32| Luke Montez

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Remus had finally arrived back with Madam Pomfrey after apparently five minutes after he brought me to the Hospital Wing

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Remus had finally arrived back with Madam Pomfrey after apparently five minutes after he brought me to the Hospital Wing.

It turns out that all my ribs on my left side were broken due to the nasty fall I received during the match. But luckily, I did not hit my head that hard when I plummeted to the ground but my rivs were the only issue.

Remus and Madam Pomfrey informed me that it was Marcus Flint, the Captain of the Slytherin team had caused me to fall of my broom. It all made sense, because I could recall something hitting my shoulder very hard before I fell.

They also told me that Mcgonagall and the rest of the Gryffindors were outraged by Flint and the other Slytherins. And their house had lost more points and Flint had received detention for his actions although Flint kept insisting that he had 'didn't see me' and that he 'didn't do it on purpose'.

Madam Pomfrey demanded that I should stay at the Hospital Wing overnight, although she had fixed my ribs up less than an hour. She was humming as she fluffed my pillow in order to make me more comfortable and went to the bed in the corner to fuss over a first year Hufflepuff who had been hexed so badly.

Remus had chosen to stay as Madam Pomfrey bandaged my left side during the healing process. Madam Pomfrey had instructed me to take off my Quidditch robes so that she could bandage my ribs properly. Remus looked away awkwardly as I lifted my clothes to reveal my left abdomen and I silently prayed in my mind that she wouldn't notice my cheeks turning red. He crossed his leg and tried to hide his snickering by covering his mouth with his hand.

I cringed at the taste of the horrid potion that Madam Pomfrey gave me that was a shade of light green.

"No need to worry Ms. Black, tomorrow you'll be back in your common room." Madam Pomfrey muttered before leaving me and Remus to tend to the Hufflepuff student laying in his bed in the corner of the room.

"Thanks for helping me back there." I said, after a few moments of silence and a bit surprised that he chose to stay with me.

"It was nothing." he said, nodding his head.

I quickly snatched the blanket and slid under the covers. The room fell into a complete silence after that and I fell into a contented sleep, still exhausted after the match. I heard him scrambling his chair closer to my bed and after a moment without hesitation, his hand reached through the smooth blanket and grabbed mine.

My heart jumped a bit in my chest, as I felt his calloused yet warm fingers wrap around my fingers but soon fell into a pool of comfort, knowing that I was safe and in peace with him by my side. His thumb rubbed soft circles around my knuckles. He kissed my forehead tenderly and I released a contened sigh.

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