Bright Morning

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The sun slid lazily above the horizon,

With its light radiating over the world

The sun seem invisible,

The moon hiding in the sky.

The bird's leaving their nest,

While their little ones chirping,

The changing colors of the sky,

Giving chills to our eyes

Is an extraordinary sight.

With the rivers gushing,

The birds flying,

The chill wind freezing,

An amazing day is ahead.

With everyone bustling,

Not everyone realizes how

Nature spreads positivity every morning,

But you can!!!



Hi Fellas! I know that my writings are not upto your expectations... but I'm still learning so please bear with me!

At 7AM, I was sitting in the balcony with coffee in my hand and I realized how wonderful the God has created the world... I was captivated by the beauty.

And that inspired me to write this poem... Hope you like it!

Please vote and comment.... if you're a silent reader then at least vote... because these votes and comments are what motivates me to write...

With lots of love,


Happy Reading!☺

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