13| The Marauder's Map

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"I'm very sorry about the outcome of the game

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"I'm very sorry about the outcome of the game."

I whisked my head around to see Remus, who was standing alone, he was wearing a rather shabby grey cloak, a scarf was wrapped around his neck.

I tried to resist a tired smile, but couldn't.

"Well, reckon that it's- it's not my time yet. I've been waiting, practicing for weeks. I feel that I'm such a failure, Remus." I sighed, kicking the loose stones against my foot.

"Hmm, don't be," said Remus, his smile so adorable and encouraging. "You were brilliant. Watching you fly on your broom, catching the Quaffle. It-it's amazing. It's the first time in years that I've seen a Great chaser step into the field with such confidence and charm."

I felt my cheeks becoming warm and the next thing I knew, I was blushing intensely, and I slowly realized that the two of us were already walking side by side.

"Thanks." I chuckled, gazing at his soft smile. "D-did you play? You know, when you were in school? What position were you in?" I asked curiously, adjusting my ponytail.

He laughed, his soft, green eyes rustled at my question, which I found absolutely adorable. "In Merlin's name of course not, I wasn't very good when riding a broom. And – I wasn't very good at catching or aiming anything. But still, I never missed a Quidditch match throughout my seven years in school."
he said fondly.

I smiled.

"You know, your brother tried out for Chaser in our second year, but he didn't get it," Remus sighed, his face sort of filled with sadness then suddenly smiled. "But Sirius, he had an exceptional talent in Quidditch. That bloke threw a tantrum in our dormitory when he didn't get the position. He looked like a wailing Mandrake."

I laughed all of a sudden, unable to control my laughter and punched Remus's shoulder slightly, hoping that he was just joking around.
"Well, it's true." he giggled, like a small child.

Then, it struck me. I remembered Sirius. The night I first met my brother. For the past days, I've been arguing with myself should I tell Remus that I met Sirius. I never told a single person, not even Monica, nor Luke or Ollie.

I hated keeping secrets from everyone. It hurted deep inside if I told a lie. And Remus, should I tell him? Or not?

"Remus? I-I need to tell you something. And please, please promise me you won't spill everything I told you. There's something that's been weighing on me lately, and you're the only person I could talk to," I said, taking a deep breath before finally blurting out. "I saw him."

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