107| I Gave You My Heart

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A/N : This is an apology chapter, as I feel so drained out lately from school and I feel like I'm not giving my 100 percent best in this story.
But your comments and votes literally give me life, I don't know what to do without ya'll.

Thank you for listening to my TED talk :)

Thank you for listening to my TED talk :)

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"Tell me all about it." I whispered to him that night, slipping under the blankets and laying next to him, stroking the back of his head gently with my fingers.

"That feels so good, sweetheart," Remus mumbled absent-mindedly, his eyes flickering shut at the sensation of my touch. "Never did I realize I would miss your touch so bad."

"What was it like there? Living undercover with... the werewolves?" I questioned him, looking at his tired eyes. "What did you do?"

"Nothing much, honestly. It's like the Order meetings, but I don't get along with them. Half of then were already Voldemort, so... all I had to do was sit down with them and hear them spit out terrible word about the people I care about." he replied, slightly shuddering.

"Like what?" my curiousity kicking in and frowning at the pained expression of his face.

"One of them called out Sirius' disloyalty to the Death Eaters and Voldemort for fifteen years, they've been thinking that this was his redemption to the Black Family but were in complete shock when his name got cleared.
They called Ana a traitor as well, well... of course, her brother was one of the most loyal Death Eaters," he grimaced. "Someone even mentioned you."

"They did?"

"Yes, they asked if I knew the 'long-lost younger sister of Sirius and Regulus Black'. I lied about it, it was complete agony for me. I didn't sleep that much during the night, it felt painful not sleeping beside you, and pretending to not know who you were."

I planted a soft kiss on his lips.

"Don't worry, you're here with me now." I said reassuringly, cupping his cheek.

"Oh, do you have my ring?"

I grinned. "And I thought you forgot about it."

I stuck out my thumb, the only finger where his silver wedding ring fitted. He chuckled gently, pulling it away before finally placing it back on his ring finger.

"I missed you. It's nice to have this back." he mumbled, eyes locked on the ring.

"By the way, Molly invited us to stay in the Burrow over the Christmas break, if it's alright with you." I muttered, propping my pillows against the headboard so I could lay down more comfortably.

"Of course, my love." he smiled.

I giggled to myself as I traced my fingers along his sharp jaw, my eyes surveying his beard, much to his confusion.
"You look sexy with that." I commented, he laughed as he ran his hand through my hair.

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