full of Honeydukes sweets.
The boys started singing 'We are the Champions' by the muggle rock band called Queen and were joined by the girls, too including me. After the song they roared with cheers and whistles, and I was laughing, covering my ears. Monica and I were leaning against the wall, sipping glasses of firewhiskey and we had tied our Gryffindor neckties around our heads. She had about 10 cups of firewhiskey, and the two of us began to dance widly with the twins, Lee, Ollie, Luke and the other boys. It was the first time I've ever seen Monica act this way, but I was loving it.
"To Selene," Ollie announced, raising his glass. "One of the best chasers of our team, without her advice, we probably wouldn't be here celebrating." "To Selene!" they all said, as I chuckled and raised mine as well.
At around 1:00 in the morning, Mcgonagall had turned up in the common room, insisting that it was time for bed, saying that we already celebrated enough. Majority of the Gryffindors groaned in disappointment. But still, I knew she was just as happy as we were and looked she was waiting for the proper moment to boast it in Snape's face.
"Night you two." Ollie and Luke yawned, waved me and Monica goodnight before they proceeded to their dormitory.
"Alright, everyone! Head to your dormitories! Now, I will not hear any complaints from any of you!" Percy yelled, his bossy nature resurfacing once more.
"I think I'm drunk, Selene." Monica groaned caressing her forehead, almost stumbling on the steps as I had to help her walk back to our dormitory.