92| Love Me

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Charles froze for a few moments, looking away from Regulus' face in the tapestry

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Charles froze for a few moments, looking away from Regulus' face in the tapestry. I simply stared at him, demanding an aswer.

"No," he said, clearing his throat. "W-why would you think that?"

I looked back at the tapestry. "It's strange, but that saying of yours, I remember hearing that quote from someone, I don't really remember who said it. Your voice sounds a bit familiar. You somehow know the reason why Andromeda was disowned. And everytime you look at me, you look concerned and sad, like we've met before and even asked me before how Sirius was doing even though I already answered the question right after."

"Of course I'd be concerned, that's just a part of my personality. And the thing with your cousin, it's just a wild guess."  he insisted.

"I guess so," I said, doubt quite obvious in my voice. "But I really have this strong feeling we've met before. Did we really meet before?"

"No." he replied bluntly.

I slightly pouted my lips. "Oh, I see. But if we really did meet before, then it's been nice to see you again."

He chuckled.

"You know, we should head back by now before the groom notices his wife has been gone for a while."

"I agree." I sighed, he linked my arm around his as we proceeded back to the room where the reception was being held.

"Ah, finally you two are just in time!" Molly squealed, hurrying through the crowd and quickly pulled me back to my new husband, who let out a small sigh of relief as he finally saw me.

"Your drink m'lady." he winked, handing me a glass of champagne.

"Attention guests, Order members" Sirius tapped his wand against the champagne bottle with a delicate smile.

Oh this will be good, I said to myself

"To Moony, my new brother-in-law and one of the few friends that I've had and stayed with me 'til the very end," he began as the room fell into an abrupt silence. The twins looked at each other with slight smirks and muttered "Wormtail" under their breaths.

" – and to my dearest sister, my partner in crime and someone that I've grown to love since the day we first met. I am ..... incredibly honored to be surrounded with two wonderul people like you –" he paused, cleared his wobbly throat. "– and give me lots of nieces and nephews."

He raised his bottle higher in the air, his eyes looking across the room and to us, a proud smile engraved upon his face.
"To Remus and Selene."

The room echoed his words with raised glasses, he looked down at me from the many inches of height he had on me.

"To us." we both said, our glasses clinking against each other. His eyes were bright and serene, reflecting back the hovering lights that twinkled above us as he kissed my head very tenderly.

Can You Love Me Most? | 𝘙𝘦𝘮𝘶𝘴 𝘓𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘯Where stories live. Discover now